Hey, Aries, this is your look at the astrology of May 2021. My name is Katie Sweetman and this is Empowering Astrology.

So let’s just get to it. So there’s a couple of bigger things for you to understand this month. Aries first, it’s Taurus season. Now you’re thinking, I’m not a Taurus. But here’s the thing. Taurus for you is your money sign. It’s your sign of material stability, material security. So you’re really thinking about your material life this month. What do you need? What do you need in the bank? What do you need in your home?

Do you have enough? Do you have too much? There are these deeper themes around value that are being triggered this month. This is actually a carry over from April’s astrology because you’re in a much bigger time. This actually goes over the next few years and this has actually been the past couple of years where you’re completely reinventing what you value. So here you are. It’s Taurus season again.

That time for you to look at what you own, what you need, the roof over your head, food, material stability, material worth. And maybe you’re in a very different place than you were last year. Hopefully for better. Maybe not for worse, of course, but maybe with everything that’s happened in the last 12 months plus you have a very different sense of what you need. Maybe the things that you thought that you needed and the beginning of 2020 is not what you need right now.

So you’re sort of going through things. You’re categorizing things you’re seeing like, you know, maybe your goal, you’re cleaning through things like do I need this? Is this actually reflective of what I value at this time? Maybe you’re also thinking about getting more income and maybe sort of taking the next actionable steps in order to make that happen. But again, I think there’s a bigger theme at play if you are sort of focusing on income and how you earn a living.

I think with everything that’s been changing the past couple of years, how you earn a living has to match your values, meaning not somebody else’s values, or your community’s values that actually match your values. And maybe your values have shifted.  The money, that sort of or the things that you spent your money on a couple of years ago, it’s not what you’re spending your money on right now. Somewhat related to money. Let’s look over to Mars. And Mars is your planet because you’re in Aries and Aries is ruled by Mars.

And since April, Mars has been in cancer so cancer is the sign of home and family and cancer for you forms the base of your astrology charts. So this is a time to get down to your roots, to focus on your foundation, to make changes in your living environment, make changes in the home. And this includes a move, you know, for some of you, it is a time to move or some of you it’s time to make some some sort of physical change in the home.

And this can also tie back to some of these themes around money and material stability that are present during Taurus season. And maybe you’re purchasing a home, maybe you’re saving up. Maybe you’re like maybe, you know, a couple of years ago you thought you wanted this for your home environment and now you want something completely different. This is a time that’s about family and maybe you’re having to you know family is a big theme in your life right now, or at least through May going into the beginning of June.

Mars, and you are ruled by Mars, to be fair. But Mars at this part of the Mars and Cancer, it’s not a, let’s say, quiet influence in your astrology right now. Maybe you’re just feeling a little more emotional than usual, a little prickly because you’re having to deal with the past with family, maybe there’s some bigger familial issues that are coming up. But sort of like your home environment needs a lot of tension. I mean, Aries, you’re the sign of action.

So you might have to take action with something about a family member at this time, that said, you know, we have Mercury going into Gemini on May 3rd, followed by a Venus and Gemini on May 8th. So we sort of have a little bit of a shift in Taurus season where it’s more about, let’s say, at the beginning of the month, your material needs, material stability and that’s still the case, but then it goes into more of a Gemini feel after the 8th of May and Gemini wants to accumulate Venus and Gemini, it’s like here, let’s get more.

Let’s try all the things. It’s a very busy place for Venus to be. It’s also a very social place for Venus to be, Venus to be. And maybe because Venus is your relationship planet, you’ve got a lot of social connections, social interactions happening. In the second half of this month, you know, maybe it’s time to, you know, party, I mean, I realize there’s not a lot to party about right now. But, you know, Venus loves to connect, loves the life, loves the schmooze.

So maybe that’s just kind of more social engagements. You know, they’re virtual towards the end of the, you know, the beginning to the middle of the month. But as we you know, some of the big news this month is that Jupiter goes into Pisces. Actually, one of the big things this month, three big things this month, Jupiter is about faith and truth and wisdom. And when it goes into Pisces, Pisces is what’s called your last sign.

This is a time is about interfaith searching for meaning. And, you know, maybe you have been through a lot Aries and it’s time to go inward. It’s trying time to find those answers deep within. And sort of, you’re sort of stepping into this time that in a way presages something that’s going to happen in a couple of years where you have to start to answer big questions. So I think Jupiter’s time in Pisces; there will be a little bit of a dip into Pisces.

We’ll see Jupiter go into Pisces from May 13th to July 28th of twenty twenty one. It goes back out, it goes into Aquarius and it goes back in at the end of the year. But I think that you’re going to start to get a little more existential as you go into the middle part of May and June and July as well. And this might pull you towards spirituality or spiritual themes or meditation or trying to again find the best that you can. The answers to these bigger existential questions, you know, Jupiter, in Pisces, it is going to activate some of this eclipse energy that’s on the horizon.

Yes, it’s eclipse again this month that will happen later this month. But before that can happen, we do have to have a Taurus new moon on May 11th.

So this Taurus new moon, it picks up again. These themes around value, security, material needs, material security, stability, and maybe you’re thinking about what you need to buy and accumulate and to gather and the resources you need at this time. Again, Venus will be in Gemini for a little bit of a social schmoozy, busy, travely place for Venus. And so maybe you are having to connect with neighbors or friends or, you know, share resources or connect in terms of like, you know, making friendship or community of value at this time.

You know, connection is really important. And I think that’s something that we had to learn the hard way. And twenty, twenty. And that, you know, as we go into May 20th, it’s Gemini’s season and then it really will start to pick up this energy of movement and travel and especially short trips are kind of going back and forth in your neighborhood. But the other big news this month is that Saturn turns retrograde, it turns retrograde on May 23, just for the technical people out there, it’s turning retrograde at 13 degrees of Aquarius, almost like Capricorn. So here’s what you need to know. You are in this two year period in twenty twenty to twenty, twenty one, twenty, twenty two in the first few months of twenty, twenty three where it’s all about friends and community. It’s you know, who was who are your friends, who’s part of your social network, your tribe.

You know, who is going to support you at this time. Again, we can’t do things alone. We need connection. So this is a time for you to get very clear about who are your friends, who are your allies and your connection. It’s and this is, to be fair, a bigger time about building community when Saturn turns retrograde, it’s sort of a check in on a process. Saturn is saying to you, Aries, who are your friends?

Who can you rely on? Who can you trust? Who is going to be there and support you? And if the answer for you is nobody, then you have some work to do, because that’s the point of Saturn. Saturn is trying to get us to build to make the systems and networks that are going to support our lives, especially at this time. And we need allies. We need a connection again. So you’re working. This is what Saturn wants you to do.

And if something’s not working, I mean, you have people in your life who are toxic or who aren’t supportive or break down the systems in your life. Saturn is like, no, Saturn is a hard boundary. And maybe you do need to set hard boundaries with some of the people, some of the social connections in your life. But do keep in mind that Saturn is not going to leave this part of you. Life until May, not May, March, of twenty twenty three so Saturn when it gets to that point in a couple of years, once you’ll look back and say, OK, now who’s there, who’s there for you?

And usually the people that are left after this time are the people who are rock solid and the people that you can trust and count on. But then there’s a lunar eclipse on May 26. Yes, it’s eclipse season. So here we are six months later after we had eclipses at the end of November and December of 2020. These eclipses are in Sagittarius, which is where we’re going to have this lunar eclipse on May 26. And then two weeks later, on June 10th, we’re going to have a solar eclipse in Gemini.

So Sagittarius and Gemini, the they’re very much the signs about information, ideas, wisdom, knowledge, philosophy, faith, travel, intercommunication. And because the south node is in Sagittarius right now, there’s been this theme since 2020 where we have to really examine what we believe in and what we think is truth. And the thing about the south node in Sagittarius is maybe the things that we thought were true are not true, or maybe the convictions and the things were so riled up on actually aren’t true.

Or the north node in Gemini is a pull to get new ideas, new information sort of keep our options open, whereas Sagittarius wants to put all of its cards, so to speak, on one place. This is that this is this is the hill I’m going to die on. But no north node in Gemini is like, no, you need new ideas. And so I always tell people like yourself, if you’re saying something is right just say maybe I’m wrong, even if you know it’s right just say maybe I’m wrong, because it sort of opens up that Gemini energy that allows you to maybe to be wrong or to see things from different perspectives or be able to talk and to communicate with somebody and have it not be such a tense conversation about this is right.

This is wrong. These are my beliefs. This is, you know what I mean? So it’s just something to keep in mind. So this full moon on Saturday at five degrees of Sagittarius on May 26, it’s that next one. We had solar eclipse on December 14th. Twenty twenty in Sagittarius. We had the first of the series on June 5th of twenty twenty. That was in Sagittarius. So that’s why right right now it’s so much about our convictions, our faith, our truth, the sort of these bigger philosophies and ideologies.

And with Saturn and Aquarius, it’s about equity and justice and how we’re all connected and how we’re all disconnected and how we don’t see each other and how we don’t hear each other. So these are themes that might be coming up in your life and maybe you’re trying to figure out, especially with Jupiter and Pisces, what do you believe in? And maybe you’re having to open up and feel and surrender Pisces because the things that you thought were real or true, maybe, maybe not.

I don’t know. We’ll see. We’ll see. But that’s said. I mean, maybe travel’s a big theme or even education is a big theme. Maybe you have to make because it’s a lunar eclipse. You have to make a decision about your education or decision about your faith or decision about your convictions or a legal matter or sort of the bigger directions of your life. And then as we go into the end of the month, on May 30th, Mercury will turn retrograde.

Don’t worry, it’s just another time for Mercury to turn retrograde. And when Mercury turns retrograde, it’ll turn retrograde in Gemini. So just a little heads up, I’m not a big freak her outer about Mercury retrograde. This is not me saying freak out about Mercury retrograde, but, you know, do your due diligence, cross your t’s, dot your i’s, double check information. I think with Mercury turning retrograde in Gemini, we just have to be a little bit more diligent because Mercury is in its home sign, Mercury is in the sign of communication, ideas, information, it’s in the middle of an eclipse cycle.

So maybe information is coming out. Maybe something that’s previously hidden or something that we didn’t see before is being revealed. Or maybe we’re just getting our wires crossed. So just have a lot of patience as you go into the end of the month. Aries, I know that, you know, with Mars, your planet, and Cancer, you are feeling a lot right now, you’ve got a lot of emotions bubbling up. But make sure you’re getting the right information because Mercury will square Neptune when it turns retrograde.

And so it’s very important to make sure that you’re getting the correct information, the right information, so just make sure you have a lot of backup plans as you go into the end of the month. So that is your look at the astrology, Aries, it’s May of 2021. My name is Katie Sweetman. I’m an astrologer and psychic medium here in Brooklyn, New York. And you can find me online at EmpoweringAstrology.com. I’m also on Instagram, Facebook, and you can sign up for my newsletter.

So do check me out and subscribe to this YouTube channel. Take care. Bye.