Tag: Cardinal

Data for chart above is 12/21/2014, 8:37 pm EST, New York, NY. Chart by Astro.com.

New Moon in Capricorn: Beginnings and Endings

Happy Capricorn New Moon! Happy solstice! If you’re in the northern hemisphere, it’s the start of a new season — winter! Time to start fresh in all things Capricorn — career, status, leadership, ambition, and success. The new moon will be exact on December 21, 2014 at 8:37 pm EST, 0 degrees Capricorn. […]

Photo by Jeremy Thomas. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Uranus Square Pluto: Round Three

So here we are, the third of seven exact Uranus/Pluto squares — the defining astrological aspect of a generation. While the first aspect was last May, the square encompasses a larger swath of time that is and will be notable for intense, revolutionary change. Make no mistake this is potent […]

Data for chart above is 3/27/2013, 5:27 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by Astro.com.

Full Moon in Libra: Springing Forth

Happy Full Moon in Libra! This is the time of the month when the seeds planted at the new moon come to fruition. And with the Full Moon in Libra (5:27 am EDT, 6 Libra/Aries), the fruit of our labors center on beauty, grace, diplomacy, manners, and one-on-one relationships. Think […]

On 2012

On 2012

Over the last few years, “2012” has become this thing, this concept loaded with cultural speculation and a touch of doomsday hysteria. I’m not sure when exactly it entered mass consciousness, but somewhere, somehow — perhaps the new age community is to blame — the collective latched onto this idea […]

The Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction of 2010

What great leap in consciousness did you make 13 years ago? What radical new concept infused into your life? What jolt did you receive to your philosophy or beliefs? Think back to the first few months of 1997. Anything? The reason I point out this specific period in our lives […]

Personal Growth and the Cardinal Climax

Previously, I’ve written about the rough and tumble energies that are present in the Saturn-Pluto square and the earthquakes — both personal and physical — that have been disrupting our lives. However that energy is going to take on a new tenor when the planets Uranus and Jupiter join the […]