Welcome to December! It’s Sagittarius Season, a time when we turn our attention towards the world. Sagittarius inspires us to seek new horizons, to cultivate wisdom, and to explore other lands. It’s faith, truth, and meaning. It’s travel, education, and religion.

Normally this is a season of optimism, but Sag Season picks up on Jupiter’s recent bumpy ride alongside Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. Perhaps our faith has eroded over the last year. Perhaps we’ve haven’t been able to travel and explore. But, always ever the optimist, perhaps we’ve found a silver lining in these times.

There are significant changes in the astrology this month. First and foremost it’s eclipse season, a time that occurs every six months and marks a new chapter of time. And these eclipses — a lunar eclipse in Gemini on November 30 followed by a solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14 — reveal a broader shift in the story. If 2018, 2019, and the the bulk of 2020 was about heavy themes centering on home and family, structures and the world, then the move towards Gemini and Sagittarius is about ideas and information, travel and education, and seeking out new perspectives in these challenging times.

Over the coming six months — eclipses unfold in six month spans of time — we’re having to reexamine what we believe in or what we put our faith in. We’re having to reconsider our truths. Education and travel continues to be a big focus both personally and collectively. (And since the South Node of the Moon is in Sagittarius for the rest of 2021, it’s possible that we’re negotiating changes in how we travel and connect for the coming year.)

The other big news this month is Saturn and Jupiter’s arrival in Aquarius on December 17 and 19 respectively, followed by a historic alignment on December 21. (In astrology this is called a Great Conjunction and only happens every 20 years.) It’s a time of new beginnings on a world level as well as a collective shift in focus.

A lot’s being made by other astrologers about this conjunction. True, apart from a conjunction in Libra in 1980, this conjunction in Aquarius marks a shift towards element Air — communication, connection, ideas, innovation, technology — and all the subsequent conjunctions will be in Air signs for the next two hundred years. It’s possible that we’re on the brink of a greater societal shift, one that will likely coincide with major technological breakthroughs. (We all live on Zoom right now, right?)

But we have to consider that every sign has two sides and while Aquarius will help us find our humanity and, hopefully, build new structures that are based on equity and fairness, Aquarius will also show us our inhumanity and our inequity … two halves of a whole. Then again it’s Sagittarius Season. One has to remain optimistic.

As previously mentioned, Saturn and Jupiter switch signs this month, and Saturn’s final two weeks in Capricorn is very much a consolidation of the lessons we’ve learned — lessons around accountability, hard work, structures, power, and boundaries. Did we step up to Saturn’s high bar over the past three years? Have we built something that is solid and sustainable?

When Saturn arrives in Aquarius, it’s not only a return to events from March through the end of June 2020, but a return to events from 1991 to 1994, the last time Saturn was in Aquarius. And for all of us, there’s a certain part of our life that will now need more serious attention. (I’m teaching a live webinar on Saturn in Aquarius on December 19, 2020 at 2 pm EST. You can still register to get the replay video if you cannot attend live.)

Saturn demands equity and balance. So if there’s a certain part of our lives that are out of balance and Saturn just so happens to be turning its attention to it, the next few years will be a major push to get things in order. For others, it may be a time of milestones and achievements and new ambitions. If Saturn in Capricorn was about building something physical, then Saturn in Aquarius will be about building new systems, networks, and technologies.

Read for your Sun and rising sign. If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, dates listed below may be for the day ahead according to your time zone.

Just a heads up about these monthly horoscopes. Starting in January 2021, I’m going to migrate to a video format. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of time to write these — two full days of work — which I unfortunately don’t have because of increasing client work as well as other responsibilities. Videos are a much quicker way for me to work. Hopefully this will solve my time crunch in getting these out in time. But I will include a transcript with each individual video so you can still read your horoscope, especially if you are audio impaired.

I started writing these monthlies way back in October 2014 and, at the time, it felt like a major milestone in my fledgling astrological career. Here we are it’s time for another milestone. I’m hoping that freeing up more time in my schedule in 2021 can make way for the book I’ve been trying to write forever as well as more teaching and the introduction of group coaching. See, it’s not a loss. It’s just a new beginning.

DATES TO NOTE: 12/1 Mercury in Sagittarius; 12/4 Mercury trine Chiron; 12/5 Venus trine Neptune; 12/9 Sun square Neptune; 12/10 Venus sextile Pluto; 12/11 Sun conjunct South Node, Sun trine Mars; 12/13 Mercury square Neptune; 12/14 New Moon 23 Sagittarius (solar eclipse), Mercury conjunct South Node, Mercury trine Mars, Venus sextile Jupiter; 12/15 Venus in Sagittarius, Venus sextile Saturn; 12/17 Saturn in Aquarius; 12/19 Jupiter in Aquarius, Sun conjunct Mercury, Venus trine Chiron; 12/20 Mercury in Capricorn; 12/21 Sun in Capricorn, Jupiter conjunct Saturn; 12/23 Mars square Pluto, Mercury square Chiron; 12/25 Mercury trine Uranus; 12/26 Sun square Chiron; 12/27 Sun trine Uranus; 12/29 Full Moon 8 Cancer; 12/30 Venus conjunct South Node, Venus square Neptune.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

In many ways December represents an ending and beginning. While it’s the end of a year, a year that was seemingly like no other, there are many places in which the story is changing this month, both wrapping up one chapter and ushering in a new one. First, the headlines. Eclipse Season, which occurs every six months, is enough to let us know that things are switching up. This is at the same time that Saturn reaches the end of Capricorn, not to return for another thirty years, and arrives in Aquarius on December 17, quickly followed by Jupiter in Aquarius on December 19. These two planets make a historic conjunction on December 21, notable because it’s the first time in twenty years that they have met in the sky (something that astrologers call a Great Conjunction), but made even more notable because it marks a greater societal shift. (Refer back to my introduction for more information.) Let’s not forget that Mars spends its final month in Aries after a six month tour, arriving in Taurus in early January. What will this all mean for you as you close out the year? Saturn really sets the tone for this month. It’s not often that the planet of structure and power, rules and karma trades one sign for another. In fact, it only happens every three years. For you, it’s the wrap up of a story that began back at the start of 2018, one that endeavored to get you to answer a simple question. What do you want to be when you grow up? When you look back, what shifts do you see in your career? What new roles have you since taken on? How have you defined or redefined your place in the world, the title after your name, or even the direction your life will take? More importantly, what have you built on a professional level? Saturn is the planet that wants us to build and the start of December is a review of these structures, even if these structures are related to becoming a parent and starting a family. This is your last chance to set things in stone or make corrections. Or, after all your hard work, this month may bring recognition or a promotion. You may feel that last push from Saturn because it always has your highest potential in mind. That said, it’s eclipse season and a lunar eclipse just before the start of the month puts a spotlight on your sign of ideas and information, learning and education. You may be making a decision about taking classes or need to make yourself heard in some way. Information may illuminate or challenge. You may also have to make a serious decision, one that takes into account something deep within or something hidden. Then, two weeks later, a full moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius opens a new chapter around faith, truth, and meaning. Sagittarius is a sign that helps us to make sense of things, to look outwardly and find answers, whether through travel, education, or even religion and philosophy. What do you believe in? You’re entering a six month period where you need to start answering some big questions. Because both Jupiter and Saturn are at the end of Capricorn at the time of the solar eclipse, these big questions and the requisite answers may touch on the direction your life may take or how to reconcile your convictions with the role you play in the world. (Don’t forget that this eclipse threads back to the lunar eclipse on June 5 and a story that it opened.) Then on December 17, as previously mentioned, Saturn leaves Capricorn and arrives in Aquarius. True, Saturn previewed Aquarius from March 21 to July 1 of this year, but Saturn’s return to the 11th sign marks the first time that Saturn has been in Aquarius for any significant length of time since February 1991 to January 1994. (If you were born between these dates you are officially having a Saturn Return.) This is a major shift in time for the world as Saturn is the master time keeper. We’re turning our attention away from power, structure, rules, and accountability to the sign of equity, humanity, technology, social networks, and social connection. For you, it’s an opening of a three year chapter where you will have to build (or restructure) your friendships and social connections. With Jupiter also joining Saturn in Aquarius on December 19 followed by their conjunction on December 21, you close out the year in a very different chapter, one pointed towards the bigger picture, towards ideology and ideals, towards faith and meaning. Although the Sun’s arrival in Capricorn on December 21 may feel like you’re still tying up loose ends on all this work you’ve been doing in your professional life the past few years. Lastly, the month ends with a Cancer Full Moon, one pointed towards home and family, roots and foundation. As you end 2020, a year you are probably happy to leave behind, you may also be preparing for a move, a change in the home, or a need to return not just to family, but deeper emotional ties. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Direction, action, power, transformation, pressure, professional life, career, status, title, recognition, public life, responsibilities, accountability, faith, truth, meaning, wisdom, knowledge, belief, education, travel, journeys, publishing, broadcasting, writing, ideas, ideals, ideology, information, choices, communication, speaking, learning, listening, the mind, connection, community, friendship, social network, humanity, looking ahead, goals, groups, group connection, home, family, living situation, a move.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

Over the last few years you’ve had to answer a simple question. What do you believe in? With Saturn in Capricorn since the start of 2018, this has been a time to search your faith, to define your convictions, to build up a strong sense of the world and your place in it. But this month, Saturn leaves Capricorn, which is not unlike one of the great hands on the clock moving from one hour to another. It doesn’t happen very often — every three years to be precise — but when it does it marks a new time both personally and collectively. For you, Saturn’s arrival in Aquarius on December 17 demands a new question be answered … what do you want to be when you grow up? Yes, it doesn’t matter if you’re 25 or 75. We all have moments in our life where we have to try to build our ambitions, to work towards a greater goal, or step into a career. Saturn wants direction and structure. It wants responsibility and accountability. These are going to be a few of your markers for the next few years, until March 2023. That said, Saturn isn’t the only planet changing signs this month nor is it the only marquee event. First, it’s eclipse season, a time every six months that speaks to personal shifts and changes, some small, others dramatic. This eclipse season ushers in a new chapter focused on money, resource, finance, and assets. A lunar eclipse on November 30 rushes in a new month and puts a spotlight on what you own and how you earn a living. You may be looking to make a big purchase or taking a second look at spending. With Mercury, the ruler of the eclipse in Scorpio, some of this eclipse may tie directly to a partnership, relationship, or alliance. You may also be looking at the value of a relationship or if you feel safe in a relationship. Two weeks later a solar eclipse starts a powerful new chapter in a part of your chart that touches on intimacy and vulnerability, transformation and rebirth. And, keeping with the money theme of these eclipses, the assets and resources that you share with others, including a partner. With Jupiter, the ruler of the eclipse at the very end of Capricorn, this eclipse may also ask you to define what you believe in, especially after all the hard work you’ve done since 2018 to figure that out. The next day, Venus, your ruling planet, arrives in Sagittarius for a month’s stay, which means that you’re diving into deeper existential questions and feelings as you end out the year. But it’s Jupiter’s arrival in Aquarius on December 19, just two days after Saturn changes signs, that marks another new major time for you. As it joins up with Saturn for a historic conjunction on December 21, be open to new professional opportunities, changes in direction, openings, and a need to solidify a lot of big shifts that have been playing out since 2018-2019. And, as you close out December, a full moon in Cancer, your sign of education, travel, and communication ensures that you will have a lot of say as you go into the new year. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Faith, truth, meaning, convictions, right and wrong, worldview, publishing, law, religion, higher education, point of view, philosophy, morality, career, ambitions, professional life, public life, public role, public duties and responsibilities, money, income, how you earn a living, spending, material needs, value, worth, assets, finance, a partner’s money, assets, wills, benefits, taxes, insurance, intimacy, vulnerability, the deep self, internal revelations, emotional alchemy, transformation.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

It’s officially eclipse season, Gemini, and you may be feeling like your life is turning a corner as you step into December. With an eclipse in Gemini on November 30, you’re in the spotlight. (Especially if you were born on or near May 29. If you think back a bit, this is the first time there’s been an eclipse in Gemini since November 2012. Not that this month returns you to the events of that time, but it does make a thread. It’s classic, old school astrology that when there’s an eclipse in your sign, life changes in some way, like the wheel of fate spinning and landing on something new. That said, at the crux of this time is a push for you to strike out on your own, to take initiative, and start fresh. With a solar eclipse on December 14 in Sagittarius, your relationship sign, it’s also a time when you may see big changes in partnership. On one hand, new people may be coming into your life. On another, you may have to let go what’s not working or rework something existing. It’s also a time when how you connect, socialize, compromise, and interact with people is in the spotlight. You’re feeling more chatty than usual. You want to flirt and play. But do keep in mind that Jupiter, your relationship planet is still in Capricorn until December 19, so you may have to get serious about something with a partner. After all, Capricorn is a sign that wants things locked down and in a place that builds for the future. Locked down is not an adjective that’s in Gemini’s dictionary, so this may run counter to instincts. Speaking of Capricorn, you can officially say goodbye to Saturn in Capricorn on December 17. The planet has dealt you hard lessons since 2018, but lessons that in the larger scheme were necessary for your growth. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but when you look back, you’ll see 2018-2020 as powerfully formative even though it uncomfortably stripped things down to the emotional bare bones in the process. Before you can pop those bottles on December 17, you’ll need to have an honest and frank sit down with Saturn. Think of it as an assessment or evaluation. After all the pain and the hard lessons, what have you invaluably learned? And if your first reaction is to say “nothing”, then I lovingly urge you to go back and think again. Saturn isn’t a capricious planet. The purpose of this time was not only to test your emotional resolve, but for you to get to the dark heart of something within yourself. If Saturn held a mirror to you, what did you see? (Since you’re a Gemini, use this as a writing prompt or something to discuss at your next therapist appointment or even with a close and trusted friend.) When Saturn arrives in Aquarius on December 17 followed by Jupiter on December 19, you enter a larger chapter of time that’s all about faith. It’s a time to search for answers, whether they are in books or in religion and philosophy or at other ends of the earth. You also have to figure out what your code is, which is to say the code that you live your life based on. What drives the way you see the world? Do you look to other groups and other ideals to help you live your life or do you turn to yourself to find those answers? Finally, the Sun’s arrival in Capricorn on December 21 followed by a full moon in Cancer on December 29 is a passing return to all the deep work you did over the last three years. See, Gemini, you made it; you survived an absolutely bananas year. And after all you’ve been through, what do you still believe in? Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: New beginnings, plot twists, being in the spotlight, taking initiative, taking action, moving forward, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, work, organization, projects, relationships, other people, negotiation, compromise, social connection, socializing, partnership, inner self, deep self, intimacy, vulnerability, getting to the dark heart of things, powerful lessons learned, transformation, rebirth, faith, truth, meaning, beliefs, philosophy, religion, convictions, code of conduct, right and wrong, worldview, education, higher education, travel, journeys, search, money, income, spending, resources, value, worth.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

We’ve got a few things to talk about, Cancer. Let’s start by rewinding a little bit so you can see the bigger story. It’s possible that the past few years have been hard. On one hand, you’ve had Saturn, your relationship planet, in Capricorn since the start of 2018. It didn’t help that Pluto was also there (since 2008, actually) and, as a result, you’ve needed to do a lot of heavy duty work on how you connect, socialize, interact, and partner with people. Yes, this includes romantic relationships and maybe you saw the start of a major relationship the past few years or even a marriage. Maybe you ended a serious relationship or marriage as Saturn pushed you to draw boundaries and reestablish balance. But, looking beyond, 2018-2020 has been about ALL relationships and if connecting with people is something that has been traditionally a little complicated, Saturn has put you through your paces to learn how to have healthier connections. And, in return, you’ve learned some hard lessons. At least that’s the idea. The first half of December is a consolidation of these lessons and hopefully a few light bulbs go off. Saturn makes us older and wiser. So as Saturn leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on December 17, it arrives in an interesting part of your chart, one that will make you older and wiser in other ways over the coming three years. Think back to March through June 2020. Those were the months that Saturn dipped into Aquarius, like a preview, for the first time in decades. For you, that was the start of a chapter designed to get you to work on yourself on the deepest level. Katie, you’re probably saying, I do all sorts of work on myself. (Or maybe you have been casually avoiding a lot.) Saturn’s time in your 8th sign is like going even deeper. I often suggest to clients and friends, when Saturn leads you into the 8th, that you make use of a guide like a therapist, or counselor, someone to hold space for you and lead you through your inner self. Saturn will be asking you a simple question over the coming two years, until March 2023 — do you know who you are? This is more of an existential question because often who we think we are is carved from other people’s expectations. Or built on the bricks of the past or even past traumas. What happens when we crack that open? Tear it down? See what’s really inside? The reality is that the known parts of who we are constitute a sliver compared to the deep subconscious and unconscious unknown. I know, Cancer, I just dropped a lot of deep stuff on you, but I want you to know the road ahead. Thankfully you’ll have Jupiter alongside Saturn starting December 19, a planet that has a reputation for its faith, optimism, and good luck. That said, December is eclipse season, revealing that the Universe, with a sense of humor, has a tendency to line up a lot of big astrology all at once. A lunar eclipse on November 30, right on the edge of December, is a reminder that you’re in an eclipse cycle that straddles the divide between spiritual health and physical health, intuition and critical thinking, letting go and taking concrete steps towards something new. The lunar eclipse is more about letting go and in keeping with other themes this month is an opportunity to quit something toxic, end an addiction, or release something from the past. On the other hand, it’s a time to open up to spirituality and the truth that there’s certain things we don’t have control over. (Let go and let god is the phrase that comes to mind.) Two weeks later, on December 17, a solar eclipse in Sagittarius points towards health, wellness, and taking care of your everyday human life. Solar eclipses are new moons and new moons are new beginnings. How will you start to make lasting, positive changes in your physical life? Get organized? Get on schedule? Let’s not forget that Mars is still in your career sign of Aries, so it’s probably not going to be a quiet holiday season. You may be still working hard, wrapping something up as you go into the new year. That said, if you need to still make some changes in your professional life, use Mars’s strength to get ahead. (Mars leaves Aries on January 6.) Finally, a Cancer New Moon puts you in the spotlight on December 29. It wasn’t that long ago — six months ago to be exact — that the Cancer New and Full Moons brought the twists and turns of eclipses. So this new moon is just a regular new moon, but may echo back to some of the themes around relationships and new beginnings you were working through from 2018-2020. As you start a new year, you may feel like you’re starting a very different chapter. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, partnership, socialization, compromise, balance, equity, inner work, deep self, the subconscious and unconscious self, power, control, surrender, letting go, vulnerability, intimacy, emotional transformation, emotional pressure, emotional underworld, hidden emotions, finance, assets, debt, wealth, spiritual life, day-to-day life, intuition, dreams, fantasy, shedding the past, shedding attachments, shedding addictions, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, organizing daily life.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

You ready, Leo? All your hard work the last few years? The toil, the practice, the uphill climb? What has it accomplished? As you start the month, Saturn’s in its final days of Capricorn, bringing to a close a three year chapter designed to get you in shape. Yes, this certainly has meant getting in physical shape and maybe you’ve seen a lot of lasting and positive changes that you’ve made with your health, wellness, and taking care of your body. But it also has meant getting your day-to-day life in shape, whether learning to be on task or setting a schedule. So this may feel like the part of the hike where you have one last push up the hill and your muscles are burning, your knees wobbly. You can do it, Leo! When you look back, hopefully you’ll see an accomplishment, whether it’s having a more disciplined relationship with daily life or making changes to in habits or working on your craft. So when Saturn changes signs on December 17 it marks the start of a new time in your life, one centered on new milestones, new relationships. or a need to create more healthy boundaries and structures in your relationships. (You had a preview of this time from March 21 to July 1, 2020, FYI.) In the eyes of classic astrology, the next two to three years may coincide with a major relationship or making a commitment (marriage, cohabitation) to a partner. If you are in an existing relationship, it’s time to take a serious look at things. Perhaps you and a partner have drifted apart. Perhaps the relationship needs more work to make it solid. Saturn is a very black and white planet. It’s either a yes or a no. It’s either working out or it’s not, for example. So, what are your “yeses” in a relationship? What are your hard boundaries? If you want to recommit to an existing relationship, prepare to start the necessary processes. If it’s not going to work in the long run, Saturn needs you to make a decision. Not right now. But definitely by March 2023. For those who are not in a relationship, overall this is a time when other people take more priority in your life. Saturn in this part of your chart is a serious reminder that life needs compromise. It needs negotiation and partnership. We can’t do things alone. (Technical note: this is why Saturn is in its fall in Aries.) You will need to build stronger alliances and connections.) That said, Saturn’s not the only big news this month. If you remember, it’s eclipse season and a lunar eclipse right at the end of November kicked things off by putting a spotlight on friends, community, and social connection. As a result, you may have to make a decision about an alliance or have to navigate something within your social circle. It may speak to something deep and emotional, too. However, at the heart of these eclipses is you knowing who you are and where you belong, and the solar eclipse on December 14 opens up a powerful new chapter in discovering your talents, yourself, and the uniqueness of your identity. You may be creating something over the coming six months that sets you apart or marks a major milestone. (This includes pregnancy if that is something relevant for you.) As previously mentioned, there are two big planetary shifts on December 17 and 19 when Saturn and Jupiter arrive in your relationship sign of Aquarius, joining up together for a historic meeting on December 21 and yet another powerful new beginning this month. Lastly, the Sun’s arrival in Capricorn on December 21 is an epilogue on all the work you’ve been doing the past few years. What do you see when you look back? Is it bittersweet? Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Work, projects, organization, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, getting in shape, getting things in order, getting clean, major accomplishments, relationships, partnerships, other people, socialization, negotiation, compromise, friends, community, humanity, social causes, social circle, social network, the future, looking ahead, place in the world, the self, talents, self expression, identity, pregnancy, children.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

Life feeling a little topsy turvy? It’s eclipse season, after all, and the November 30 lunar eclipse and the December 14 solar eclipse hit on key points in your astrology – career and home. Let’s start with the November 30 lunar eclipse. While it falls just outside of December’s astrology, it forms one half of an inseparable pair. And it’s in Gemini, your career sign, the sign that forms the top of your chart. As you step into December, you may be reconsidering your career or looking to take things in a different direction. Or, there may be changes in your professional life, such as getting a new position or promotion or leaving your current job. In fact, this is the first in a series of eclipses in Gemini that take you into the first half of 2022, so pay attention to what’s going on. It will thread its way through the next year and a half. Then there’s the December 14 solar eclipse in Sagittarius, the sign that forms the base of your chart as well as the sign that’s opposite Gemini. Solar eclipses are powerful new chapters and, over the coming weeks and months, you may be making a major move or change in your living situation. People may be coming in and out of the household. You may be welcoming in new children if that’s something relevant to your circumstances. But we also have to consider that this eclipse threads back to the lunar eclipse on June 5, 2020. When you look back, maybe you can see a connection between these two times, exactly six months apart. So, with eclipses in these two key areas of your chart you may feel like you’re at a powerful crossroads. Life seems loud. Possibly even dramatic. Then there’s Saturn. If you recall, it’s been in Capricorn since the start of 2018 and wraps up its three year stay on December 17. For you, Saturn’s been asking you a few simple questions. Do you know who you are? Do you take yourself seriously? Do you take your talents seriously? The idea is that, over the past few years, you’ve worked hard to define who you are. Maybe you’ve even begun a serious project or creative endeavor. (Maybe you gave birth or welcomed children into your life if that’s relevant.) But at this point, as Saturn is ready to leave, it’s important to have a stronger sense of identity. When Saturn changes signs and arrives in Aquarius on December 17, it’s a major change in astrological time. For you, Aquarius is your sign of health and wellness and, over the next few years, you will be working hard to focus on your physical life. This may mean making positive and lasting changes in how you take care of yourself, from changes in diet and fitness to changes in how you organize and prioritize your day. (This may mean also getting clean and sober ….) If you’ve been neglecting your body, then Saturn may start to make you very aware of what needs your attention. My philosophy is to always work with Saturn like it’s a life coach because it’s a planet that sets a high bar for a reason. To that point, maybe you need a life coach, personal organizer, or personal trainer to show Saturn that you mean business. Jupiter also arrives in Aquarius on December 19, making a historic alignment on December 21, a day you may want to mark for creating powerful choices to start living more in balance and harmony, however that looks for you. With so many planets making big moves this month, at the same time as eclipse season, what else is going on? Well it’s Sagittarius Season and the focus is on home, family, roots, and foundation, perfect for this holiday time of year. (Although this may bring up complicated emotions if home and family are sore subjects.) When Mercury moves into Capricorn on December 20 followed by the Sun on December 21, it’s an echo of many of the themes you’ve been working on the past few years — identity, self expression, talent, and creativity. And while Saturn may no longer be in Capricorn by that point, the question still remains, do you know who you are? Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, roots, foundation, the past, memories, parents, living situation, home environment, career, direction, public life, ambitions, professional life, responsibilities, status, title, the world, career change, change in status, change in title, change in direction, change in home, change in living situation, a move, the self, creativity, self expression, talent, taking talents seriously, children, pregnancy, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, getting organized, getting disciplined, getting balanced, getting clean.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

What a year 2020 has likely been. As you wrap up an incomparable year, it’s important to take stock as to where 2020 fits into the overall picture, a time when many changes that you’ve been making over the last decade came to the forefront, a time when home and family took center stage. Think back to 2008. That was the year that Pluto arrived in Capricorn, the sign that forms the base of your astrology chart and commenced a decade of excavation, transformation, tearing down, and rebuilding. Then came 2018 when Saturn joined the mix to not only check the receipts so to speak, but make sure you’re doing the work to rebuild your foundation. So here we are, December 2020, and Saturn is poised to leave Capricorn and it’s time to answer a simple question — where’s home? Of course, home is both a physical and emotional state of being. Maybe you’ve already answered that question; there’s been a major move in recent memory or you started a family with a partner. Maybe you feel more at home than ever. Or maybe it’s complicated and you’ve had to set major boundaries with family. It’s important to take stock of the past few years since this is the conclusion of a major chapter in your life. That said, when Saturn arrives in Aquarius on December 17, you arrive in a new time, one that’s all about answering another simple question — do you know who you are? Over the coming three years, you’re going to need to take yourself, your talents, your individuality, your creativity seriously. It’s a chapter to define yourself and build character. If relevant, this may be a time that coincides with pregnancy and children. Or, if you are an artist or a performer, a time of milestones and maturation. But it may also be a time when you become more aware of your self doubt and lack of confidence … only for you to work hard to make a change. Thankfully you’ll have Jupiter also in Aquarius for most of next, meeting up with Saturn for a historic conjunction on December 21. As you get ready to end the year and step into 2021, it’s a time of powerful new beginnings, milestones, and creative endeavors. That said, this month is also eclipse season and a lunar eclipse at the start of the moment puts a spotlight on faith, truth, meaning, and belief. It’s a lunar eclipse to get philosophical, to ponder larger questions, to find answers. You may also be making a major decision about your education or something connected to travel (not that we’re traveling these days) or publishing your ideas. On December 14 a solar eclipse, a bookend to the previous lunar eclipse on November 30, opens up a new chapter centered on, again, education, ideas, information, communication, and even weighing major choices. With Jupiter still in Capricorn, this could be a choice about family or where to live. So, with two of the big planets changing signs this month alongside two eclipses, December is going to be a turning point. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, living situation, household, moving, choosing where to live, milestones in the home, building a home, building a nest, roots, foundation, children, pregnancy, parents, siblings, the self, self expression, creativity, identity, creative projects, talent, performance, arts, communication, speaking, listening, talking, ideas, information, writing, classes, learning, education, going back to school, choices, weighing options.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

The pressure is on this month, Scorpio, as Mars marks its final leg through Aries, a sign it’s been in since late June 2020. Yes, one last push to shed your skin, to transmute the past, to forge a new self as Mars comes up against Pluto in Capricorn. Since Aries is your sign of health, wellness, practice, and discipline, this energy continues to center on making powerful transformations in how you live your day-to-day life, how you take care of your body, and how you work. Maybe, when you look back to earlier this year, you see a different you. Maybe you’ve had to instill different or healthier habits. Maybe you’ve had to take a serious look at yourself and the choices that you make that contribute to a lack of overall wellness in your life. If you’re still feeling like there’s work to be done as you wrap up an incomparable year, use December to make powerful new as well as lasting choices. Speaking of which, Saturn is coming up to the end of its time in Capricorn this month, bringing to a close a three year chapter where you’ve had to weigh your options and make serious choices. It’s also been a time where you’ve had to work on how you speak and communicate, listen and learn. Maybe you’ve been taking a lot of classes the past few years or showing everyone how you’re an authority when you speak. At the heart of this time has been the mastery of your voice. So, have you made the grade? Come December 17, Saturn arrives in Aquarius, a sign that it dipped into for a few months earlier this year to give you a preview of what’s to come. And if Saturn points to what time it is in our lives, then it’s time to settle down. Over the coming three years, until March 2023, the focus will be on home, family, and putting down roots. It will not be surprising if, during this period, there is a major move, a relocation, a refurbishing of an existing home, a purchase of a new home, or a need to take on more responsibilities in the home. You may even welcome new family members, from new members in the household to the birth of children. Your parents, if they are still alive, may need more attention and care. Or, you may need to set hard boundaries with problematic family members. That said, overall, Saturn in Aquarius will be a time when you’ll have to answer a simple question — where’s home? Further, Jupiter will also be in Aquarius as of December 19, meeting up with Saturn for a historic conjunction on December 21, marking this new era and chapter with a powerful new beginning. We can’t forget that it’s also eclipse season! A lunar eclipse kicked things off this month, putting a spotlight on the deepest parts of yourself, your vulnerabilities, and your emotions. Yes, Scorpio, as I mentioned at the beginning, you’re under a lot of pressure this month to transform, something that is part and parcel of being a Scorpio. But it may mean taking an uncomfortable look at what’s in your way. Money, finance, and assets are also a focus this month, especially with the Sagittarius solar eclipse on December 14. It’s opening a major new chapter in how you earn a living, what you value, how you spend your money. It also picks up on a lunar eclipse that occurred in this sign back on June 5, 2020 and it’s worth seeing how threads from that time connect to this month and some of the choices and themes you’re navigating around money and material stability. With Jupiter, the ruler of the solar eclipse in alignment with Saturn, you may have some important decisions to make about money and finance as you go into 2021. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Voice, communication, ideas, information, learning, education, classes, writing, speaking, movement, travel, mastering the voice, serious choices, seriously weighing options, home, family, foundation, the household, changes in the household, settling down, putting down roots, family responsibilities, a move, deciding where to live, parents, children, money, income, material stability, material resources, assets, finances, savings, debt, wealth, intimacy, vulnerability, the deep self, facing oneself, transformation, alchemy.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

It’s been an interesting year, hasn’t it Sagittarius? With Jupiter, your ruling planet in Capricorn all year long, it’s been a year to focus on getting financially solid and stable as well as make profoundly necessary changes. After all, Jupiter’s been in a tight spot with Saturn and Pluto and it’s possible, that when you look back, life is very different than it was this time last year. Sag, you’re a philosophical sign. You’re able to see the bigger picture. So you probably know that there are just certain periods in life where you have to travel a difficult path. And as you come into December, you’re starting to pull away from that rough patch of road. There are three major things happening this month that you need to be aware of. One, it’s eclipse season. And with the eclipses back and forth between Gemini, your relationship sign, and Sagittarius, December is likely a major turning point. Two, Saturn leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on December 17 where it will remain until March 2023. Three, Jupiter also leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on December 19 where it will spend most of 2021. Let’s start with the eclipses. Back in June of this year, there was a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius that not only put you in the spotlight, but started a story, a story about new beginnings and new directions. Fast forward six months and it’s time for another round of eclipses. The first one, a lunar eclipse, puts the spotlight on relationships as you arrive in December. As a result, you’re in a time when new people are coming into your life, new relationships are beginning, or you’re having to make some big decisions about an existing relationship. Then on December 14, a solar eclipse in Sagittarius shifts the focus back to you. Life is probably a bit loud the moment. Eclipses demand attention. They are very event oriented. They coincide with the ups and downs of fate. Things may feel quite intense at the moment. Then there’s Saturn. The planet of growing up and growing older wraps up its three year visit to Capricorn on December 17, leaving behind lessons on money and material stability for education and communication. Over the coming three years, you’re going to have to learn to take your voice seriously. This means being an authority in what you say and write. If you are a writer or singer, for example, time to step things up. Education will also be a big focus. And, as a result, you may be taking a lot of classes and workshops in the coming months and years. At the heart of this time will be a simple question — are you taking your mind as well as your voice seriously? Then on December 19 Jupiter, your ruling planet, arrives in Aquarius, joining Saturn for a historic conjunction on December 21. It’s been nearly twelve years since Jupiter was in Aquarius, a sign that speaks to community, social connection, networks, technology, equity, and justice. You’ll likely have a lot to say as you go into 2021. It’s just that with Saturn nearby, you have to both be accountable for what you are saying and take your words and ideas seriously. In fact, you may be teaching and sharing more as you go into the new year. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, connection, socialization, negotiation, compromise, partnership, new beginnings, turning point, dramatic events, sudden change, wheel of fate, money, income, material needs, material stability, resources, value, worth, self worth, transformation, transmutation, voice, communication, ideas, information, learning, classes, education, movement, travel, writing, speaking, listening, choices, intimacy, vulnerability, the deep self, the psyche, rebirth.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

You made it, Capricorn! High five! Saturn finally reaches the end of your sign and won’t return for another 30 years. (By then we’ll all be holograms.) While the last three years have probably been some of the toughest you’ve been through (let’s be honest, the whole last decade has been tough), at the heart of this chapter has been a need for you to step into yourself. Saturn’s arrival in Capricorn at the start of 2018 would have been the start of growing up, taking on more responsibility, and reaching a higher standard, but Saturn joined Pluto, already in Capricorn since 2008. If Saturn builds, then Pluto destroys. If Saturn is about stepping into yourself, then first you have to obliterate the old you. If any of this sounds familiar, then it’s why 2020 was probably not the easiest year. But, it’s important that, as you begin the month, you look back and reflect. What do you see? What remains? What new you stands on the ashes of the past? Although Pluto remains in Capricorn for a few more years (womp womp), Saturn moves on (hooray). It’s arrival in Aquarius on December 17 marks a time shift as well as a new chapter. Over the next few years, until March 2023, you’ll be working to create more material stability in your life. This will mean focusing on spending, saving, and budgeting. Additionally, this may also mean making major purchases, shoring up your finances, and getting a stronger sense of what your time and effort are worth. It will even be a time for you to learn your real self worth. My advice is always to get ahead of Saturn, so if your accounts and spending are not in balance, how will you change that? If you’re not charging enough for your time, will you give yourself a raise in 2021? At the heart of this time will be a need to answer a simple question from Saturn — do you know the true value of things? Jupiter also arrives in Aquarius on December 19, which typically coincides with an increase in money and resources. Jupiter can be a windfall as much as it can be an increase in spending. But both Saturn and Jupiter will have to play together in the new year, which means creating the solid financial structures for Jupiter’s abundance to fill. The other big news this month is that it’s eclipse season. Thankfully the eclipses have moved on from Capricorn and Cancer (another reason 2018-2020 was a bit challenging). But they’re now in Gemini, your sign of health and wellness, and Sagittarius, your sign of spirituality and surrender. The Gemini lunar eclipse on November 30 puts the spotlight on how you take care of your body, the foods you eat, and how you organize your day-to-day life. As a result, you may be making major changes in your health and wellness as you go into December. Two weeks later, on December 14, a solar eclipse opens a powerful new chapter, one designed to get you to go within, find inner answers, and cultivate a stronger relationship with spirituality. How will you bridge the divide between heaven and earth? How will you find the balance between your spiritual health and your physical health? How will you let go of old addictions and attachments that have been making you suffer? It’s also worth mentioning that Mars is in its last leg of Aries, a sign that it’s been in since late June 2020. Normally Mars only spends two months in a sign, so six months is a rare event and coincided with a retrograde from September to November. During this time there’s been a big focus on your professional life and ambitions. As this chapter comes to a close, you may need to make some changes in direction or work harder to go after what you want during a season that’s more about time off with family and friends. Lastly a Cancer Full Moon on December 29 closes out the month and puts the spotlight on relationships. Full moons are a time to see things as they are, to make a decision, to react, and to decide which way to go. If you are in a relationship, you may have to put your focus on that person or decide something about the partnership. If you’re not in a relationship and looking to make new connections, the full moon makes you more visible to other people. In all, a busy end to an incomparable year. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Change in time, change in direction, change in focus, wrap up of major chapter, new beginnings, money, income, material needs, material life, resources, spending, value, worth, purchases, budgeting, pairing down, streamlining spending, getting finances in order, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, organization, schedule, service, taking care of the body, physical health, spiritual health, spiritual needs, spiritual connection, existential meaning, letting go, retreat, inner work, mysticism, surrender, the soul.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

So with my Aquarius and Aquarius Rising clients — and here, too — I’ve been framing the last few months and weeks as an important time to let go of anything that you don’t want to bring with you into a major new life chapter. Think of it like this. Over the course of one’s life, we accumulate stuff. Boxes and boxes of stuff. But we don’t need all of this. So, at the start of 2018, you began to go through, sort, and get rid of the excess. Now let’s turn this metaphor sideways a little and say it’s not boxes, but spiritual baggage and attachments. It’s also emotions, memories, feelings, and dreams. Sit with that a moment and connect with the realization that you’ve been in a more existential or transitional phase of life. It’s easy to create a visual of a room filled with boxes and storage bins, but in reality how does one quantify the invisible? Tally up the heavy burdens of time? The lives we’ve lived? The grief and emotions we’ve carried? This year as well as the previous two have been about letting go of the past so you can make way for the future. They’ve also been about turning your attention to God, Source, Spirit … whatever you want to call it. The sign of Capricorn forms the last sign in your zodiac. It’s a space of endings as well as a space that bridges one life to another, one breath to another. That said, in the first half of December, as you gather what boxes and bins remain, you want to be very mindful about what you’re bringing forward into your new life. Once it’s there with you it’s harder to get rid of, like you’re committing to carrying around these things for years and years. (No pressure, right?) You’re also in that liminal space between one life and another. When Saturn arrives in Aquarius on December 17, you kick off a new 30 year cycle, a time of new initiatives, new beginnings, and new stories. It’s also a time when, over the next few years, you’re growing up and growing older and rising to a higher standard. If life is a mess presently, Saturn wants you to get your house in order and positive, lasting changes. Aquarius’s job as a zodiac sign has always been to be a visionary for the future, to show the way, and share new innovations. (At least that’s the idea.) So, how will you bring these innovations and visionary ideas into reality? The other big news this month is Jupiter’s arrival in Aquarius on December 19, meeting up with Saturn for a historic conjunction on December 21. (In fact it’s called the Great Conjunction, which only happens every 20 years.) Jupiter is faith and optimism, it’s the start of something grand, like a ship leaving port for a new adventure. Combined with Saturn’s practicality, 2021 is about bringing something into form and shape. But since Aquarius is an air sign, this could be new ways of thinking, new faith, new ideology, and new leadership. It’s a seed that will grow over the coming two decades. Let’s not forget that it’s eclipse season and now that the eclipses have moved on from heavy Cancer and Capricorn, they arrive in Gemini and Sagittarius, two signs that add fire and inspiration to a time that’s already centered on the mind and vision. A lunar eclipse on November 30 puts the spotlight on creativity, self expression, and identity is a time where the spotlight is on you. Time to give birth to something that you’ve been working on. (Maybe even literally give birth if that’s relevant.) If you’re not ready to give birth, then the eclipse may give you new creative inspiration. (Or be a great time to get pregnant.) Then, two weeks later, a solar eclipse in Sagittarius opens up a new six month chapter centered on community, friendships, and social connection. New friends may be coming into your life, new alliances, or you may need to make changes in an existing friendship or group connection. Lastly, as you wrap up the month and prepare for 2021, a full moon lights up your sign of health and wellness. As a result, you may be thinking about what healthy changes you can make in the new year. After all, you’re at the start of a new life and this new life needs new habits, new schedules, and new ways of nourishing yourself. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Endings, shedding the past, letting go, spirituality, spiritual connection, new beginnings, new chapters, growing up, growing older, new responsibilities, creativity, talents, self expression, identity, persona, giving birth, getting pregnant, pregnant with ideas, inspiration, vision, the future, science, technology, looking ahead, hopes, dreams, friends, community, social circle, social network, alliances, allies, groups, humanity, the collective, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, organization, practice, craft.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

We’re at a crossroads, Pisces. It’s eclipse season and life may be a bit loud at the moment. And while you’re not a Gemini or a Sagittarius, the two signs of the eclipses, these two signs play a big role in your astrology. Gemini is the sign that forms the base of your chart. It’s about home, family, and where you live. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is your career sign as well as your public reputation. As you arrive in December it’s possible that you’re seeing a lot of movement in these two key areas of your life. First, let’s start with the November 30 lunar eclipse. It’s the first in Gemini in nearly eight years. And, over the coming six months, especially with the Gemini solar eclipse in June 2021, you may be moving, making a big change in your living situation, welcoming in new family members, or seeing people move out. Eclipses mark major milestones, the sort that stand out in the timeline of our lives. The solar eclipse on December 14, two weeks later, puts the spotlight on your professional life. A couple of things to consider. One, it’s classic astrology that, when there’s an eclipse in your career sign, that there is a change in your position at work, a job change, a career switch, a job loss, or a new job. Two, this eclipse threads back to the June 5, 2020 lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. Meaning if there are noticeable events happening in your professional life, you may see a strong connection to events from June. Something may be continuing to play out and will continue to play out over the coming six months. (Solar eclipses open six month chapters centered on the sign that they fall in.) But it’s not just career; you could also say that this time is showing a change in direction or even a change in title. (Becoming a parent for the first time, for example, is a change in title.) With two of the major sectors of your astrology ringing out, let’s not forget that both Saturn and Jupiter switch signs this month, arriving in Aquarius on December 17 and 19 and meeting up for a historic conjunction on December 21. Here’s the thing. Not only is Jupiter your ruling planet, which means that a sign change is a shift in priorities, but its team up with Saturn means that the coming year (if not longer) turns your attention to spirituality. Aquarius is the last sign of your zodiac chart. It marks the end of the road, a time when you have to shed the past, and prepare for a new beginning. It’s an existential time, one where you try to make sense of life, your faith, and your connection to source. It’s also a time to shed the ego as you go within for answers and Jupiter and Saturn’s alignment may mark a spiritual milestone. Find new practice. Read books on spiritual thought and esoteric wisdom. Learn to meditate. Learn to let go and let god. Discover the simple truth that you can’t be in control of everything. Then again, deep down inside, you already knew that as a Pisces. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, living situation, roots, foundation, household, a move, a change in residence, a change in the household, people moving in, people moving out, career, professional life, public life, reputation, status, career change, job change, change in position, change in direction, change in title, change in responsibility, endings, letting go, existential questions, searching for meaning, inward search, reflection, spirituality, meditation, mysticism, dreams, intuition, end of a long journey, surrender.

Photo by Vincent Guth on Unsplash