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Astro Daily: December 21, 2022

Astro Daily: December 21, 2022

Welcome to Capricorn Season! The Sun crosses into the 10th sign of the zodiac and marks the winter solstice. It’s the longest night of the year here in the northern hemisphere and we celebrate the return of the light. It’s a season to build and reach for our goals.

Astro Daily: December 20, 2022

Astro Daily: December 20, 2022

Jupiter arrives in Aries, making a great crossing from one end of the zodiac to another. It’s a new cycle as well as a new voyage. While Jupiter was in Aries from May to October, this revisit marks a new phase, a burst of life as we leave Sagittarius Season.

Astro Daily: December 19, 2022

Astro Daily: December 19, 2022

It’s the last day for Jupiter in Pisces, a sign that it won’t return to for another twelve years. As it hovers at the last degree of sign as well as the last degree of the zodiac, it’s a day to prepare ourselves for the next grand chapter, leaving behind the past.

Webinar Clip — The Astrology of 2023

Webinar Clip — The Astrology of 2023

Want to know what to expect in 2023? From Pluto’s first arrival in Aquarius to Saturn in Pisces, there are a couple of major changes on the horizon. What will it mean for you? Join me for a 3-hour presentation on the astrology of 2023, including a sign-by-sign look.

Astro Daily: December 16, 2022

Astro Daily: December 16, 2022

Mercury in Capricorn makes a trine to Uranus in Taurus, a flash of insight and new perspective for the planet of communication, education, and choice. Be open to inventive solutions to old problems. Make choices that break free from the past.

Photo by Toni Frost on Unsplash

Astro Daily: December 15, 2022

Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries, a series of three aspects during Mercury’s long journey through Capricorn that takes us into the end of January. Mercury and Chiron are the courage to say the hard thing, to set healthy boundaries in relationships.

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Astro Daily: December 14, 2022

The Sun makes its final square to Neptune in a series of aspects that takes us back to March 13. Neptune is better felt than seen. It pulls at the edges of reality, blurring its boundaries. It can inspire deep emotional movements and acts of compassion.

Photo by Daniel Kuberek on Unsplash

Astro Daily: December 13, 2022

The Leo Moon has us in a philosophical mood, adding to an arrangement of planets that want us to answer big questions. That said, a Leo Moon’s priority is always passion and adventure. How does that help us to reorient our compass find larger truths?

Photo by Jasmin Chew on Unsplash

Astro Daily: December 12, 2022

The Sagittarius Sun picks up on support from Saturn in Aquarius, a firm hand as we start our week. Time to get organized, focused on our priorities, and make commitments for the future. Saturn brings clarity to decisions. A Leo Moon helps us to find vision.