Welcome to Cancer Season. What feeds you? Nurtures you? This is a time in the zodiac calendar when we all stir with the longings of memory and a need to find our anchor. Make sure you tend to your roots this month.

If you know your astrology, you’ll know that Cancer is located at the bottom of the zodiac wheel. And what forms the foundation of life? Home, family, and emotional connection — all themes that Cancer is known for.

This isn’t an easy Cancer Season. Then again, Cancer Season hasn’t been easy for however many years, ever since Pluto moved into the opposing sign of Capricorn in 2008. As a result as a lot of our interactions this month will be through the lens of Pluto, a mirror that reflects back to us what needs to transform and evolve … or die off. Since Cancer is so emotionally driven, we’ll have to take a serious look at what’s truly feeding us and what’s not.

The Capricorn Full Moon on July 9 will get to the heart of this conflict. Activating a powerful opposition between Pluto and Mars, there’s something we’ll have to face. With Saturn in Sagittarius, do we have the faith to see it through? Do our beliefs hold up? Are we willing to alter how we see the world?

Looking ahead, Mars will move into Leo on July 20, just ahead of the Sun. The Leo New Moon on July 23 will kick off a lunar month that will see us into eclipse season. With Leo and Aquarius forming the axis of the next round of eclipses in August, we’re going to start to feel the eclipse energy percolate this month. Something is definitely brewing and we may be seeing signs and portents everywhere.

Read for your Sun and rising sign.

DATES TO NOTE: 7/1 Chiron Retrograde 28 Pisces; 7/2 Mars opposite Pluto; 7/3 Venus sextile Chiron; 7/4 Venus in Gemini, Mercury square Uranus; 7/5 Mercury trine Chiron, Sun square Jupiter, Sun trine Neptune, Mercury in Leo; 7/7 Mercury sextile Venus; 7/9 Full Moon 17 Capricorn, Sun opposite Pluto; 7/14 Mercury sextile Jupiter; 7/17 Mars square Uranus, Venus square Neptune; 7/18 Mars trine Chiron, Venus trine Jupiter; 7/19 Mercury trine Saturn; 7/20 Mars in Leo, Sun square Uranus; 7/21 Sun trine Chiron; 7/22 Sun in Leo; 7/23 New Moon 0 Leo; 7/24 Mercury trine Uranus, Venus opposite Saturn; 7/25 Mercury in Virgo; 7/26 Sun conjunct Mars; 7/30 Venus sextile Uranus, Venus square Chiron; 7/31 Venus in Cancer.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

Time to get back to your roots, Aries. After all, Cancer Season is time in your personal calendar when the light shines on home, family, and emotional connection. You may feel a bit overly sensitive this month, especially with Mars, your ruling planet, in Cancer for much of July. That said, make sure you’re tending to your nest and nourishing yourself with the things that give your life heart and meaning, which includes spending time with your inner circle. Keep in mind that this month will kick off with a big deal face off between Mars and Pluto on July 2 followed by full moon on July 9. This is the sort of energy that puts one at a crossroads, signalling that it’s time to make a major change or transformation. This energy is also activates the axis of your life, so you may be thinking about making a move or a change in career or direction as a result. With Jupiter in the mix of this full moon, there may be a theme around relationships and philosophical differences. A tense square off with Uranus on July 17 may signal that it’s time to make a break or reinvent in something that began around February 26. With all this tense energy in alignment for July, here’s what you need to know. One, you’ve been in a state of major shift over the last few years and you could say that these major changes started way back in 2011. Two, you’re not the same person you were a few years ago let alone last year. Every wave of transformation that you’ve rolled through over the last six, seven years has gotten you closer to the core of who you are when you strip away superficialities and unconscious programming. How will you go even deeper into yourself this month? I know, it’s a lot to ask. When Mars arrives in Leo on July 20 you may have a chance to relax a little. Leo, known for its more celebratory mood, just wants to have fun and enjoy life. Mars in Leo will also bring in themes of creativity, self expression, and identity. Who are you after all these changes? How will you share that with the world? These questions will set you up for August and the powerful energy the month will usher in. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, living situation, roots, foundation, emotional connection, inner circle, direction, decisions, career, reputation, status, title, parents, responsibility, relationships, philosophy, beliefs, transformation, breakthrough, breakdown, revelation, awakening, insight, self, identity, creativity, self expression, fun, leisure, children, risk.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

Busy month ahead, Taurus! What with your ruling planet, Venus, arriving in Gemini on July 4, you’re all set for learning, new ideas, and social events this month. Gemini gives Venus a breezy, flirty energy, so enjoy the vibes. You may find yourself tending to your material needs this July as well and don’t be surprised if you’re spending or collecting more things than usual. In addition, Cancer Season is also travel season for you, Taurus. You may find yourself running around town, commuting between appointments, and setting off on short and even long distance trips. Despite this light energy, there’s a deeper undercurrent to this month’s planetary influences. Namely a face off between Mars and Pluto on July 2 that put a heavy emphasis on your relationships, especially how you and other people see eye to eye. Philosophical and spiritual differences aside, something will powerfully transform between you and a partner this month. The full moon on July 9 will put the spotlight on how you see the world and what you believe in. Something may shift. If you’re considering a big change in your education or going back to school, the full moon may bring a decision. Then, starting on July 20, the narrative will start to shift toward home and family. As a Taurus, you’re deeply emotionally invested in your life being calm, grounded, and stable. When Mars arrives in Leo followed by the Sun on July 20 and July 22 respectively, you’ll feel a big pull to nest. Keep in mind that Mars tends to be noisy and if a calm July and August is what you’re looking for, you’re probably not going to find it. Mars will favor a big move in the home, renovations, or a lot of people coming and going. If stability is what you want, then Mars will at least make you motivated to create it in your life. Think of late July as ushering a new season with you and family or the people closest to you who are like family. Venus will also face off with Saturn on July 24. Nothing to be concerned about, but it is a serious check in with life. Meaning, for as much as Venus in Gemini likes to play it fast and loose, Saturn will be a nod towards responsibilities, getting older, and having to be real. Note that you’re on the cusp of two ellipses in August, eclipses that will potentially put you at a major crossroads. July will get you ready for next month’s changes. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Money, income, finance, spending, accumulation, collecting, stuff, material stability, emotional stability, emotional core, roots, foundation, home, family, inner circle, meaning, feeling, travel, trips, commute, transportation, vehicles, information, news, learning, education, beliefs, philosophy, worldview, relationships, partnerships, other people, interpersonal connection.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

Feeling a little emo, Gemini? Cancer Season is a time when you’re more sensitive to what you need to create stability in your life. As a result, the spotlight will be on money, income, and finance for most of this month. You’re great when it comes to thinking up new ideas and putting in some research, but the key is putting your ideas into action. So, how will you work hard to create some cash flow? Or, better yet, set yourself up for long term financial success? Do you need to prune or make a major adjustment to the things you’ve accumulated that are weighing you down? A showdown between Mars and Pluto on July 2 followed by a powerful full moon on July 9 will put these questions into perspective. It will also force you to take a hard look at things within you and your psyche that you’d rather not look at, things around intimacy, trust, and control. If the full moon feels confrontational, what it’s trying to get you to do is release some emotional baggage. That said, Mercury’s arrival in Leo on July 5 will make for a busy month as well. You may be planning a trip, going from appointment to appointment in the neighborhood, or getting a handle on your to-do list. July will also be the perfect time for you to express your voice as well as some of your natural charm once Venus arrives in Gemini on July 4. Venus will bestow grace and magnetism upon you until the end of the month, so use its visit to Gemini to your advantage. When Mars changes signs on July 20, your busy factor may crank up a bit. If you’re a writer or a speaker, you’ll have lots to say. If you like to travel or move about, then you may not be home that much this month. If education is on your mind, then prepare to see some movement in that category. As you head into August, on the edge of another eclipse season, you’ll be starting to shift into getting back home and settled into your nest. The good news about the upcoming eclipses is that they’re no longer making potent changes in home, family, career, and the direction you take your life in. (Which wasn’t a bad thing if these are areas you were trying to make changes in 2015-2016.) You still have Saturn to contend with, a planet that’s been making sure that you take a serious look at your relationships and how you interact with people. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Money, income, finance, salary, spending, emotional stability, material stability, debt, wealth, resources, manifestation, reality, information, news, movement, travel, commute, transportation, writing, speaking, communication, learning, classes, workshops, school, siblings, facing fears, shadows, the psyche.


June 21–July 22

Cancer GlyphHappy birthday, Cancer! As you celebrate a new personal year, you may be feeling a little different, a little restless, and maybe a little agitated. As a water sign, you’re driven by feeling and connection. Ever since Mars popped into Cancer on June 4, things have been a little temperamental on your end. This month, as Mars rounds out its stay in your sign, you’ll continue to focus on your agenda, take the lead, and push back against those who underestimate you. A face off between Mars and Pluto on July 2 will kick things off on a confrontational note. Maybe not the relaxing birthday you were looking for, but the perfect for starting the new year on a very different foot, especially if want to take a new direction in life or make a career move. It’s safe to say that a lot has changed for you over the last few years. You’ve had to grow, evolve, and let go in ways that you didn’t think were possible. You’ve possibly attracted key people into your life who have challenged you to transform as well. July will put a big emphasis on relationships as well as the balance of power between them. The full moon on July 9 could bring a decision about a partnership or connection. It has to evolve in order to survive. By late July some of this heightened emotional energy will start to calm down as Mars and the Sun move into Leo. For the record, Leo is your money sign and you Mars will motivate you to make your financial life a priority. This may be a time when you are aiming to make more money, get a salary increase, or even make the purchases you need to create a stable material life for yourself. You’ve had an ally over the last year in the form of Jupiter. It’s been helping you tend to your roots and create some much needed stability after a few years of storms. Whatever changes you’re making in the first few weeks of July note that they are getting you closer to where you need to go. You can do this, Cancer! Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: The self, personal power, autonomy, taking the lead, renewal, new beginnings, aggression, temperament, sensitivity, other people, the shadow, relationships, partnerships, interpersonal skills, money, income, finance, salary, material security, stability, foundation.


July 23–August 22

Leo GlyphTake a break, Leo. Relax. Recuperate. Cancer season is a time in your personal calendar when you feel a natural pull to retreat from the world and prepare for the next adventure. But Mars, also hanging out in Cancer until July 20, may make you feel low on energy. Take a tip from the cosmos and don’t push it. If a vacation is on the agenda, make sure it’s someplace quiet and nourishes something deep within you because your spiritual health is directly tied to your physical health. A face off between Mars and Pluto on July 2 followed by a powerful full moon on July 9 will put this body/mind connection in the spotlight. You may have a decision to make about your health, your diet, and how you take care of your body. There will be a push this full moon to cut something out. It could be a toxic food or habit or emotional pattern, something that is deeply ingrained on a personality level. How does the song go? Let it go. You’re right on the cusp of two major eclipses in August, eclipses that will put you at a personal crossroads. The more you can get yourself organized and sorted and in the right headspace, the more you’ll be able to meet the transformational energy of the eclipses, which will occur on August 7 and 21 respectively. Also note that the sky will be a bit turbulent from July 9–20, which makes a pre-birthday retreat all the more needed. On July 20 Mars will move into Leo and it’ll be go time. Mars is all action and its time in Leo it will infuse the end of this month as well as August with the energy of forward movement. The Leo new moon on July 23 will give you a personal restart to your year. Make sure you take time in the run up to think about what you want to create in the coming months. July 26 will be a power day, a day when the Sun and Mars join up for their annual rendezvous. Again, if everything is shifting in August, how will you get ready? Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Rest, retreat, withdraw, inner world, inner work, unconscious, dreams, spirituality, sensitivity, transformation, health, wellness, the body, self care, diet, nutrition, purity, organization, discipline, discernment, work, moving forward, new beginnings, crossroads, change.


August 23–September 22

Virgo GlyphWho are your friends? Your community? This is the time in your personal calendar when the Sun shines on your social network. As a result you may be feeling a pull to get out in the world and connect with like-minded people. Actually it may be more than a pull as Mars has been lighting a proverbial fire under you to get active in your community since June. This energy may bring its share of differences in opinions or values during the first half of this month as well as a need to stand up for what you believe in. In fact, you’ve had to do a lot of personal transformation over the last few years and you may even feel as though you’re a very different person than you were last year. The full moon on July 9 put a part of you in the spotlight, a part of you that feels vulnerable and personal. With Pluto playing a starring role in the full moon, something may have to shift in how you express who you are and how you share that with the world. The other big theme this month will be a pull to rest and retreat. Mercury arrival in Leo on July 5 followed by Mars and the Sun on July 20 and 22 will point you toward the quieter side of life. As you get closer to your birthday and celebrate another trip around the Sun, you may be in a reflective mood. Make sure you set aside some personal time this month to recharge your batteries, even as you navigate social commitments and time with friends. Say yes to invitations with the people who truly nurture and get who you are, even as you struggle this month to reveal yourself on an intimate level. By the end of July you’ll start to get emerge from your cocoon a little as Mercury dips into Virgo on July 25, giving you a sense of renewal and personal new beginnings. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Friends, community, social circle, networks, groups, the future, looking ahead, aspirations, identity, self, retreat, quiet, relaxation, endings, letting go, dreams, the unconscious, recuperation, spirituality, existential questions.


September 23–October 22

Libra GlyphWith the planets cresting into the highest reaches of your chart, you’re at a time in your personal calendar this year when it’s all about career and your role in the world. You had to do a lot of reevaluation in 2017 as Venus, your ruling planet, traced a path backward during a 40 day retrograde. Now it’s Cancer Season, a season when you look outward and connect to things in your professional life that truly fill you up. With Mars continuing its stay in Cancer until July 20, you’re feeling a big push to make some strides in your career, make money, and live your passion. Note that Venus will be in Gemini for much of the month, which means that as focus your time on your ambitions and responsibilities, you may also be traveling a lot in July, too. Gemini is your sign of long distance and foreign travel. As a result, you may be planning a big trip, especially a trip that focuses on community and connecting with friends. If you can’t travel this month, philosophy and education may be a focus as well. Keep an eye on the full moon on July 9. It’s making a powerful connection to Pluto an activating a deep story around roots, family, home, memory, and ancestry. This is a story that has been unfolding since 2008 (yes, nine years). It’s hitting at the heart of something very personal to you, so be present with whatever bubbles up. Pluto has a habit of pulling things out that have been blocked or need to be taken conscious of so you can psychologically and spiritually heal. Nothing to be worried about, but the first couple of weeks in July may require work on an emotional and interpersonal level. Then on July 20 Mars will change signs, putting the heat on friendships and your social network. Mars will inspire you to make connections in your community, but Mars may bring up an issue amongst your circle of friends. Remember your natural charm and diplomacy, Libra, because your social connections will be in the spotlight well into August. And since August is eclipse season, something is getting ready to shift between, your community, and even your vision for the future. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, direction, reputation, ambition, public life, recognition, status, title, home, family, foundation, roots, emotional security, memories, long distance travel, foreign lands, other cultures, education, social network, groups, friends, community.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio GlyphGot your bags packed, Scorpio? Are you reading this from some far flung, exotic destination? Cancer Season is the time in your yearly calendar when the Sun shines on foreign travel, long distance trips, and other cultures. With Mars, your ruling planet, in Cancer for much of July, you’re getting an extra push to get out into the world. If you can’t travel, make sure you’re filling yourself with new insights, different philosophies, workshops, and classes — especially the type of training that will help you take the next step in your career. In fact, keep career in the forefront of your thoughts as August is eclipse season and will bring a new chapter in your professional life. That said, the full moon on July 9 will put the spotlight on communication and the mind. You’ve been doing a lot of work over the last nine years to completely transform how you think, speak, and even move. Scorpio is a sign that likes to keep things close to the vest, but the bigger story arc in your life has been a push to say what you thinking as well as face your own negative thinking. In short, you’ve been in a long chapter of deprogramming, dismantling things you learned in childhood and information that no longer serves you. Speaking of which, a square off between Mars and Uranus on July 17 could make you feel restless with a need to make a change. As the saying goes, try not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Meaning, be open to new ideas, new approaches, and personal breakthroughs. But be mindful of that itchy Scorpio need to burn something down in order to make a change. Starting on July 20, the narrative will start to shift toward your place in the world. Even though August is typically a slow season (for those in the northern hemisphere at least), you may find life moving very quickly. July and August could bring a change in job, a change in title, or a change in direction. In short, the spotlight will be on you. By the end of the month relationship may be a focus as well. With Venus in a part of your chart that touches on intimacy, sexuality, and trust, you may have a decision to make about a partnership or connection on July 24. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Foreign travel, long distance journeys, other cultures, philosophy, religion, education, specialized training, communication, learning, the voice, information, speaking, writing, career, direction, status, reputation, title, relationships, intimacy, trust, other people’s money.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius GlyphAlthough this is a time when the planets are pulling you out into the world, bringing in new friendships and new community, Cancer Season is a time that takes you behind closed doors. Its your sign of intimacy, vulnerability, and the sort of things you only share with an intimate partner. So it’s safe to say that you’re navigating both the public and the private this month. It’s a confessional time, too, so make sure you have someone close to share how you feel like a therapist or a trusted confidant since deep emotions may be coming up as a result. The full moon on July 9 may dig into themes around security and material stability, something you’ve been working hard to transform over the last nine years. On a related note, July will put an emphasis on money — the money you make, the money you owe, the resources at your disposal. Some of the deepest secrets and fears people have are around money. How will you face that part of yourself? And, if there’s something that you’re not dealing with, the full moon may put it in your sights. Another big area of focus this month will be your social connections. With Venus arriving in Gemini on July 4, your relationships will get a boost, bringing a natural charm and effervescent quality to your encounters with other people. Plus Jupiter, your ruling planet, is in Libra, a social sign, so it’s safe to say that July will be busy with places to go and people to see. Speaking of places to go, Mars arrival in Leo on July 20, your sign of long distance travel and adventure, will kick off six weeks of exploration. Not that you need a reason to get out there in the world, but Mars will be a motivator to book a trip, read up on different places to visit, and seek out exotic destinations. So get your suitcase ready. If you can’t travel, then education will be alternative focus. In fact, you’re moving into a bigger chapter, courtesy of August’s two eclipses, when there’s an emphasis on travel, philosophy, and expressing what you believe in. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Intimacy, sexuality, vulnerability, facing your fears, emotional stress, life or death, rebirth, transformation, legacies, finance, wealth, debt, benefits, relationships, other people, partnerships, cooperation, social network, friendships, travel, foreign lands, education, other cultures.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn GlyphAlthough you’ve been a bit of a hermit since last year, Cancer Season is a time for you to get out and socialize. Toss Mars into mix and you’re extra motivated this month to make relationships a priority, from your romantic partnerships to other emotional connections. That said, Mars in Cancer isn’t known for its diplomacy, so your interactions with people may be a little heated; an issue with a partner may boil over or demand attention. Between all this push and pull this month, the Capricorn Full Moon on July 9 will put you in the spotlight. For relationships to work, you’ll need to let go or surrender something of yourself. After all, compromise is at the root of partnership. If we zoom out on the last few years, namely since 2008, you’ve been in a state of total transformation. It’s been difficult and deeply uncomfortable at times, but this present version of you is quite different than even a year ago let alone nine. How will you open up more to the unknown this month? Where is more power and autonomy with a partner needed versus less? One door may open while another closes. By July 20, the narrative will start to shift toward intimacy, trust, and sexuality. Mars and the Sun will lead you into the undiscovered parts of yourself — the shadow, the psyche. In fact with August’s eclipses on the horizon, you’re coming into a time this year when it’s all about vulnerability as well as a leap into the unknown. In other news, you may be busy with work this month instead of relaxing on vacation. July may bring projects as well as a need to bring harmony to your daily life. Since a lot of stuff is shifting for you this month, Venus and Jupiter will help you find peace and stability. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, partnerships, other people, interpersonal skills, cooperation, balance of power, endings, transformation, rebirth, work, career, responsibilities, intimacy, vulnerability, sexuality, facing your fears, emotional stress, psyche, the shadow.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius GlyphIn the grand scheme of things, Aquarius, you’re coming to the end of a long journey, one of those life chapters that stretches over years if not decades. As one of the last signs of the zodiac, you have a vantage that others signs don’t, a natural maturity that allows you to appreciate the slow arc of time. July will prepare you for this next phase, tuning you into the details and organization that allows life to flow from chapter to chapter. Cancer Season is a reminder that your heart is literally in the details and you need to fuel yourself with ritual, practice, and schedule. Could your life be more tidy? Does your health need more attention? Use this month to clean up, start projects, and tend to diet, fitness, and overall wellness. As you may know, health is something that is holistic and the full moon on July 9 will demand you tend to the body as well as the soul. Touching on Pluto, the full moon may reveal something that had previously been hidden from you, something lurking in the unconscious or just out of site. Another thing to note is that you’re moving into a part of the year where relationships have priority. And with an added boost from Mars — something that only happens once every two years — other people will take center stage starting July 20. With two eclipses slated for August that will activate Mars, you’re on the verge of a crossroads. In the coming months a relationship may begin, an old one may end, or you may be headed in a very different direction courtesy of another person. No time like the present to get organized. Although with Venus in your chart’s sector of romance and play, you may be distracted by fun and vacations. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Ritual, practice, schedule, service, health, wellness, body, soul, spirit, cleanliness, organization, dreams, unconscious, mysticism, retreat, work, relationships, other people, partners.


February 19–March 20

Pisces GlyphSit back and relax, Pisces. Cancer Season is a time when you experience the pleasure and fun of life. You could use it as the past few months have likely been intense as you’ve had to face down your shadow as well as your deepest emotional material. Shedding old layers, July will give you a little bit of a break — sort of. One one hand this is a solar month to express yourself, your talents, and you creativity. Mars, also in Cancer, will mean that you’re doing it with gusto. So careful not to get too carried away with the party vibe. Spicy romance may be a theme as well, so set aside time with a special someone or set your sights on someone new. With Venus in Gemini for most of July, you may be nesting or spending time with family this month. In short, this is a time in your personal calendar when it’s more about the intimate and private side of life. The exception, however, will be the full moon on July 9 and the days surrounding. Shining a light on your friendships as well as your community, you’ve been working through a much longer chapter where you’re trying to find your place in the world. Maybe you’ve seen your social circle drastically change over the past few years. The full moon will get to the heart of this process of letting go of people who don’t have your best interests in mind, from friends to even the groups you associate with. Can you trust your friends? Is there something you’ve been refusing to look or deal with? The full moon will put it front and center and you may feel like you’re at a crossroads as a result. Looking ahead, Mars will change signs on July 20, moving the narrative of the month toward work, health, and getting your life in order. The days and weeks into August may be busy as you turn your attention to taking care of your health and vitality as well as your to-do list. As a Pisces, you’re so sensitive. And that sensitivity can affect your physical health. Use July to cut out the toxic people and situations that are dragging you down. Want to learn more about how the astrology of July will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Leisure, recreation, fun, creativity, self expression, identity, romance, children, performance, talent, home, family, roots, foundation, stability, security, trust, friendships, community, social network, groups, allies, the future, work, fitness, nutrition, wellness, health, organization, discipline, schedule.

Photo by Paul on Unsplash