I’m looking forward to working with you! My unique style blends astrology with coaching and psychic mediumship. But, more importantly, I use astrology as a map to reveal the shape, purpose, and direction of your life.
One of the things that I love about working with people is revealing their “map” to them. If you’ve ever seen your natal chart, the snapshot of the heavens at the moment that you were born, it’s a circle with a bunch of strange symbols and lines.
For me, the circle is not unlike a blueprint … and I help you to decode the blueprint.
Astrology isn’t just about the time of our lives, but about the space in which we live that time.
Time … and space.
The birth date, birth place, and birth time is like an address that takes us to this space — a space not unlike a house where you will live your whole life. Within this astrology house are 12 symbolic rooms of your life where we are met by 10 planets, each with a message for us.
First Time Clients:
We map out the chart, we create the space, we walk through the metaphoric house of life that is your life.
There is a 15-20 minute intake process where I ask a lot of questions and zero in on certain dates and periods of your life that can help me understand your arc or timeline. As I say to my clients, the chart tells me a lot of things, but it doesn’t tell me about you.
It’s helpful for you to have a sense of the big dates of your life on hand or fresh in your memory — major relationships, marriages, births, moves, life changing events.
My goal is to help you find the unifying thread of your life, to understand the bigger lessons that are being asked of you, but also to get you to open up to the higher potential of your life. The best thing about my job is when that spark goes off within a client.
I recommend a 90 consultation for first-time clients whenever possible.
Please note that it is important to have your exact birth time. Very often it’s on the original birth certificate (if born in the United States), a hospital bracelet, a baby book, or birth announcement.
An exact birth time means that we have the right blueprint, your soul’s blueprint for this life.
While it’s not always possible to have the exact time, if you can do a little detective work, even if that means narrowing it down to a particular time of day, such as “dinnertime”, that will be helpful for our session together.
All consultations are recorded and you will receive an audio file after the session.
For Returning Clients:
We’ve drawn the chart together in our first call, which means that we have a space to work with. Now, how do I help you to live in this space intentionally? To integrate this time that you are currently in? We look at the transits — Saturn, the eclipses, and other major shifts are always my go-to tools in the toolbox.
I’m often asked, when do I recommend a follow up consultation? There isn’t an exact or “right” answer. Some people prefer a once a year or even twice a year check in. Sometimes we need to speak sooner because our first session needs more unpacking. Or, life has turned a corner and you need perspective. Whatever is right for you is the right answer.