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Astro Daily: September 28, 2015

Happy Monday! We had a powerful Aries lunar eclipse yesterday that ignited the energies of Virgo even more. (Aries is ruled by Mars; Mars is in Virgo; Jupiter is in Virgo as well.) Keep in mind that lunar eclipses are a time when we really see things for what they […]

Data for chart above is 9/27/2015, 10:50 pm EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Aries: The Scalpel

Happy Aries Full Moon! Happy lunar eclipse! This is the time of year when we feel a push to take action, get motivated, be a leader, examine how we use our will, and bravely begin again. Full moons are decision points and we may have a choice to make in the […]

Photo by Tom Féjer. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Saturn in Sagittarius: The Quest Begins

After three hard years in Scorpio, Saturn arrives in Sagittarius in 2015 for an extended stay. Few signs can mark such a stark divide. If Scorpio is a passage through life’s darkest experiences, then Sagittarius is the light and faith to see us through to the other side.

Data for chart above is 9/13/2015, 2:41 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Virgo: In Service

Happy Virgo New Moon! Happy solar eclipse! This is the time of year when we begin a new lunar month in support of health, wellness, acts of service, humility, and getting our lives organized. Plus, this new moon is a solar eclipse, which means that we’re starting a powerful six […]

Photo by Jesús Pérez Malpica. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

September 2015 Horoscopes

Change is afoot! Any time you have an eclipse — and we’ll have two this month — you know that one narrative will end and another will begin. The solar eclipse on September 13 will set us on a new six month course, bringing to a close one that began with […]

Data for chart above is 8/29/2015, 2:35 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Pisces: Divine Purpose and Action

Happy Pisces Full Moon! This is the time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on compassion, sensitivity, mysticism, intuition, illusions, art, sacrifice, and unconditional love. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, connecting us to the universality of existence and the liminal space between this life and the next. The full moon […]

Data for chart above is 8/14/2015, 10:54 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

Leo New Moon: Working Our Talents

Happy Leo New Moon! This is the time of the year when we begin a lunar month in support of creativity, performance, self expression, identity, romance, and fun. Leo is a sign, after all, that loves a good party, reminding us to be joyful, childlike and playful. The new moon will be exact […]

Photo by Lauren Mancke. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Jupiter in Virgo

If Jupiter in Leo was all about fun, creativity, and self expression, Virgo, by contrast, couldn’t be more different. It’s humble, exacting, pragmatic … and loves a good spreadsheet.

Photo by Tobias Gradert-Hinzpeter. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

August 2015 Horoscopes

Here comes the Sun! August is all about Leo, a sign that wouldn’t want it any other way. Leo is the king, the artist, the larger than life presence that is often channeled into performance and drama. While Leo may be a natural for the stage, it’s ultimately a sign […]

Data for chart above is 7/31/2015, 6:43 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Aquarius: Where Do You Belong?

Happy Aquarius Full Moon! This is the time of the year when we shine a light on friendships, camaraderie, community, connection, and humanitarian ideals. Aquarius is also a future oriented sign. What are our hopes and dreams? Our wish for something better? The full moon will be exact on July 31, 2015 […]

Photo by Wil Stewart. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astrology and Consciousness

Working with the sun sign reading public as I do on Facebook, I often see first hand the destructive power of good/bad thinking in astrology, this idea that some planets are good and some planets are bad. Recently, when I discussed a classical technique called planetary strength, people spun out […]

Photo by Ananda Escudero Gomes. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

On Venus

We wish to unveil Venus, planet of beauty. She is the perfection of creation, the five petals of the rose in harmony with all things, divine and material. She waits for the choice of man so it may be sown into the threads of creation. It is in the light she resides, patient, luminous.