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Photo by Stephen Cook on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 14, 2019

We’re in the middle of some tough astrology, astrology that reminds me that if we want something bad enough we need to be prepared to climb, endure. Of course there will be doubts, but if we don’t push ourselves we’ll never know what we are capable of.

Photo by Odin Lee on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 13, 2019

The Moon in Scorpio activates a growing opposition between Mars in Cancer and Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. It may be a day when deep emotions come up, especially repressed emotions. Try to use healthy means in which to release them.

Photo by Derick McKinney on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 12, 2019

Things starting to heat up as Mars meets up with the North Node of the Moon today. It’s all about direction. Like an arrow, Mars launches us in a new direction. Be open to new opportunities, ones that are more aligned with our heart, what we want.

Photo by Landon Martin on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 11, 2019

Libra Moon day, one that on one hand might social, engaging, or even creative, but also activates an intense opposition between Mars and Mercury to Saturn and Pluto. Diplomacy and a light touch is needed. A kind word goes a long way.

Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 10, 2019

We start the week on the midst of some big deal astrology. While some of it’s subtle, tugging on emotions and questions of faith and meaning, some of it’s confrontational. There’s a face off brewing between Mars, Mercury, and Saturn and it’s a major reality check.

Photo by Marion Michele on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 7, 2019

We start our weekend with a Leo Moon, bringing in the energies of creativity and passion. This is a Moon that loves to be loved. It also loves having fun, perfect for your Friday and Saturday. With the Gemini Sun plus aspects to Jupiter, travel is highlighted too.

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 6, 2019

The Moon trades Cancer for Leo, element water for fire, the energies of emotional connection for the energies of creation. We have a little more wind in our sails and expect the next couple of days to be busy with activities, appointments, and movement.

Photo by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 5, 2019

Today’s Cancer Moon not only reminds us to take care of ourselves and to make sure we’re having heart-to-heart connection, but it’s also a reminder that we’re on the cusp of eclipse season and Cancer is a sign that’s powerfully leading us forward this year.

Photo by Emma Dau on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 4, 2019

Mercury moves into Cancer and we enter a new phase of Gemini Season, one that’s driven by heart-to-heart communication and connection. Information alone isn’t enough. It’s about listening and empathy. It’s also a day of new beginnings.

Gemini New Moon: Wild Card

Gemini New Moon: Wild Card

Happy Gemini New Moon! This is the time in the lunar calendar when we turn our attention to new ideas and new choices. Gemini is a sign that puts us in touch with the curiosity of life. For that it’s information and learning, communication and listening, travel and exploration.

Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

June 2019 Horoscopes

Welcome to Gemini Season, the time in the zodiac calendar when get out and explore. Whether it’s on a bike, a car, a plane, or via your own two feet, this isn’t a season to sit still. There are places to go and new things to experience.

Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 31, 2019

We start the weekend with a Taurus Moon, one that reminds us to be in the joy and pleasure of life. With Venus also in Taurus, it’s about good food, comfort, and money. Venus harmonizes with Saturn and Pluto, too. It’s a powerful day to build and transform.