This is a transcription of the following video for Pisces in January 2021.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

There’s a lot that’s happening, but you’re not in the same boat as some of the other signs. The four signs that are really feeling a lot of attention and pressure this month are Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio. You’re none of those unless those signs are major players in your chart. That said, let’s understand what time you’re in.

Astrology is about understanding time and what time it is in your life. As of December 17 and December 19, two major planets—Saturn and Jupiter—are now in Aquarius. Maybe you’re thinking I’m not an Aquarius. I know, but Aquarius is your last sign—it’s the 12th sign—in your chart. The last sign represents the end of the Zodiac for you. It’s about endings; reflection; preparing for a new life while letting go of the old life. Pisces, your sign already thinks about the fluidity of life and how life is many cycles. You’re a very intuitive sign, a very spiritual sign in general. Now that Jupiter—your planet planet—and Saturn are in Aquarius, you’re in a time of retreat. It’s a time of spirituality, spiritual search, and spiritual reflection for the next year if not the next two years. Keep this in mind if you’re feeling a little bit lower energy. Maybe you’re starting to ask yourself existential questions: What does this all mean? Where am I going? Why am I here? You’re doing a lot of soul searching, a lot of inner work. You can’t do ego during this time. You can’t do your wants, your needs, or desires because the two major hands on your clock are pointing towards the desires of the divine. It’s what the divine wants and how do you align yourself with something higher? Maybe you’re meditating this month. Maybe you’re looking at other spiritual modalities or trying to listen to that inner voice. You’re a Pisces, so this shouldn’t sound too outside of your realm of understanding. There is some tension happening this month but maybe it’s in a place that’s a little more internal, a little more subjective.

The other area that’s having a lot of change this month is your voice, your communication. Uranus has been in Taurus since May 2018 (outside a retrograde period between November 2018 and March 2019). Uranus has been in this part of your life—voice, communication, ideas, information, opening up, how you speak, how you learn, how you listen, reinventing how you speak and how you learn and how you listen—for the past couple of years. It may mean that you have to open up your psychic years right now. Through your inner search for meaning, you now need new ideas, new information, new ways of speaking, and new ways of communicating.

These two areas are seeing some dynamic friction this month, first starting with Mars. Mars goes into Taurus on January 6. This is noteworthy because Mars was in Aries, your money sign, for six months prior. That was a long time for Mars to stir things up around money, income, value, and worth. Thankfully, it gets out of Aries and receives a breath of fresh air as it goes into Taurus. It’s now starting to talk to Saturn in another room of your house and it’s starting to talk to Uranus. On January 13, Mars is going to make a square to Saturn. It’s a bit of intense astrology, but it may mean that you have something powerful to say or you’re thinking something powerful.

Mercury, the planet of voice, will go into Aquarius on January 8. For most of January and February (due to retrograde), it’s all about the intuitive voice. You have to make sure you’re listening your internal voice right now. You cannot neglect your feelings right now even though there’s a part of you that wants to analyze things and be intellectual.

There is also a Capricorn New Moon on January 13. This new moon is happening in the part of your chart that’s about friends and community and social networks— you know, the part of your chart that got a lot of focus the past few years when Saturn was there. So that’s sort of an echo to the past couple of years with this new moon. This new moon is also in the same part of the sky as Pluto. Pluto has shown you the power of friendship over the past 13 years. The power of connection, the power of social connection, and maybe the part of you that needed to make some really powerful changes in how you connect with people. Maybe even the people that you call friends and maybe the people that were your friends at the start of 2018 are not who your friends are right now because Saturn came through and cleared some space. Whatever bigger story that’s been going on in the last 13 years, this new moon is the next big milestone.

On January 14, Uranus goes direct in Taurus. Taurus is the sign of your voice and communication, ideas, and information. You might receive information that awakens you. It may shock you or make you see things differently. On January 20, Mars will meet up with Uranus in the sky. It’s like another awakening of new ideas or information; something that may challenge you to see things differently, to speak differently, to communicate differently.

By then, it’s Aquarius season and the Sun has dipped into the last sign of your chart, the last sign of your Zodiac. You’re in a time of reflection and inner reflection and inner retreat as you go into February, but the Sun will meet up with Saturn on January 23. Keep an eye on what’s happening around that date because it’s going to be a lens into what this Saturn in Aquarius story is all about.

On January 23, Mars will square Jupiter. Jupiter is your ruling planet and in a place that talks about career, so see if there is some tension in your professional life at that time. And then going into the end of the month, there will be a full moon on January 28. This full moon is in Leo. Leo is your sign of health and wellness; how you take care of yourself. This is maybe putting a spotlight on needing to make some changes in diet, fitness, nutrition, and work. Certainly, it’s a new year; it’s the time to make some positive changes in your day-to-day life and how you organize things. But this full moon is really setting off some tension in the sky between Mars and Uranus and Saturn and Jupiter. Whatever story is happening around this full moon is a story that’s going to be with you throughout 2021. This clash between the old and the new. Now with Pisces, it’s not as a dramatic of a clash; it’s more so for some of the other signs, but you’re going to feel the friction. You are a sensitive sign; you pick up on everything.

You need to make some changes going into the new year and my belief is that 2020 needed to clear some space for everybody so that something new can come in. I think 2021 is the year where that new thing now has to come in and we may feel like oh wait I don’t want this or I’m not sure about this. I don’t know if I can trust this, so how am I going to do this? There’s that tension but we have to find out how to make it work.