This is a transcription of the following video for Cancer March 2021.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

Hey, Cancer, this is your look at the astrology of March 2021. My name is Katie Sweetman. Let’s get to it. So, this month it’s Pisces season, so for the most part, you won’t have Aries Season until later this month. But for the most part, March is the time for you to look out into the world. How do you what is your truth?

What do you believe in? What is your faith now? Pisces as itself is a sign that is about faith, although it’s faith from within. But for you, this is a time to look outwards. What do you believe in? It doesn’t have to be a statement of religion, but it can be more of a philosophical statement when I talk about faith, faith in the world, faith that everything’s going to be okay because you spent the previous season, Aquarius, sort of going through a lot of your deep stuff, to put it mildly.

You had a lot of planets in what I like to call your 8th Room. So, you were doing a lot of inner work, a lot of spiritual work, a lot of facing yourself. So now that on one hand you’re outside of that phase, this is the time to cultivate the wisdom that comes from having looked deep within. That said, in normal times, this would be a season to travel abroad, to go on long distance journeys. And, you know, we can’t really do that these days.

But maybe you’re doing it in other ways. Maybe you’re looking towards other cultures. You’re getting inspiration from different parts of the world, or maybe you’re just educating yourself right now. This part of the chart does talk about higher education. So, that’s relevant to you. This is a time or season, rather, for you to focus on higher education. I will add that. I mean, although it’s a bit late in the Pisces Season, there will be a Pisces new moon on March 13th.

So, this new moon sort of reignites everything that I just highlighted for you. Faith, truth, wisdom, meaning, searching, exploring, trying to make sense of all the deep inner work that you’ve been doing. And so that brings you into April because new moons are like these new chapters, these new beginnings of time in your lunar calendar for you to sort of put your attention on that part of life. So this new moon sort of also points towards the deeper stuff that you’ve been working on, because Jupiter, the ruler of the new moon, is in your eighth sign, the 8th Room.

So, you’re sort of going back and forth between, like doing the deep inner work, doing the reflection, doing the uncovering, because it’s a sense of having to uncover at this time and face the past and maybe even face traumas that you haven’t been able to work with. But then you kind of going back and forth between, how does that shape you? How does that shape what you believe in? Do you need to dismantle old beliefs because they are no longer a value anymore? Not to get ahead of myself, but you do start the month with Mars going into Gemini on March 3rd. So, for you, Cancer, Gemini is what’s called your 12th Sign. It’s the sign that immediately is right before Cancer. So, this is the time for you to go back and rest, to relax, to recharge. When Mars is in the 12th Sign, you don’t have typically a lot of energy. This is a Mars that typically needs to feel, is a bit empathic and compassionate before it actually takes action.

So, this is a Mars that needs to know 100% how its actions are impacting other peoples. It’s not a very fast active Mars, but this is the time for you to pull back, to go on retreat, to do the inner work, which is, of course, picking up a lot of the stuff that’s happening over in your room, so to speak, this year, because Saturn is over in your 8th Room.

So use this time, you know, the beginning of March, even going into the middle of April to shed to let go when Mars is in this part of this chart, it’s really great to use the energy of Mars, which is action, determination, motivation, to release — to release the past, release addictions, release attachments, to release sufferings, to find the compassion that you need to find for the people in the situations that maybe previously were very hard to find.

If you are low on energy going into April, do not be surprised because Mars in this part of this chart is more conducive towards rest and recharging than it is towards actually taking a lot of physical action. We already talked about the new moon that’s on the 13th of March. But two days later, Mercury goes into Pisces, so Mercury will go into the part of the chart that talks about your faith, your truth, your meaning, your convictions, and maybe it’s giving you voice to a lot of the things that you haven’t been able to give voice to while Mercury has been retrograde.

And, you know, it’s not retrograde anymore, but it’s been a long time in that 8th Room. And then a couple of days later, we have the Sun going into Aries on March 20th.

So, for you, Aries is your sign of career, it’s your place in the world? It’s the title after your name, the responsibilities and duties that you carry publicly, professionally. So, you’re going into a time in your personal calendar where it is about your professional life.

You know, maybe you are using the latter part of March to really focus on your career. I know Mars is sort of behind the scenes right now, so you might be having to do this a little bit of dance between what’s going on in your professional life and needing to deal with some things behind the scenes or to let things go or maybe to reflect, like, do I need to go in a new direction?

Aries is the start of the zodiac, so there’s a sense of like new beginnings, new initiatives, new times with the sun going into areas, you’ll get a little bit more of a boost when we have that Aires New Moon, but that won’t be until April. So, use this time to focus on your professional life and you might find that as you go into April, this is the natural time in your zodiac calendar to get a new job, to make career change, to get some attention, you know, to be in the spotlight.

The next day, Venus joins the Sun in Aries and Venus in this part of your chart, you’re sort of like the farthest from home at this point. Maybe you’re actually spending a lot of time out of the home, to be honest. But Venus does give a bit of a boost. Venus is like, how do we sort of get the traction, get the you know, get the notice that we need in our professional life or even our public life?

Venus gives us charm and skill and, you know, some kind of diplomacy and our professional life as well.

Speaking of diplomacy, we have a Libra Full Moon on March 28th. So, for you, Libra forms the bottom of your chart. It is your base and your foundation, it’s home roots and family. So, this full moon is putting some emphasis on your home environment.

Maybe you are gearing up for a move. Maybe you are. There’s some change in the household or, you know, some sort of change in your living environment. Maybe you need to make a decision. Full moons are about decisions about where are you going to live or something about your home environment. Sometimes when there’s a full moon in this in this part of the chart, people move in, people move out.

But maybe, you know, something about a family member needs your attention to. Keep in mind that with Venus all the way at the opposite end of the sky right now, there is some dynamic tension happening between your professional life, your worldly life and your home life. How do you sort of find the balance between the two? Venus will be making something called a conjunction to Chiron. So, this full moon might kind of touch on pain point because Chiron is a pain point in the astrology or in the sky and there’s always something that’s going to hit a nerve with us.

We’re human beings. So, this full moon sort of talks about this bigger story, our own courage and bravery. So, for you, Cancer, how do you have the courage and bravery to go after what you want to maybe have the career that you want or maybe direct your life in the direction that you want as opposed to what other people want? There might be a sense of something. You know, that’s part of the chart where Chiron is right now.

It’s a very public part of the chart, very visible part of your chart. So, this full moon might highlight something on a public level, even maybe you’re having to talk about your own pain, your own suffering or something that maybe is a pain point for you.

Nevertheless, you’re sort of coming into a season towards the end of the month, going into April, where it’s a little bit more dynamic astrology in your chart.

So, I would sort of use the first few weeks of this of this of this month to rest and relax, knowing that you can’t charge forward too quickly.

You have to do a little bit of rest at the same time. So, you might see this kind of interesting dichotomy happening between things happening on a very. Personal or rather exterior or professional or public side of things. There’s all the stuff that’s happening inside with your emotions and your feelings.

So that is your look at the astrology of March 2021, Cancer. Thank you for watching. My name is Katie Sweetman. I’m an astrologer with Empowering Astrology. You can follow me I’m also on Instagram @empoweringastro, IGTV, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, Empowering Astrology. Hope to see you there. You can also book a consultation with me. Go to Take care. Have a wonderful month. Bye, Cancer.