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December 2015 Horoscopes

December is Sagittarius season, a time when we look toward the horizon, cast our arrows toward a better future, and set off in search of adventure. With Jupiter over in Virgo, this month will open up opportunities for service, order, craft, and purity. How will we channel Sagittarius’s enthusiasm? Toward helping others as well as compassion […]

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Astro Daily: December 1, 2015

Happy December! Wow, we’re about to put the wraps on 2015. Per usual, I’m tardy with my monthly horoscopes. As we all patiently wait for them, here’s a couple of things to keep in mind. The Sun is in Sagittarius and Jupiter, the ruler of Sag, is over in Virgo […]

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Astro Daily: November 30, 2015

We’re contrasting between elements today. On one hand, with the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Leo, we’re feeling the fire. Think creativity, adventure, travel, self expression, and performance. Sag and Leo make for fun loving, dynamic energy, too. But the Sun just made a conjunction to Saturn and […]

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Astro Daily: November 27, 2015

Another layer to all this Saturn/Neptune angst, questioning of spirituality, and faith is tomorrow’s Chiron station. When a planet stations, which is to say that it comes to a halt and changes direction, it saturates the collective with its archetype. And what is Chiron? Deep emotional knots that we get […]

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Astro Daily: November 26, 2015

Today Saturn and Neptune make an exact square, a connection that doesn’t happen very often. A square is friction; two planets running up against each other with different agendas and Saturn and Neptune couldn’t be more different. If Saturn is structure and worldly ambitions, then Neptune is sacrifice, release, and […]

Data for chart above is 11/25/2015, 5:44 pm EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Gemini: Commitment

Happy Gemini Full Moon! This is the time of the year when the spotlight is on communication, writing, ideas, learning, education, multitasking, movement, and siblings. Gemini is the sign of choice as well as duality. With that in mind, the full moon will be exact on November 25, 2015 at […]

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Astro Daily: November 24, 2015

Mercury will make a conjunction to Saturn today and if you’re a Gemini or a Virgo, you may be feeling a pressure to figure things out, make a commitment, and get clarity. Mercury is communication, movement, thinking, and learning. The mind is focused, sharp. Even if you’re neither of these […]

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Astro Daily: November 23, 2015

Happy birthday, Sagittarius! You’re the sign that teaches us to think big, cast our eyes to the horizon, and set off on great adventures. Ruled by the planet Jupiter, you are the philosopher, the preacher, the teacher, the vagabond, and the explorer. Sagittarius has a reputation for great wisdom — […]

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Astro Daily: November 20, 2015

After zipping through Scorpio, Mercury will trade its X-ray vision for a one way ticket to a far off, exotic destination when it arrives in Sagittarius at 2:43 pm EST. Technically Mercury in its detriment in Sagittarius, but how can travel, philosophy, education, and publishing be such a bad place […]

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Astro Daily: November 19, 2015

We may be caught in a haze of Neptune and pondering the meaning of life, but let’s look to Venus in Libra. The planet of value, relationships, and diplomacy will make a couple of bumpy aspects to Pluto and Uranus over the coming days. First up is tomorrow’s square between […]

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Astro Daily: November 18, 2015

Ever since Saturn went into Sagittarius back in September and Jupiter in Virgo in August, both picking up on the energy of Neptune in Pisces, we’ve been working through themes of faith, meaning, spirituality, purpose, and service. There’s a lot of tension in the sky between the invisible and the […]

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Astro Daily: November 17, 2015

Yesterday I spoke about Neptune and how we’re feeling its effects this week as it prepares to turn direct on Wednesday, November 18. Neptune blurs the lines of reality. It purifies like a slow moving tide. It reminds us to reconnect to Spirit and rediscover unity, compassion, and forgiveness. If […]