Welcome to October. It’s Libra Season, the time in the zodiac calendar when we turn our attention to relationships in their many forms. As humans, we thrive on connection. We must learn to cooperate and compromise. We also need beauty and harmony.

That said, we start the month with a bang as an Aries Moon plays counter to Libra’s desire for balance and peace. This is an Aries Moon that may provoke, pushing us to go after what we want and maybe even pushing tempers. With Mars square Saturn, we start the month on a serious note. We have to honor our responsibilities and be accountable for our actions. (Read more in my Aries Full Moon report.)

But it’s hard to rush forward like an Aries Full Moon would like us to do. After all, Mars is still retrograde and will be retrograde until mid-November. If something challenges us, how will we do things differently?

Venus changes signs on October 2, arriving in Virgo for the rest of the month. While Virgo isn’t a natural fit for Venus, the planet of love and beauty instead finds an outlet via service, practice, ritual, and craft. Venus in Virgo shows its love by tending to others. It also has a deep attention to detail that shows up in anything it creates.

On October 4 Pluto turns direct, which means that this logjam of outer planets in Capricorn will start to break up. While Pluto has a few more years left in Capricorn, we will see Jupiter and Saturn leave Capricorn by the end of the year. For now, there’s a lot of focus on structure and responsibility. Life is a bit serious at the moment. In fact, we’re having to restructure everything, preparing for a new future to come. That said, Pluto Direct may feel like it’s pushing at deep buttons, exposing the darkness (or the rot?) still lingering in these old structures, even if they are emotional patterns.

We’ve got some pushy astrology mid month as the Libra Sun opposes this stellium of planets in Capricorn and squares off with Mars in Aries. How will we find compromise? A kind word to navigate the ups and downs?

Speaking of words, Mercury, the planet of communication turns retrograde on October 13. It’s safe to say that we need to just be mindful of what we’re saying. Seeing out Mercury is in Scorpio, there’s a sharpness to our words, a precision that cuts through artifice. Mercury Retrograde may reveal a secret or something previously hidden. Or, it’s a demand that we have powerful and revealing conversations. (Mercury will turn direct on November 3 after dipping back into Libra on October 27.)

The Libra New Moon comes late in the season, arriving on October 16. With its focus on relationships, it’s a lunar month to focus on our connections with other people, whether romantic or otherwise. It’s also a lunar month to find more beauty, charm, grace, and harmony. But with the Sun and Moon squaring off with Pluto and Saturn, the coming four weeks will likely be intense and transformative, touching on a lot of major themes that have already played out this year.

We arrive in Scorpio Season on October 22. If the zodiac is the wheel of life, there has to be a sign that teaches us about death in all its forms. Yes, that’s a strong word, but death is something we live, whether its through the change in the leaves or the darkening of the days here in the northern hemisphere. They veil grows thin and we feel the presence of the other side, of sprits, and ancestors. That’s why we celebrate Halloween at this time.

In fact, there’s a full moon this Halloween, on October 31. But this isn’t any ordinary full moon. It is a Taurus Full Moon that makes a conjunction to Uranus. In short, expect the unexpected later this month. Uranus is the planet that can shock and upend. It can awaken and illuminate. It can show us a path out of restriction and hardship.

This is also a check in on a story that began in May 2018 when Uranus arrived in Taurus for the first time since the 1930s, arriving back again in Taurus on March 2019 after a retrograde. There’s a particular part of our lives that may look radically different than it did in 2018. Not sure where? Read Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign. Whatever story began then has a potentially dramatic next chapter.

And with Venus in Libra, picking up on eclipse degrees from last June and July, we may be starting November in a very different direction.

Read for your Sun and rising sign. If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, dates listed below may be for the day ahead according to your time zone.

DATES TO NOTE: 10/1 Full Moon 9 Aries; 10/2 Venus in Virgo; 10/4 Pluto Direct 22 Capricorn; 10/7 Mercury opposite Uranus; 10/9 Mars square Pluto; 10/10 Venus trine Uranus, Sun square Jupiter; 10/12 Jupiter sextile Neptune, Mercury sextile Venus; 10/13 Mercury Retrograde 11 Scorpio, Sun opposite Mars; 10/15 Sun square Pluto; 10/16 New Moon 23 Libra; 10/18 Sun square Saturn, Venus opposite Neptune; 10/19 Mars square Jupiter, Mercury opposite Uranus, Venus trine Jupiter; 10/20 Venus square Nodes; 10/21 Venus trine Pluto; 10/22 Sun in Scorpio; 10/24 Venus trine Saturn; 10/25 Sun conjunct Mercury; 10/27 Mercury in Libra, Venus in Libra; 10/31 Full Moon 8 Taurus, Sun opposite Uranus.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

There’s a lot going on, Aries. (Did I say that in last month’s horoscope?) Let’s try to unpack it all. October is a dynamic time for you, but it’s also one that touches on a lot of bigger themes that have been unfolding over the last few years. In a way you could say that October is trying to bring things together, to consolidate and solidify. We have to first look back so that we can understand how this month fits into a larger story. At the beginning of 2018 you began a chapter in your life aimed to get you to answer a couple of simple questions. What do you want to be when you grow up? What direction do you want to take your life in? As a result, career and ambition has been a big focus since 2018. You’ve had to take on new responsibilities and define your place in the world. October begins the final leg of this chapter of life. With Saturn direct as of September 29, you may feel the pressure to get your life in order as you step into October. In fact, Mars, your ruling planet, is square Saturn, a sort of heavy duty check in with Capital L Life and the stories that mark your journey. You may be making serious decisions or commitments. Or it’s a revelation of just what and how much is out of balance. How will you bring things back into harmony? An Aries Full Moon on October 1 puts you in the spotlight. It’s a time of renewal, initiation, and new chapters. But it also may feel like you’re having to tend to something that demands your attention as well as your courage. The thing that’s important to understand about this full moon is that it crosses the Lunar Nodes, activating a story that began with the June 21 solar eclipse. Life may be taking you in a different direction. Something has to transform or change. Speaking of which, Pluto turns direct in Capricorn on October 4, another step in a career story that’s been unfolding since 2008. (When you look back to where your career was twelve years ago, you should see a massive change, restructuring, and rebuilding.) Let’s not forget that it’s Libra Season, so another focus this month is relationships. After all, Libra is your relationship sign. As much as you’re navigating how to move forward in your life, you’re having to negotiate the various people in your life, too. When Venus moves into Virgo on October 2, you’re stepping into a phase of Libra Season that’s less about the fun and romance of Leo, the sign it was in previously, and the duty and care of Virgo. Relationships need care and tending to. Sometimes it’s less about what we want and more of having to cater to the needs of a mate or connection. On the flip side, Venus in Virgo is also a reminder not to give so much that things become out of balance. You can be of service to someone, whether they are a lover or partner, but not a servant. Two weeks later, on October 16, a Libra New Moon is a time for reset and renewal in your personal relationships. But this isn’t an easy new moon. It makes what’s called a square to Saturn and Pluto, two planets that can show a hard boundary or make you face something in a relationship that you’ve possibly been avoiding. Saturn demands commitment and responsibility. Anything relationship that’s a little murky or nebulous needs crystal clear definition. Saturn also demands accountability to all parties. But Saturn also can give its blessing to an existing relationship provided it agrees to all the terms and conditions. With Pluto nearby, whatever you and a partner agree to has to be built on something very different. (This has been such a consistent theme in 2020 for you.) The other big news this month is a Taurus Full Moon on October 31. It’s activating Uranus, a planet that’s all about reinvention, awakenings, and even surprises. When you think back to 2019, do you see a change in how you earn a living? Uranus is trying to get you to break out of old patterns around money, value, and self worth. So, the end of this month may bring something confrontational in this department. And with Venus newly in Libra by this time, you may need to demand your value and worth to a partner. Buckle up! Want a deeper look at how October will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, responsibility, reputation, title, status, ambition, worldly life, professional life, power, control, career transformation, professional power issues, rebuilding profession, the self, new beginnings, having to do things differently, taking action, juggling duties, juggling relationships, courage, bravery, old pain, old stories, self confidence, money, income, resources, material stability, material reinvention, finance, assets, vulnerability, intimacy, secrets, relationships, other people, partnership, tending to connections, healing relationships, healing other people, service.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

Life’s a bit existential at the moment. Can you feel it? Have been asking yourself the same questions over and over again? What does this all mean? What do you believe in? What’s your truth? With Saturn turning direct in Capricorn at the start of the month, you step into an October designed to push you to try to answer these questions the best you can. In fact, when you take a wider view, October marks the last stretch in a personal story about the search for truth and meaning that began at the beginning of 2018. (Any of this ring a bell?) Pluto also turns direct in Capricorn on October 4, so it’s quite possible that your faith in things has taken a bit of a beating in 2020, either pushing you to abandon previously held truths or opening up new pathways to seeing the world. Which brings me to the Aries Full Moon on October 1. It’s lighting up the part of your chart that talks about truth and meaning, but in a much different way than the story that’s been unfolding in Capricorn. See, there’s wisdom and knowledge that you can find in a book. There’s truths about ourselves and the world that people tell us. But then there’s subjective truth and inner wisdom. In many ways October is a call to go deep within, to meditate, get quiet, and listen for those inner truths, to find the wisdom that no one can teach you or that you can read in a book. After all, Mars is also retrograde in Aries and you’ve been doing this inner searching since the end of June. What have you found? What more do you need to find? The Aries Full Moon may put something in the spotlight, something previously hidden. It also turns your attention to dreams and intuition, spirituality and universality. Perhaps your spiritual health and wellness need your immediate attention. With Mars square Saturn, there’s a need to get serious, make a commitment, or let something go. Relationships may also demand attention, too. It’s also a full moon to let go of the past, especially any addictions and attachments. That said, Venus, your ruling planet, arrives in Virgo on October 2, a sign that helps you to express who you are, focusing on duty and responsibility, ritual and craft. Venus in Virgo is a reminder to make time for service and helping others. By doing so, you nourish yourself. Let’s not forget that Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, your relationship sign, starting on October 12. This is classic for old flames and exes reappearing to tie up loose ends or finish something that was left off in the past. It’s also a time to have deep if not serious conversations with a partner or connection. Mars is still making connections to Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter for the first half of this month. Relationships may be a bit of a complicated area as a result. With Mercury retrograde, too, give yourself room to clarify any miscommunication. Plus, it’s Libra Season, the time in the zodiac calendar to focus on our many relationships. For you, Libra helps you to dial into health and wellness, too. A Libra New Moon on October 16 gives you a refresh in health or a push to set to new healthy habits. Venus, the ruler of the new moon, opposes Neptune. Look past any illusions that you may have, illusions that can adversely impact how you take care of yourself as well as your body. Time to heal and let go. Neptune also inspires forgiveness and compassion. When the Sun arrives in Scorpio on October 22, it’s a season to socialize, connect, and focus on partnership. But here’s the thing. The end of this month is a reminder that you’re in a seven year arc of time where you have to totally reinvent yourself. No big deal, right? Although two years into it, you’re still in the early stages of this story. A Taurus Full Moon on October 31 puts you into the spotlight … as well as this personal story of reinvention and awakening. Taurus is the least changing loving of all the signs, but when you look back at 2018, you can see just how much has changed. Are you ready for the next chapter? Want a deeper look at how October will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Existential questions, truth, meaning, faith, wisdom, knowledge, travel, searching the world, searching within, letting go, endings, reflection, retreat, spirituality, intuition, dreams, spiritual health, spiritual healing, connection to god, releasing addictions, releasing sufferings, the self, self expression, passion projects, talent, skills, craft, creativity, practice, diligence, service, helping others, health, wellness, taking care of the body, diet, fitness, nutrition, relationships, other people, partnerships, reinvention, radical changes, awakenings, breakthroughs.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

Gemini, just two more months and you’re out of the woods. October marks the last leg of a journey that’s been nearly three years — if not 12 years — in the making. I know we’ve been talking about this for a while, but it’s important to stay focused on the bigger picture. The last few years have been a necessary time for you to face yourself, to do the emotional work, and transform. Yes, it hasn’t been easy and there may be times when you wonder if you’re going to make it, but you’re so close. It’s just that Saturn’s direct turn, just before the start of October, may have made you feel the weight of it all. Sobering and exacting, Saturn now wants you to start to consolidate all the things you’ve been working on since the start of 2018. For a moment imagine your psyche and your emotional self has been in a state of gut renovation. With two months to go, now’s the moment in the project when you need to start putting away the tools, cleaning up, finishing up, and checking your progress against the greater plan. And what was the plan? For you to know yourself on a level that was heretofore impossible. For you to deepen your relationship with intimacy, vulnerability, and trust. For you to be reborn. That said, October kicks off with an Aries Full Moon, one that lights up your sign of friends, social connection, and community. As a result, you may need to take action with a friendship or reach out into your community. Since Mars is retrograde square Saturn, this full moon may highlight something that is already existing, an issue that needs a new perspective. In turn, Saturn may want boundaries, commitment, and responsibility. Venus changes signs on October 2, arriving in Virgo, your sign of home and family. The rest of the month is a perfect time to tend to the home, from redecorating and beautifying your space to socializing and connecting with family members or close loved ones. Then on October 13, Mercury, your ruling planet, turns retrograde. Nothing to be concerned about; you are way used to this by now. Retrogrades pull back like the tide; you pull back to reflect, integrate, and reconsider. Since Mercury is in Scorpio, this retrograde picks up on some of the deeper emotional themes you’ve been working on over the past few years. Mercury is your planet of health and wellness and, as much as you’ve been focusing on emotional health, you need to tend to the physical too. Mercury in Scorpio is a natural detective. You’re searching for answers, perhaps a deeper understanding on a health matter or a need to come up with a schedule and regimen. Work and projects are a focus this month, even if that project is you. By October 16 a Libra New Moon turns the page onto a new lunar month, one that not only focuses on partnership, harmony, and beauty, but creativity and self expression. Venus, the ruler of the new moon, is still in Virgo, your sign of home and family. This could be a time of new beginnings in the home, the arrival of new additions (yes, children), or a need to create more stability in your life. Venus’s face off with Neptune is a reminder that sometimes you have to let life happen so that miracles can happen. When you try to control things it sometimes prevents an even better option from showing itself. The Sun arrives in Scorpio on October 22 and it’s a new season, one that’s about looking at the darker side of life, a time for rebirth — sound familiar? It’s also Gemini’s season to clean up, get organized, and plan for the future. You may be getting involved in projects, especially with a friend or in your community. But health and wellness is an area that needs a second look while Mars is still retrograde. Then on October 27 Mercury Retrograde dips back into Libra, bringing you back to events from late September so that you can revisit, renegotiate, and reconnect. Lastly, the month ends with a bang with a powerful Taurus Full Moon on October 31, shaking us awake and illuminating something that was previously hidden. Since the full moon is in a part of your chart that talks about blindspots and the unconscious mind, you may have a realization that shakes how you see yourself. Or, you may dive deep into existential questions and longing, looking to release what no longer serves you. Want a deeper look at how October will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: The self, self expression, personality, persona, identity, creativity, talents, children, pregnancy, leisure, fun, home, family, living situation, redecorating, the deep self, the psyche, deep emotions, mastering the self, facing the self, facing fears, emotional health, self destructive tendencies, trust, intimacy, vulnerability, sexuality, physical health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, projects, friends, community, social connection, social circle, looking ahead, the future.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

It’s the season for nesting and spending time at home, whether with family or with close loved ones. Libra Season is the time in your zodiac calendar when you naturally tend to your roots, something that’s very necessary for you. But with Venus moving into Virgo on October 2, the home environment may be a bit busy with projects and plans and trips around town to pick up supplies. Similarly, you may be spending this month visiting family. That said, let’s look at the bigger picture since Libra Season ties into a bigger story arc that’s been unfolding for quite a while, namely around relationships. Think back to the start of 2018. That was when a new chapter began for you, one where you would need to take relationships more seriously. Perhaps, if you were previously single, a major relationship came in. Or, if you were in an existing partnership or marriage, maybe you’ve seen some major steps taken in the past couple of years, a need to strengthen a connection or end something that was no longer working. This story is beginning to draw to a close. With Saturn’s direct turn at the very end of September followed by Pluto Direct on October 4, you step into the month needing to make a serious decision or turn your focus on a part of your life that has demanded a lot of attention. Saturn just wants to know what you’re going to do. If you’re in a nebulous situation, Saturn demands clarity. If you’re in a relationship that doesn’t have what it takes to go the distance, you need to end things. Or, on the other side of things someone may be coming into your life that is reflective of all the hard work you’ve been doing to open up space for new connection and partnership. On October 1 an Aries Full Moon lights up your career sign and, as a result, you may be making a change in your professional life, from getting a new job or switching roles to changing your direction. And with Mars square Saturn, this full moon may coincide with a major career milestone, achievement, or realignment. Aries makes for a competitive and ambitious sign, especially with Mars there for the second half of 2020. That said, Mars is retrograde until next month, so if something new does take place in your career life, you may have to wait until after November 13 for things to move forward as you would like them to. Speaking of retrograde, Mercury turns retrograde on October 13 until November 3, which is not anything to be concerned about. Just double check everything and, with Mercury in Scorpio, it’s a perfect time to get to get to the bottom of a mystery. On October 16 a Libra New Moon opens up a new lunar month, one focused on home, family, and foundation. It’s a natural time for you to plan a move or make changes in your living situation. If staying put, you may be starting new home renovation projects or other design projects in the home, especially after Venus arrives in Libra on October 27. That said, come October 22, the Sun arrives in Scorpio and it’s time for a new season, one that focuses on the darker side of life, on the psyche as well as themes of intimacy and vulnerability. It’s also your season to focus on creative projects, especially anything that you can put towards your career goals and ambitions. Lastly, a full moon on October 31 lights up your sign of friends, community, and social connection. With Uranus right in alignment with the full moon, you may be in for a surprise in a friendship. Or, you may meet a new friend who is unlike any you’ve had previously. You’re also waking up to the world as well as a new future. Be open to bigger perspectives. Want a deeper look at how October will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, living situation, roots, foundation, parents, past, memories, emotional stability, emotional needs, close loved ones, a move, a change in the home, home projects, home renovations, redecorating, career, professional life, worldly life, goals, ambitions, direction, career change, career milestones, career decisions, relationship decisions, partnership, other people, connection, negotiation, compromise, serious relationship, friends, social circle, groups, community, allies, the future, looking ahead.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

There’s a couple of finer points to make about this month, Leo. First, October starts to bring to fruition a lot of work you’ve been doing since the start of 2018 — if not 2008. Yes, think back twelve years ago. That was the start of a long chapter of your life that focused on your relationship with your body, from the foods you eat to exercise and overall wellness. So many people have an adversarial relationship with their bodies. It’s something to punish and subjugate, to feel indifferent or to disassociate. If there’s been any consistent theme over the last decade it’s that this adversarial relationship cannot continue. Your body is one of the most important things that you have. Perhaps, when you look back, you see big changes in your physical life. Perhaps you inhabit your bones and tissue in a fundamentally different way. Perhaps there was an illness that was the catalyst of making major changes. 2018 through 2020 were a time to step up this story. So, with Saturn direct as of September 29, you have a few months left to show Saturn you’ve made lasting positive changes. In fact, Saturn will only be in this part of your chart until December 17, so you may be feeling a bit of a push to create practice and discipline, to clean out or get sober, to find ritual and organization. Some of this may be rooted in beliefs — beliefs about yourself, beliefs about the world. A full moon on October 1 puts this into the spotlight and you have some decisions to make, ones that ultimately have an impact on this ongoing story with your body. Pluto’s direct turn on October 4 is a direct swing at some of the old structures that you still may hold onto. The other big focus this month is career. While not to neglect the fact that it’s Libra Season, a time that maybe busier, louder, more social or chattier than usual, but another full moon this month — one that arrives at the very end of October like a bookend to the Aries Full Moon — not only puts a spotlight on your professional life but shakes things up tremendously. To understand this full moon we have to go back a couple of years. In May 2018 Uranus arrived in Taurus, your career sign, giving you a heads up that this part of your life was about to undergo a radical transformation. This only lasted a short while, until November 2018, like a preview of a new life. But Uranus arrived for good in Taurus in March 2019 and commenced a six to seven year story of reinventing your direction, your career, your ambitions, and your place in the world. If, for example, you’ve been working in a career that you have no passion for while secretly yearning to do something else, you may have already seen some shake ups. If you are doing something that you love, however, Uranus can make it bigger, more public. See, Uranus is a planet that knows your full potential and can switch things up if you’re selling yourself short or going against yourself. Keep this in mind if you’re feeling restless this month, wanting to chuck it all in and do something radically different. That said, as previously mentioned, it’s Libra Season and you’ve got things to do and places to go. Maybe you’re running around town making necessary purchases or stocking up on things. Maybe you’ve got a list of errands. Or maybe you’re catching up with family members and loved ones. A Libra New Moon on October 16 opens a new lunar month that talks about education and classes, reading and listening. You may be feeling more social, more chatty. With Venus opposite Neptune at the time of the new moon, you’re weighing your choices, one that touches on value, safety, trust, power, and intimacy. Make sure you’re seeing things for what they really are. Then on October 22 the Sun arrives in Scorpio, a new season for searching the deep dark heart of life. The rest the month and into November highlights the psyche, real emotional connection, and transformation. It’s also the season for you to focus on home and family. That said, a powerful full moon rounds out the month, putting the spotlight on your professional life. Things are shifting and shaking! Get ready! Want a deeper look at how October will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, relationship with the body, beliefs about the body, organization, work, schedule, practice, ritual, beliefs, faith, truth, meaning, worldview, convictions, education, higher education, classes, training, learning, information, news, publishing, media, choices, ideas, the neighborhood, trips, travel, money, value, worth, home, family, roots, foundation, living situation, parents, career, professional life, public reputation, status, title, direction, ambition, responsibilities.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

Virgo, do you know who you are? I know it’s a provocative question to begin a horoscope with, but there’s a lot going on in the parts of your chart that talk about identity, persona, and the self. Perhaps this question is even existential, but in many ways October marks the end of a very long chapter, one that began in 2018 — if not 2008 — where you needed to get to the heart of who you are, breaking down anything that’s adversely in the way. (Any of this sound familiar?) With Saturn turning direct just before the start of the month, you’re feeling things perhaps a little heavily. Time to take yourself as well as your talents seriously. A full moon on October 1 puts a spotlight on the deepest, darkest parts of yourself — your psyche, your shadow, your fears, your vulnerabilities — so that you can make some hard decisions going forward. If there is part of you that self sabotages, then how do you finally say no to yourself? Old emotional patterns need to transform, especially the ones that have been passed down generation to generation. Let’s not forget that it’s Libra Season this month, a time when you focus on your material life as well as your material needs, in particular your needs. With Venus in Virgo all month, you’re looking at the value of yourself, the value of what you have to give. Mercury is retrograde, too, so you’re more in a reflective mood, turning inward to see things from a different perspective or get new ideas. Note that since Mercury is in your sign of communication, you’ll want to be mindful of all information in case something is not clear or accurate. That said, Mercury’s in Scorpio, so you’re feeling like you want to get to the bottom of a mystery. You’re opening up about something previously hidden. If you have to make a serious decision, you may have to revisit it in the beginning of November. A Libra New Moon on October 16 turns the page in your personal calendar, making money, income, and material needs a priority for the rest of the month. You may be more focused on spending and getting the resources you need. You may be at odds with someone about how money is being spent. Or, you’re more personally motivated to create more material stability in your life. Then on October 22 the Sun arrives in Scorpio, your sign of communication and learning. Conversations may be intense, revealing, and emotional. Decisions may be emotionally charged. When Mercury returns back to Libra on October 27, there’s a shift in things, a revisit of something from September. You may have to review something or get a different perspective. And with Mercury turning direct in early November in square to Saturn and Pluto, you may be feeling a build up of pressure as you round out the month. You may not be able to go in the same direction as before. You may also be making a serious career decision. Finally, a powerful full moon lights up your sign of faith, truth, meaning. For all the work that you’ve been doing on yourself this month, what do you still believe in? What’s your convictions? Your faith? Remember, do you know how you are? A simple question like that and its answer can color your whole world. Be prepared to see things radically different, a page turn in a story that began in May 2018 as well as March 2019. Want a deeper look at how October will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: The self, self expression, persona, talents, creativity, the essence of who you are, taking yourself seriously, self destruction, children, the psyche, the deep self, facing fears, facing self, emotional health, emotional body, intimacy, vulnerability, trust, money, income, spending, resource, value, worth, finance, assets, the voice, communication, information, ideas, learning, classes, education, travel, trips, choices, faith, truth, meaning, the world, world view, beliefs, convictions.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

Happy birthday, Libra! And boy what a birthday it is. Your season happens to align with a few cosmic fireworks this month, a somewhat heavy dose of astrology that connects to a story you’ve been working through since the start of 2018 — if not the start of 2008. Think back to the person you were twelve years ago, the life you had. That was the year that Pluto arrived in the foundation of your chart, commencing a multi-year process of breaking down and completely transforming how you connect to people on a deeper emotional level as well as the role of home and family in your life. At the start of 2018, Saturn also arrived in this part of your chart, which is not unlike needing to check the plans and structures of everything you’ve been doing in this part of your life over the previous ten years. Maybe you made a major move, started a family, or worked hard to create healthy boundaries with family members. So here we are, October 2020, and now that Saturn marks the final walk through this part of your chart, you may start to see a lot of your work start to solidify. Or, you may need to give this part of your life a lot of attention if there is something unresolved. Relationships are a big focus this month as Mars, your relationship planet, continues to move retrograde in Aries. As a result, you may be working through something with a partner or with someone with whom you need to find resolution and consensus. Mars Retrograde means that something is unsolved or coming up from the past. A story is still playing out until November 13, if not until the new year. With Mars making a square to Saturn at the time of an Aries Full Moon on October 1, you may have a serious decision to make about a relationship or connection. This includes defining boundaries and holding others – as well as yourself — accountable. With the full moon falling on Chiron in Aries, too, you may be negotiating an old pain point, something that presses a deep button, especially in relationships. How do you heal the past? How do you have the courage to do things very differently? Then on October 2, Venus moves into Virgo and you enter a four week period where you may feel a need to pull away from the world to rest, reflect, and nourish your spirituality. If you’re feeling run down, don’t force yourself. It’s also a time to sort through and let go of what you need to leave behind as you begin a new year. Then on October 4, Pluto’s direct turn in Capricorn stirs up a lot of deep emotion and may also link more directly to the story that’s been unfolding since the start of 2008. Let’s not forget that Mercury turns retrograde this month on October 13, which is nothing to get overly concerned about, but it is a time to take a second look at finance and spending. Do you know the true value of something? Should you hold off from making any big purchases until you have all the details? A Libra New Moon on October 16 is a late in the season refresh for your sign, a page turn after an intense and sometimes difficult year. It’s also a personal new beginning, but one that may feel like one foot is still in the old world. Make sure you’re tending to your spiritual as well as your physical health. By October 22 the Sun arrives in Scorpio and it’s a new season, one that touches on themes of trust and vulnerability, value and worth. Scorpio is one of your money signs, so naturally you’re turning to your material life to gather what you need. Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, is still retrograde and it’s still square Saturn, so think very carefully about what you’re putting your money into and the investments that you’re making. Saturn wants to make sure you’ve covered all your angles, that whatever you are buying or investing can create the structure you need and suitably support your goals and ambitions for the future. Yes, this includes the purchase of a home or even moving to some place that you rent. If you can wait till next month, after Mercury and Mars turn direct on November 13, it’s probably a more suitable time to make any hard and fast decisions. Venus arrives in Libra on October 27, giving you a boost and a further sense of renewal as you go into the new month. Lastly a powerful full moon lights up your other money sign, Taurus, on October 31. Whatever investments you are thinking of making may be a radical departure. There also may be surprises and plot twists as you go into November. Hold onto your hats. Want a deeper look at how October will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, roots, foundation, family responsibilities, responsibilities in the home, making a move, building a home, relationships, other people, serious relationship decisions, relationship commitments, relationship boundaries, relationship milestones, reworking a relationship, the needs of other, negotiation, compromise, partnership, interaction, connection, rest, retreat, reflection, recuperation, spirituality, spiritual health, physical health, emotional health, money, income, spending, investments, finance, purchases, banks, debt, benefits, assets, a partner’s money, money from other sources, facing fears, facing self, deep awakening, emotional disruption, emotional breakthroughs, emotional breakdowns.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

Bit of a heavy month, Scorpio. Not that you don’t know how to navigate life’s ups and downs, but Mars’s slow square to Saturn means that life’s got a serious vibe at the moment. First, let’s talk about the big picture. As you go into October, Saturn marks the last leg of its time in your sign of communication, information, learning, and choice. The words you use are more important than usual and it’s even more important to consider how they are impacting others. Your education as well as your mind is also important. If you think back to the start of 2018 — if not 2008 — you may see a long but clear story arc, one where you had to learn to step up and use your voice as well as your wisely. 2020 broke things down even further, pushing you to find the power behind your voice. Now it’s October and this decade-long story is starting to come to fruition. Are you ready for the responsibility? Are people starting to look to you as an authority? Are you ready to speak up? In other news, Mars is still retrograde all month long. Your ruling planet continues to put the focus on health and wellness, work and projects. With Mars in Aries, some of your tendencies of overwork have been popping up or even wearing you down. A health matter has needed your attention. Or, you’re refocusing and reprioritizing how you take care of your body and your fitness initiatives. An Aries Full Moon puts this part of your life in the spotlight. Make sure you’re getting a lot of healthy movement as this is a full moon that wants to move, get the blood flowing. If this energy doesn’t have an outlet, you may see it flare up as anger or even rage, especially with the full moon touching on Chiron, an old pain point that can feel like scar tissue. That said, for you, Libra Season is a time to pull back from the world, to rest, reflect, and prepare for your upcoming new year. (Yes, it’s absolutely bananas to think that it’s almost Scorpio Season. What happened to the time??) With Mars Retrograde and the Sun in Libra, it’s important to not push too hard. If you need to rest, rest. If you need to meditate and search within, then it’s a suitable time to do so. The Libra New Moon on October 16 tunes you into this pace of life even further. Time to get spiritual. Time to shed the past, something that you do so well, Scorpio … when you want to. The Sun’s arrival in Scorpio on October 22 kicks off a new season, one that feels like a new beginning while one foot is in another world. (Perhaps things will feel a little different once Mars turns direct on November 13 or after the Scorpio New Moon on November 15.) But it’s a full moon on October 31 that really lights up the astrology this month, putting the spotlight on relationship, dramatically so. Here’s the thing. Way back in May 2018, you began a new seven year chapter of completely reinventing relationships. In fact, May 2018 was just a preview. It was Uranus’s arrival in Taurus in March 2019 that really opened this new time in your life. Perhaps new people have come into your life since then, people who are very different than before. Or, perhaps a relationship left your life. The idea is that you’re opening to new ways of connecting to people, which can be in platonic relationships as well as romantic. The full moon is right smack dab on Uranus, a moment when this story becomes illuminated, visible, undeniable possibly. And if you’re currently in a relationship that’s not working, keep an eye on this full moon. Uranus is the planet that opens us to our full potential, even if it’s chaotic and upending. And if someone in your life is not your full potential, they may exit dramatically. Want a deeper look at how October will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, projects, work, practice, diligence, organization, serious matters, major milestones, major decisions, boundaries, responsibilities, voice, communication, ideas, information, news, learning, classes, teaching, workshops, writing, speaking, listening, the mind, authority of the mind, maturity, growing up, serious words, powerful words, serious choices, pulling back, retreat, reflection, shedding the past, letting go, recuperation, dreams, unconscious, spirituality, meditation, rebirth, new beginnings, new starts, wrapping up the old, relationships, other people, new people, dramatic relationship, new awakenings, plot twists, surprises.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

2020 has been serious news, hasn’t it Sagittarius? Normally you’re a sign that likes to have a lot of freedom to roam, but this year Jupiter, your ruling planet, has been in Capricorn, a sign that’s more about staying in place than going off on adventures. The upside to this time — and Sagittarius always like to find the bright side to look on — is that this year has forced you to get real with a lot of things, namely money and material needs. If you look back over the last decade, you may start to notice that money, value, and self worth have been key issues. And if you look all the way back to the start of 2008, that was the year that Pluto entered Capricorn for the first time in a coupe of centuries (no big deal, right?). So what this has meant is that you’ve had to do a lot — and I mean a lot — of transformation work over the last twelve years with money — how you earn it, how you spend it, the money you think that you’re worth, and the money and goods you think you need. Fast forward to 2018, the year that Saturn moved into Capricorn and started looking over your financial records as well as all the work you’ve been doing. Was there room for improvement? If you took Saturn’s advice, especially once Jupiter arrived in Capricorn at the very end of 2019, it’s possible that you made a lot of lasting positive changes in your material life. It’s also possible that 2020 made you create a stronger foundation for yourself while excising what was not working. So here you are, growing up a lot in unexpected ways and preparing for the last leg of this transformational story, now that Saturn is direct as of September 29. An Aries Full Moon on October 1 puts the spotlight on creativity, talent, and self expression. What is it that makes you you? What gets you passionate? What fires your creativity? This full moon wants you to seriously reconsider talents. And with Mars Retrograde square Saturn, there may be something you’ve been overlooking for quite some time. But in order to access it, it may mean working through an old pain. Perhaps it’s a deep memory around not feeling worthy or that our talents are worthy. Nevertheless, this is the full moon to push through that scar tissue or undo the knots that hold us back, especially with Pluto turning direct on October 4. That said, Venus arrives in Virgo on October 2, giving your professional life a boost for the rest of the month. Venus is social, it makes career connections and alliances. It creates professional partnership. It makes you publicly desirable. Although Venus is not typically at home in Virgo, make sure you’re giving Venus an outlet with service projects and other altruism. Mercury turns retrograde on October 13, which means that career and relationships go into a three week period of review and reflection. If you receive a job offer, for example, it may mean that something is still playing out into November. Classic Mercury Retrograde is that an old romantic flame resurfaces to tie up loose ends or try for another shot. Just something to keep in mind. That said, it’s Libra Season, a time in your personal calendar when you turn your attention to friends and community. It’s a social time or a time to reach out again to those with whom you may feel a little isolated from because of the pandemic. Libra Season and the Libra New Moon on October 16 is also a time to look towards the future. And with Venus in the top most part of your chart, it’s a time to plan ahead in your career or make goals for the coming months. (As much as you can plan ahead these days ….) But with Venus opposite Neptune, you may feel caught between your hopes and dreams for the future with matters at home or matters with family. The Sun arrives in Scorpio on October 22 and you start a month of winding down your personal year, pulling back, and going within. So much has happened! Time to find answers, even if those answers come from deep within or from your deep connection to spirituality. Mercury also goes back to Libra on October 27, revisiting something from September, which means that you may see the story change in career or with a relationship. Lastly, the real news this month is a powerful full moon in Taurus on October 31. It picks up on a story of reinvention and revolution that’s been unfolding since 2018, namely a reinvention of your relationship with your body through changes in diet, fitness, and nutrition. This full moon is merely another step in a story that will take you into 2025-2026. So, if you’re still resisting making necessary physical changes, know that Uranus is giving you a big push. Time to open your eyes. Want a deeper look at how October will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Money, income, spending, saving, value, worth, self worth, resources, material needs, material stability, the self, persona, self expression, talents, creativity, suffering around not being able to be yourself, value of talents, friends, community, social circle, social network, hopes, wishes, ambitions, looking ahead, the future, career, public standing, reputation, retreat, pulling back, rest, recuperation, meditation, spirituality, searching for answers within, dreams, intuition, the body, diet, fitness, nutrition, health, wellness, relationship with the body, work, projects, daily life, daily rituals, awaking, breakthrough, change, surprise.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

Capricorn, you’re in the home stretch. Woo hoo! Wait, home stretch of what? Well, if you’ve been keeping up with your horoscope you’ll know that as of late last month, your ruling planet Saturn is now direct. This also means that Saturn only has two months until it leaves Capricorn, not to return for another thirty years. (Woah, thirty years?) Here’s a few important things to keep in mind. As a Capricorn, your life unfolds in a slower arc of time with two and a half to three year distinct chapters that add up to these larger 30 year narratives. That’s because Saturn takes thirty years to go through the entire zodiac. Here’s the other thing. Since Saturn has been in Capricorn since the start of 2018, you’ve been at the beginning of a 30 year cycle. And Saturn’s time in Capricorn has not only set a high bar for you, but it’s pushing you to get your life in order. When you look back at the start of 2018, do you see a stark difference in where your life is now? What did you learn? To take yourself seriously? To step up in life? To build something very new, even if it meant building on the ashes of the past? The point of this time, in a way, was for you to become Saturn – the authority, the leader, the responsible one. So anything that fell short of that mark had to go. I mention this because over the next two months you’ve got to tie up a lot of loose ends. You either get the promotion or you realize that a lot of things have to quickly change in order to make sure you’re where you need to be. After all, Pluto turns direct in Capricorn on October 4, another reveal in a long story of you tearing down and rebuilding things since 2008. Seeing how it’s Libra Season, the Sun is riding high in your chart, shining a light on career, direction, and the role you play in the world. From this vantage, it’s important to look out over your life and assess where you want to go in the coming months and years. October may also feel like a month of milestones, especially with an Aries Full Moon on October 1 that lights up your sign of home and family. As a result, you may have a serious decision to make about where to live or some aspect of your home life. Family members may need your help or attention. Or you may have to face a deep wound or suffering around family that has wound its way through many things in your life, finding the courage to finally heal. Venus also changes signs on October 2, moving into Virgo, a sign that helps you to make sense of the world, to search for truth and meaning in things. You may be sorting through themes of faith or getting philosophical. It’s also a time when you may need to take classes or get professional training. (Just note that Mercury is retrograde from October 13 through November 3. Not that life grinds to a halt, but we must do our due diligence.) A Libra New Moon on October 16 arrives late in the season, but gives you a reset in your professional life. As a result, it’s a lunar month to focus on career, ambitions, direction, and your public life. The new moon also makes a hard square to Saturn and Pluto, so it’s possible that whatever new roles you’re taking on in your life are marking a major milestone. Then on October 22 the Sun arrives in Scorpio, a sign that not only turns your attention to the future but speaks of your social network, the people you call friends, and the communities that you belong to. It may be a social time for you, but in true Scorpio fashion, things may be a bit intense later this month in your social circle or with a friend. With Mercury Retrograde, also in Scorpio, make sure you’re communicating clearly. Lastly, a powerful full moon on October 31 lights up the part of your chart that talks about identity, creativity, and self expression. Do you know who you really are? You may think you do, but you’re a couple of years into a seven year story of reinventing who you are. Or, letting go of any fears and limitations that have prevented you from expressing who you fully are. The full moon is potentially a dramatic check in with a story that began in May 2018, if not March 2019. Want a deeper look at how October will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, professional life, professional relationships, public life, ambitions, status, title, recognition, direction, purpose, meaning, faith, truth, belief, wisdom, classes, education, knowledge, the self, new beginnings, responsibility, growing up, setting a high bar, self discipline, being an authority, breaking down the old, breaking down what’s not working, rebirth, facing self, facing shadow self, home, family, living situation, a move, reinvention of self, talents, creativity, awakenings.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

Big things afoot, Aquarius. First, October marks the beginning of the end of Saturn in Capricorn, a three year chapter devoted to you growing up, growing wiser, and reaching for a higher standard. But Capricorn is a sign that pulls you away from the world and, as a result, the last three years, since the start of 2018, have been a time of retreat as well as reflection. It’s also been a time of endings, like having to spiritually clean out the closets and rooms of your life in order to let go of what you no longer need. So, how are you feeling now that you’re coming to the end of this time, this time that’s also the end of a 30 year chapter. (Yep, 30 years.) Perhaps a little existential? A little wistful? The month starts off with an Aries Full Moon, one that lights up your sign of communication, ideas, and information. You may hear big news around the full moon. Or, there’s a need to make a major decision, get your voice heard, or focus on your education. An Aries Full Moon can be a little argumentative, too, especially along philosophical or ideological divides, so remember that it’s Libra Season if tempers flare. Try to find different perspectives. Advocate for yourself and your needs, but try to find solutions that support everyone. With Venus’s arriving in Virgo on October 2, Libra Season may feel a little emotionally intense. It’s also a time when you need to focus on emotional health and wellbeing. To that point, Pluto’s forward movement in Capricorn on October 4 continues to bring to the surface previously hidden — unconscious patterns, emotional blindspots, and buried feelings. Then on October 13 Mercury turns retrograde in Scorpio, your career sign. On one hand, this is a time when you’re getting a different perspective in your professional life. But on the other, you need to double check information that you’re putting out publicly or any professional agreements that you are making. Mercury in Scorpio, especially in this part of your chart, as a feeling of airing “dirty laundry” so to speak. Secrets or private information may be made public, too. Something to keep in mind. By October 16 a Libra New Moon opens up a new chapter that focuses on questions of faith, truth, and meaning. What do you believe in? How do you see the world and yourself in it? What are your convictions? Note that there may be some relationship stress this month as the Sun squares off with Saturn and Pluto, something that begs the question, are you and partner on the same page? This may be something that you’re working through into November. If not a partner, then are you on the same page with yourself? Sometimes we choose things that are not in alignment with our integrity. The new moon may be a call to get back into alignment. By October 22 the Sun arrives in Scorpio and reaches the highest heights of your chart. This is naturally a season for you to reach out into the world, to be seen and recognized for your work. It’s also a season that highlights career, professional duties, and responsibilities. But it’s a full moon on October 31 that really shakes things up. Before we can talk about the full moon we have to go back to May 2018, the month that Uranus first went into Taurus and began to shake up the very foundation of your life. That was a bit of a preview because Uranus left in November 2018 and returned in March to commence a six to seven year story of completely reinventing your home life. When you look back already, maybe you see a big move. Maybe you’re not in the same place emotionally, psychically that you were two years ago. Uranus transforms, disrupts, and awakens. It also liberates you from something previously confining. So the Taurus Full Moon on October 31, right on Uranus, is another milestone in a story that has been unfolding since 2018 — perhaps dramatically so. Want a deeper look at how October will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Faith, truth, meaning, convictions, searching for answers, searching within, existential questions, spirituality, retreat, reflection, wrapping up old stories, emotion purge, unconscious, blind spots, dreams, illusions, education, travel, information, ideas, news, choices, classes, teaching, speaking, listening, communication, home, family, living situation, roots, foundation, breaking with the past, career, public life, public standing, status, title, responsibilities, direction.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

This hasn’t been an easy year. Yes, it hasn’t been an easy year for most people, but 2020 at times seems to have demanded more from you at times – more transformation, more letting go, more tearing down, more rebuilding. Let’s keep in mind some bigger points. One, Jupiter, your ruling planet, has been in Capricorn since December 2, 2019. While in Capricorn, it’s been making a series of tense aspects to Pluto and Saturn, two planets that demand a lot of big change on your part. Two, Jupiter is starting to wind its way out of Capricorn, leaving on December 19, so you’re in the homestretch, but this month may push and pull at you some more. In fact, it’s Libra Season, a time in your personal zodiac calendar when you delve into the deepest parts of yourself. It’s about intimacy and vulnerability. It’s about digging through sometimes uncomfortable emotions. With Venus in Virgo all month long, a lot of this material may be connected to relationships, from old power dynamics and patterns to needing to look at the situations and people who make you feel uncomfortable. On the flip side, relationships may be pushing buttons this month, but providing you a lot of opportunities for you to deepen your relationship with yourself and others. A dynamic, provocative Aries Full Moon on October 1 puts the spotlight on money, income, and resource. You may have a serious decision to make about the value of something or needing to take action in your material life, something that may have a bearing on your future. Then again, with Jupiter in Capricorn, you’ve been thinking about your future all year long, wondering how to create the life you want to live. Mercury Retrograde, which starts on October 13, is important to note because Mercury is a big player in your Pisces chart, speaking to home and family as well as relationships and social connection. Since Mercury is in Scorpio, an investigative sign, you may be trying to get to the bottom of a mystery. Or, you and a partner need to have a deep conversation about faith, truth, and meaning. Something may be coming up, something previously hidden, or something that you need to put your detective hat on for. Speaking of which, a Libra New Moon on October 16 goes deeper into themes around trust, power, control, and vulnerability, which makes it seems as though Scorpio Season has come early. Nevertheless, the Sun’s arrival in Scorpio, the sign of deep, dark emotions, continues the vibe into the rest of the month. The idea is that after all the digging into yourself, all the vulnerabilities, and revelation, Scorpio Season helps you to make sense of things, connecting the dots, and understanding the higher purpose. Then again, you’re a little bit older and wiser than you were at the start of this year. That said, you may be focusing on travel and learning as you round out the month. A dramatic full moon on October 31 puts a spotlight on ideas and information, communication and conversation. You may receive information that illuminates, shocks, or opens you up to new ways of thinking. Classes, books, and conversations may challenge the way you see things. This full moon isn’t a stand alone event. It’s part of a story that’s been unfolding since 2018 when Uranus, the planet of awakenings, arrived in your chart’s sector of communication. You began a seven year story of completely changing how you communicate with people. This includes opening up your voice as well as your mind. The full moon, which closes out an intense October, is the next step in this unfolding story. Want a deeper look at how October will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Looking ahead, the future, growing older, growing wiser, changes, transformation, friends, community, social circle, social network, groups, social issues, social causes, humanitarian issues, deep emotions, the psyche, the deep self, the shadow self, going inward, rebirth, intimacy, vulnerability, trust, power, control, relationships, connection, other people, secrets, money, income, spending, finance, assets, debt, benefits, loans, taxes, material needs, material stability, material decisions, faith, truth, meaning, making sense of things, worldview, convictions, beliefs, education, travel, trips, information, ideas, news, unexpected news, major choices, serious information, awakenings, new thought, new ways of thinking, new ways of communicating.

Photo by Coco Tafoya on Unsplash