Welcome to the Libra Full Moon, the time in our zodiac calendar when the spotlight is on relationship — all relationship. We’re tending to others right now. We’re looking at how we socialize, connect, and compromise. And, of course, find balance. The full moon is exact on April 7, 2020 at 10:36 pm EDT, 18 degrees Libra/Aries. That’s 7:36 pm Los Angeles, 3:36 am London on April 8, 12:36 pm Sydney, and 2:36 pm Auckland.
Full moons demand our attention. We have to take action, seeing something for what it really is. as if in a spotlight. Events can feel dramatic. We have to make a decision.
This full moon puts Libra in the spotlight. It’s a call for connection and cooperation, to make time for other people — something that may have to be done virtually as we all negotiate a global pandemic. While Aries is a wonderful sign for finding the motivation and courage to move forward, it can be overly self reliant. Instead, open up to partnership. We need to find the balance between ourselves and others.
With Venus in Gemini, the sign of communication, it’s a full moon to talk and listen to others. Venus helps us to gain new perspectives, new ideas, and to weigh our options. But Gemini can be very either-or or have a hard time making a decision.
That said, this is a confrontational full moon, one that echos the energies of recent eclipses, namely January’s lunar eclipse at 20 Cancer/Capricorn. As a result, we may see major eclipse-like events this week, our lives taking a turn in a new direction or events that feel fated. People may be coming in and out, the stage of our lives readying for a new scene or even a new chapter.
It’s important to note that the full moon makes what’s called a square to Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. Mars is still squaring Uranus. This is heavy hitting astrology, astrology that demands we reform, transform, and awaken. The world is shifting. We need to shift, too.
That said, how do we find peace? How do we find connection and understanding? How do we find balance, even as the world shifts and shakes?
Use this full moon to reach out to others, especially if you’re in isolation right now, even if it’s virtually. Venus in Gemini has support from Mars and Saturn in Aquarius. So the people who can best bring support right now are friends, people from our community, even an older mentor.
Hang in there. It’s a full moon to remember that we’re not alone.