Happy Full Moon in Cancer! This is the time of the astrological calendar to release your intentions for more nurturing, care, family, roots, needs, and your heart’s desires.
When I look at the above chart, I think of the Full Moon we had back on September 28, the so called “monster moon,” because the Sun and Moon are at 7 degrees cardinal. But no two full moons are alike and while there’s a thread of September in this lunation, my eye keeps going to that grand water trine and yod, not the cardinal t-square. True, there’s a bite to this moon, but there’s a lot of support coming in behind it.
First, the cardinal t-square. The Sun in Capricorn is coming up to a conjunction to Pluto. This is a very powerful aspect that speaks to worldly ambition, power, and the sort of creative pursuits that have lasting impact. Events set in motion today have some serious oomph behind then. On the other side of the conjunction is the Moon in Cancer. Sweet, nurturing, loving Cancer staring big bad Pluto from across wheel. You’d be forgiven if anxieties and tensions were flaring with this moon. Already full moons have a touch of the wild, the emotional cup running over, but Pluto thrown into the mix means that the emotional material spewing forth comes from a very deep place. (The 8 of Cups tarot card leaps to mind.) Father/Mother issues are highlighted, especially that sad realization, as a friend of mine pointed out to me last night, that seeing my parents more isn’t going to stop them from getting older. Thus there’s a specter of mortality in this chart. Pluto reminds us that nothing lasts forever, even the love from a parent. And let’s not forget Uranus in Aries acting as a live wire to all this emotional material. Everything today is charged, unwieldy, and primed for breakthrough.
Second, that grand water trine with Saturn in Scorpio, Chiron in Pisces, and Moon in Cancer. For all the anxieties and fears bubbling up during the full moon, we have support — the support of our shadow wisdom and the support of our deepest held spiritual lessons.
Note that Mars in Aquarius is forming a trine to Jupiter in Gemini. There’s a social flow to this moon, an effortless transmission of informational. Plus we have all these mutual receptions helping us out: Mars in Aquarius to Uranus in Aries, Saturn in Scorpio to Pluto in Capricorn, and Mercury in Sagittarius to Jupiter in Gemini.
Last, that yod. I love yods for some reason. They’re so clear to me; they are spiritual imperatives. The whole emphasis on Jupiter in Gemini from Saturn sextile Pluto is this sense of powerful rearranging. As old patters come up for clearing, here’s this astro mechanism to take apart the pattern and rearrange it into something new, breaking it down into its molecular parts like one of those Star Trek transporter beams.
We’ve gone multidimensional. Beam me up, Scotty.