Capricorn, this is your look at the astrology of May 2021. My name is Katie Sweetman and this is Empowering Astrology. So let’s take a look at it. So there’s a lot of big things happening. And May is eclipse season, which you may or may not know, means that life is sort of shifting and rearranging in a different direction, then, your planet, Saturn, turns retrograde. Don’t worry, retrograde does not equal bad just means it’s a different phase of energy.

But it also means that your life is sort of pushing and pulling and going in a different direction. We’ll talk about that in a moment. And then Jupiter also changes signs.

It goes into Pisces, Pisces being your sign of voice and communication. And so it’s sort of this preview of a larger period of time where you have to take your voice seriously and sort of express yourself, maybe even express your intuitive self.

So let’s sort of start from the beginning. It’s Taurus season and Taurus season for you is a time for, to play, to, I know you’re thinking, play, what? Capricorn, yeah, you’re allowed to play, play, express yourself, create.

It’s a season for you to get back in touch with who you really are. We probably talked about this last month, but Taurus season also equals Uranus and Taurus. Uranus has been in Taurus since May 2018, March 2019. And you are in a larger period of time over the next four or five years, where you have to sort of reinvent who you are but not reinvent and become somebody you’re not; reinvent, become the person you’ve always been.

And I also mentioned that you’ve been in a much longer phase of time over a decade of really doing a lot of deep and powerful work because Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. It’s like you had to clear all the spaces inside of you and around you so you could get back to who you really were. And that’s, you know, kind of brings you to 2019 and 2020. And here you are in 2021. But Taurus season is a time that does talk about value and money.

And what do you value? And, do you value yourself? And, do you value your talent? So it’s the month to it’s a season, rather, to really take yourself seriously.

Venus and Mercury will leave Taurus first. It’s Mercury. It goes into Gemini on May 3rd, followed by Venus on May 8th. Now for you, Capricorn, Gemini is the sign of health and wellness for you. It’s how you take care of your body.

It’s how you organize your day to day life. So you really have to get your stuff together. Gemini can be a little scattered, but it just says to you that for the rest of the rest of May, you have to really focus on projects, organization, getting things in and  where they need to go and the sense of flow and it’s probably going to be busy. A busy month for you, Capricorn, especially with work or projects. And then there’s the Taurus new moon on May 11th.

This sort of is, again, the sense of like, who are you renewing, who you are, how you express who you are, your creative talents. And for some people, this is also a time who is about children and focusing on children or the things that are like children, the things that we create that are an expression of us, maybe just not a child.

But as we go into the middle of the month, we have Saturn turning retrograde on May 23, and Saturn is your planet. It’s been in Aquarius since December 17th 2020. And this is a much bigger time, just, you know, until 2023. I know, “just” and when you need to sort of really focus on your material life, how you spend money, how you earn a living, sort of the intrinsic value you put on things and even the value you put on yourself.

And maybe Saturn is looking at your receipts, you know, May 23 and making sure you’re spending the money on what is really, truly a value. It’s a time to have a good, strong sense of budget. I know it doesn’t mean that you can’t spend money. I mean budget as in like what do you have? What do you don’t have? What do you need? Where is the income flowing? Because Saturn typically can be a little bit anal retentive.

Is that the right word, about how we’re spending our money when Saturn is in this part of our astrology charts? You have to really show Saturn that you can handle your personal finances, that you know what the right value of things is, even if you’re sort of prioritizing other people. Or maybe you’re prioritizing work over your own personal wellness, how do you get back to you because Saturn is like you can’t run yourself into the ground? You still have to take care of you.

When Saturn turns retrograde, it’s sort of doing so in a square to Uranus. And you might feel a big build up this month to make some big changes. And you might find that around May 23, you’re like ready to jump off in a new direction. You’re ready to do something different. You’re right to break out or break free from something that’s previously held you back. So there’s that. You know, Saturn, again, is sort of looking over your shoulder.

I know you are Saturn and Saturn is your planet, but you still have to step up to the higher bar that Saturn is setting for you right now. The other thing is that Jupiter turns, not turns, it goes into Pisces on May 13th. And Pisces, for you, is your sign of voice and communication. Jupiter is right at home in Pisces. And so there’s a sense of like strength and focus on that part of your life. And, you know, it’s time to to be heard, to use your voice more. Maybe you’re focusing more on classes, education, travel, searching for truth and meaning. But it’s a little bit more of an existential and philosophical time as well.

But it also might be a time when you’re maybe really busy as you go into even July. But that said, the other big thing this month is eclipse season. We’ve got a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on March, March, May 26th 2021. And for you, Sagittarius, is your sign of faith, interfaith, wisdom, inner wisdom. Sagittarius is the last sign in your zodiac wheel. And when you get to the last sign, it’s about leaving the world behind.

So maybe, as you know, you really open up to who you are and Jupiter goes in the Pisces, and that also includes needing to reconnect to your spirituality, reconnect to your divinity, because when you get to the end of the Zodiac, your own personal Zodiac, it’s about divesting yourself of the things that you’ve been holding onto and reconnecting, you know, making that bridge over to the nonphysical, the other side, spirituality, mysticism.

So there’s this big focus on faith and truth and meaning as you go into the end of the month. And it’s also the time to let go. You know, maybe this is where you’re at, you’re opening up to who you are. But it also means that the old you needs to go.

I mean, that in the best possible way as you go into June, you know, especially with that solar eclipse on June 10th, you are doing this thing of like straddling heaven, earth, you know, really looking at your spiritual service, your spiritual life versus your earthly life, earthly service, spiritual health, physical health. These are going to be two dichotomies that are you’re going back and forth between and May and going into June as well.

And I think that with Jupiter in Pisces and this eclipse that’s in Sagittarius, you know, you really have to search within. And I think it’s about finding your intuitive voice, listening to your intuitive compass, getting in alignment with your higher plan. I mean, I think sometimes, you know, life happens and we sort of lose the bigger plot. But, you know, it’s my belief that the spirit or our guides or source is trying to get us back where we need to get to.

And that’s the beauty of astrology, is it shows us this map of where we can potentially be headed towards. So it’s a big month. It’s a big month to break from old patterns, old habits, old limitations, and start to really reconnect with who you are. And maybe that’s a little scary because it’s a very different person than you thought you were. But it’s, again, the person that you always were deep down inside. I will also add at the end and March, I keep wanting to say March, May 30th, Mercury turns retrograde.

Nothing to worry about. It’s just a time for you to do your due diligence, to cross your t’s, to dot your i’s.

Maybe you’re having to walk back on something with a project or revisit something about your health or get a second opinion or get a new perspective on something that you’ve been involved in at work, or just recommit to your your health and taking care of yourself. So that said, that is your look at the astrology of May 2021. See, I didn’t say March. May 2021.

My name is Katie Sweetman. I’m an astrologer and psychic medium here in Brooklyn, New York.

And this is Empowering Astrology. You can follow me online, You can follow me on Instagram, Facebook, sign up for my newsletter, book a consultation or subscribe to this YouTube channel because I have content every week. I will see you all next week. Have a wonderful may. Take care.
