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Astro Daily: July 2, 2021

Another Aries Moon day heats things, adding fuel to an already powerful lineup of Mars, Saturn, and Uranus. We’re restless, demanding of change. We’re possibly a little hotheaded and argumentative, too.

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

Astro Daily: July 1, 2021

An Aries Moon gets our July off to a fiery and powerful start. With Mars pushing up against Saturn and Uranus, we’re either feeling like slamming on the breaks or taking a big step up into something new.

Photo by Kristaps Ungurs on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 30, 2021

We’re closing out June, a month that brought us a solar eclipse and powerful new beginnings. Now we’re getting ready for a super charged July, one where we have to move forward with June’s new beginnings.

Photo by Hanson Lu on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 28, 2021

The Moon trades Aquarius for Pisces and we enter a period of rest and reflection in advance of this week’s tense astrology. With Mars, Saturn, and Uranus in connection, we’re on the verge of making more changes.

Photo by Jasmin Chew on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 25, 2021

Neptune turns retrograde in Pisces, which has been a quiet but powerful influence in recent astrology. Unlike Saturn and Uranus or even the energies of the eclipses, Neptune does its work in the background.

Capricorn Full Moon: Big Steps

Capricorn Full Moon: Big Steps

Welcome to the Capricorn Full Moon, the time in the zodiac calendar when the spotlight is on building for the future, setting goals, and working to achieve them. As the sign of matter and manifestation, Capricorn teaches us that things take time to grow and take shape and become real.

Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 23, 2021

The Sun, newly in Cancer, picks up on a trine to Jupiter in Pisces. It’s a day to open our hearts to others, to find care, forgive the past, and enjoy the bounty of life. Jupiter may bring much needed support and aid.

Photo by Ken Cheung on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 22, 2021

Mercury turns direct in Gemini after a three week retrograde. We’ve had time to think things over and get a new perspective, letting go and surrendering to different outcomes. Time to let life flow in a new direction.

Video: The Astrology of June 21-27, 2021

Video: The Astrology of June 21-27, 2021

It’s Cancer Season! It’s also the solstice! The Sun arrives in the fourth sign of the zodiac, a sign that is all about emotional connection, care, and nurturing. As a result, we’re focusing on what really matters — home, family, and our roots. It’s also a busy week as Mercury […]

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 21, 2021

Welcome to Cancer Season. The Sun’s arrival in the fourth sign of the zodiac not only brings us back to what’s important — care, nurture, and the comfort of home and loved ones — but kicks off the solstice.