Welcome to December! It’s Sagittarius Season, the time in the zodiac calendar when we explore, travel, and search for answers. Sagittarius is a fire sign. It’s consumed with ideas and it’s learned so much about life and is eager to share its wisdom.

This December we don’t have Jupiter in Sagittarius. Instead, on December 2, Jupiter moves into Capricorn for a year long stay and we’re stepping into a more goal oriented and ambitious Sagittarius Season. For many of us, this means that a particular part of our lives now has a new focus. (Read more about Jupiter in Capricorn in my sign by sign guide.)

And it’s not just Jupiter’s change of signs that spells a big change for December. We’re also stepping into eclipse season this month. If you remember back to last July, the last time we were in eclipse season, you know that eclipses swing the doors closed and open in our lives. New opportunities are coming into our lives in December. The cast of characters is changing. There’s a new chapter in a story that’s been unfolding since July 2019, if not January 2019.

That said, we have a Gemini Full Moon on December 12, highlighting information, ideas, learning, writing, and communication. We may also have a choice that we need to make since Gemini is the sign of choice. With Mercury finally in Sagittarius after five weeks in Scorpio, it’s a full moon that picks up on Mercury in Sagittarius’s deep wisdom and knowledge, but also it’s need to stand up for what it believes in.

Two weeks later, a Capricorn New Moon on December 26 takes us firmly into eclipse season. This solar eclipse marks a powerful new beginning as we step into a new year, one that wants us to focus on our earthly, physical, or material lives. It’s an eclipse to set goals and ambitions and be prepared to work hard to achieve them. It’s also an eclipse to set limits and healthy boundaries, so if you’ve needed to get your life organized, the new year is providing you a perfect time to do so.

Speaking of the eclipses, if you want to know more about this eclipse season, I’m doing a webinar on December 19 on The Eclipses of December 2019 and January 2020. You’ll learn about what these eclipses will mean for you, sun and rising sign, and how it’s bringing to a close a story that began in July 2018. Details and registration here.

Also, join me for Starstruck 2020 Global Astrology Conference on January 1, 2010 hosted by the Astro Twins. I’m one of 20 plus speakers talking about the astrology of 2020. If you register by December 31, you get my talk free. Details here.

Read for your Sun and rising sign.

DATES TO NOTE: 12/2 Jupiter in Capricorn, Venus conjunct South Node; 12/3 Mercury sextile Pluto, Venus sextile Mars; 12/8 Jupiter square Chiron, Sun square Neptune; Venus sextile Neptune; 12/9 Mercury in Sagittarius; 12/10 Mercury trine Chiron; 12/11 Venus conjunct Saturn; 12/12 Full Moon 19 Gemini, Chiron Direct 1 Aries; 12/13 Mars trine Neptune, Venus conjunct Pluto; 12/15 Jupiter trine Uranus; 12/19 Mars sextile Saturn, Mercury square Neptune; 12/20 Venus in Aquarius; 12/21 Sun in Capricorn, Venus sextile Chiron; 12/22 Mars sextile Pluto, Venus square Uranus; 12/23 Sun square Chiron; 12/24 Sun trine Uranus; 12/26 New Moon 4 Capricorn (solar eclipse); 12/27 Sun conjunct Jupiter; 12/28 Mercury in Capricorn; 12/29 Mercury square Chiron; 12/30 Mercury trine Uranus, Sun conjunct South Node.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

We’ve got a lot to unpack, Aries. First things first. With Mars, your ruling planet, in Scorpio all month long, this is foremost a time when you’re digging into the deepest parts of yourself. This means facing your fears, examining your hidden emotions, and dealing with the vulnerabilities and intensities of life. There’s a lot of power in this month for you, but it means having to take your Aries courage to navigate your most powerful feelings in order to be transformed or even reborn. Money, trust, and security are also highlighted as well, and will continue to be until just after the first of the year. That said, it’s Sagittarius Season, a time in your personal calendar when you turn your attention to the world. It’s a season to travel, explore, and to question what you believe in. As a result, you may be planning a long distance trip in December, especially to another country, or focusing on finding answers to life’s bigger questions. It’s also a season to think about more abstract themes like, what’s right and what’s wrong? That said, with a full moon on December 12 lighting up your sign of communication and education, you may be needing to get more information this month in the form of classes, workshops, and books. You may also be having an important conversation around that time, one that may even touch on legal matters or needed to make a major decision. The big story this month, however, is career. In fact, if you think back to the start of 2018, you entered a chapter in your life where career and responsibility were going to be a major focus. Perhaps there have been a few ups and downs since then, especially since the eclipses started in Capricorn, your career sign, in January 2019, but in all this is a time about defining the role you want to play in the world. Simply, what do you want to be when you grow up? I mention this because of two things. One, Jupiter arrives in Capricorn on January 2, kicking off a year long chapter of career growth and expanded responsibilities. Two, December is eclipse season and a solar eclipse on December 26 means that, just like this past July, you’re in a time where the story in your professional life is changing. Doors are closing and opening. You’re taking new rolls, titles, and positions. You’re leaving a job. It may even feel like an end of an era, or at least an era that coming to a resolution. In all, this is a busy month, but one that touches on deep emotions, personal transformations, and professional changes. Whatever you’re deciding this month pivots you into powerful new year. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Deep emotions, the deep self, the psyche, facing fears, vulnerability, intimacy, sexuality, transformation, rebirth, money, finance, wealth, taxes, debt, shared assets, foreign travel, long distance journeys, trips, education, learning, school, higher education, classes, information, ideas, choices, decisions, communication, writing, speaking, career, professional life, responsibilities, the world, status, title, career change, direction.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

Sagittarius Season is a reminder of all the deep inner work you’ve been doing over the past few years. Hopefully, as you make your annual return to the part of your chart that talks of searching your psyche, facing your fears, and cultivating a sense of rich inner wisdom. In short, you’re doing a lot of emotional heavy lifting this month, but you’re also getting clearer about what you believe in and what you’re ready to commit to after all the ups and downs over the past few years. When Jupiter arrives in Capricorn on December 2 for a year long stay, you’re entering a year of new horizons, exploration, and travel. But you’re also entering a time when you need to examine your faith — faith in yourself, faith in the world — more closely. Maybe this is something that’s already very present in your mind, especially with Venus, your ruling planet, in Capricorn for the first couple of weeks of December. Note that as Venus meets up with Saturn on December 11 and Pluto on December 12, making for some intense days around the middle of the month. You may be questioning your faith, your direction, what’s right and wrong, themes that may play out into the end of the month. Also on December 12, a full moon lights up your sign of money and income, and you may need to make a financial decision or need to take a deeper look at your bank accounts. It’s also a full moon for you to get very clear about what you need in your material life and what’s in the way psychologically. On December 20, Venus arrives in Aquarius, kicking off a three weeks of focusing on your professional life. The rest of December as well as the first couple of weeks of January may be very busy with responsibilities and the drive to step into the new year closer to your goals. Keep in mind that Venus squares off with Uranus on December 22 and is a reminder that over the next six years you’re in a chapter in your life where you’re reinventing yourself and leaving behind the past. So, as you not only close out the year but close out the decade, you may be doing so by needed to shake things up or upend the status quo. Normally Taurus doesn’t like to shake things up, but life is asking more of you these days. Lastly, a solar eclipse on December 26 ends the year with some strong astrology. It’s important that you’re working hard to let go of old patterns and limiting beliefs about yourself and the world as you arrive in 2020. A lot of things have to change, Taurus, and that starts with changing how you see things. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Inner work, the deep self, the psyche, emotions, intensity, the shadow self, the subconscious, facing fears, vulnerability, intimacy, transformation, money, income, resources, finance, material needs, wealth, debt, spending, what you own, faith, truth, wisdom, knowledge, worldview, right and wrong, education, travel, foreign travel, long distance journeys, law, legal matters, career, responsibilities, the world, professional life, worldly life, in the public eye, ambition, direction.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

Gemini, let’s put 2019 into perspective. It’s likely been a hard year, primarily because you’ve had to do a lot of soul searching. You’ve had to dig into the deepest, most hidden parts of yourself and confront the emotions, the memories, the fears that are holding you back. Yes, it’s been exhausting and overwhelming at times, but in this process you’ve transformed in ways that you haven’t yet begun to realize. Keep hanging in there; you’re nearing the end of a long chapter of emotional transformation that began in at the start of 2018. However, this month brings another milestone in this journey of self and as you arrive in December you may be feeling something stirring. That said, it’s Sagittarius Season, the time in your personal calendar when the Sun shines its light on relationships. It’s a natural time to reach out to others, socialize, connect, and interact, especially once Mercury arrives in Sagittarius on December 9. A new partner may come into your life or you may need to work to strengthen an existing relationship. If fact, you’ve had Jupiter in Sagittarius all year long, opening doors to new people in your life and helping you to expand your connections. Jupiter, however, leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on December 2, bringing a major shift in a relationship or even in your career — Jupiter is also your career planet — and kicks off a year of needing to consolidate all the hard work you’ve been doing to grow and transform. For relationships this means needing to be more vulnerable and let people in in 2020. It means bringing more intimacy into your life, opening up about your secrets, your shame, and your proverbial skeletons. It also means needing to navigate themes around power, money, and wealth in your career. Since there’s a lot going on this month, make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Although Mars has been in your sign of health and work since November 19, it’s likely that you spent all of October and November working hard to a point that has probably felt like overwork. This pace continues in December, but it’s important to note that while it’s productive at getting projects, tasks, and jobs done, it can wear you down physically and emotionally. Instead, use this energy to set healthy goals for health and wellness in 2020. Then on December 12 a full moon lights up the sign of Gemini, putting you in the spotlight. With the energy of the full moon pointing towards Mercury in Sagittarius, relationships continue to be a big focus in December. You may have a decision to make about a connection or partnership. You may be welcoming new people in your life. Or you may need to see a relationship for what it really is. That said, the headliner event for this month is a solar eclipse on December 26. Remember how I said that December brings another milestone in this journey of self? The solar eclipse activates a lot of these deep emotions that have been coming up throughout 2018 and 2019, emotions that need to be released and transformed. It hasn’t been easy shedding the past like old skin or tearing down old emotional structures. Again, make sure you’re taking care of yourself, which includes having people around you for emotional support. A lot of things are shifting as you not only step into a new year, but a new decade as well. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, partnership, interaction, connection, socialization, compromise, negotiation, give and take, commitment, serious relationship, letting people in, intimacy, vulnerability, sexuality, the deep self, deep emotions, the shadow self, the psyche, emotional digging, emotional transformation, facing fears, letting go, money, resources, wealth, debt, taxes, the self, in the spotlight, recognition, work, projects, overwork, health, wellness, taking care of the body, fitness, nutrition.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

What a year it’s been, Cancer. It’s quite possible, with the eclipses this year lining up with Cancer and your opposing sign of Capricorn, that life has had a lot of ups and downs, twists and turns in 2019. Although it’s been emotional at times, there’s been a point to all this intense astrology in your life — to transform how you connect with people. In fact, if you zoom out and look all the way back to 2008 (yes, nearly twelve years ago), you began a decade-and-a-half long chapter of profoundly changing what relationship means in your life. And here you are, at the end of 2019 and the cusp of a new decade and in many ways you’re at one of the major peaks in this unfolding story. One of the toughest parts about this chapter in your life is the reality that you’re very emotionally attached to things staying the same. Of course, that’s one of the strengths of Cancer, to preserve the past. But you’ve gotten to a point where the past is holding you back and you need to have the courage to let go. I mention this because December has some major astrology in store in the form of Jupiter’s arrival in Capricorn on December 2 and the Capricorn New Moon solar eclipse on December 26. What does this mean? Let’s unpack it. When Jupiter changes signs on December 2, it kicks off a year long chapter of expanding and opening up new opportunities in relationships. True, relationships have already been a big focus in 2019, if not longer, but Jupiter’s presence can do a few things. One, in can help consolidate the work you’ve been doing to bring new partnership or a new type of connection into your life. But it can also expand existing issues. So it’s important to note that as you go into the new year, relationship, partnership, and connection is an even bigger focus. Then a Capricorn solar eclipse on December 26 brings a powerful new beginning into your relationships. In the new year, new people will come into your life. Old relationships will end. You and a partner will need to renegotiate or recommit. A serious new relationship will begin. So, Cancer, you’re at a crossroads. That said, it’s Sagittarius Season, a time in your personal calendar when your focus is also on health, wellness, work, and projects. It’s possible that in 2019 you’ve been focusing on your health and fitness or making positive changes to your diet or your daily life. Sagittarius Season brings you back to this work. A full moon on December 12 is a perfect time for you to focus on your spiritual as well as your physical health. It’s also a time to shed the past and let go of old patterns and addictions. At the same time, you may also need to make a decision about your home, family, or living situation, a decision that touches on relationships, too. Then, of course, a new moon two weeks later kicks off eclipse season, one that will take you into the new year with a Cancer Full Moon lunar eclipse on January 10. It’s an important time for you, Cancer. Be open to the most power personal, spiritual, and physical transformation possible while having the courage to let go of the past. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, partnership, connection, interaction, socialization, negotiation, compromise, serious relationship, commitment, need for freedom, letting go, endings, shedding the past, old patterns, addictions, transformation, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, taking care of the soul, rest, retreat, recuperation, home, family, living situation.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

How was your 2019? A lot of twists and turns? After all, 2019 (well, 2018) was the year when you began a very new chapter in your life, one that brought or saw the very beginning of a career change or a change in direction. In November it was a time to reflect and pull back from the world, instead focusing on making sure the foundation of your life could support the major changes you have made or will make in the coming years. With Mars still in Scorpio in December, you’ll continue to make home, family, and foundation your priority. That said, this month continues with some of the themes that have been a major factor in 2019, one of which is health and wellness. With Jupiter’s arrival in Capricorn on December 2, it’s another planet in a line up of planets already in Capricorn. What this means is that with three planets in Capricorn into 2020, your health, how you take care of your body, and physical demands of daily life continue to be a major priority. In fact, with Saturn meeting up with Pluto in January, you may be in a chapter in your life when you have to make a serious and lasting change in your relationship with your body. For example, if there’s a disconnect between you and your body, how do you start to repair that relationship? Is it by eating different foods? Is it by doing exercise? Is it by learning to feel safe in your body again? What is your body trying to tell you that has been hard to hear or listen to? Jupiter has a tendency to help wherever it is in the chart, meaning that this is an opportunity to make positive changes in your physical life. But it can also enlarge existing issues. You may want to use December to take stock of the healthy personal changes you want to make in the new year because the astrology is definitely on your side to help make these initiatives last. Sagittarius Season is also a time when you’re revisiting a theme that has wound its way throughout the year — creativity, talent, and being yourself. As much as this month as well as January is a reality check for you, it’s also a time when the Sagittarius Sun is helping you to have fun and make time for play. You may even be starting a creative project this month. Then on December 11 Venus, your career planet, joins up with Saturn and you may have to make a commitment to a new direction in your professional life. If you’ve been contemplating a career change, Saturn may give you a push to take action. Then on December 12 a full moon lights up your sign of community and friendships. As a result, you may be spending a lot of time with your social circle or out with groups. You may also need to make a decision about a social connection or alliance. The full moon also helps you to look ahead towards the future and see the big picture. As you step into the new year, what are your hopes and wishes? Two weeks later, on December 26, a Capricorn New Moon solar eclipse kicks off a powerful new chapter in a story that’s been unfolding since last year, if not longer. What personal changes are you ready to make in your daily life? What positive steps are you taking with your health and diet? What projects need your renewed focus? In order to make these changes, what do you need to let go of? Use eclipse season and its transformational energies to kick off a personal makeover so that you’re stepping into the new year refreshed and reinvented. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, daily rituals, daily living, schedule, projects, organization, getting clean, cleaning out, shedding the past, letting go, home, family, foundation, roots, living situation, memories, the self, self expression, talent, creativity, identity, having fun, children, friends, social circle, social network, community, the future, hopes, dreams, wishes.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

Sagittarius Season brings you back to home. And as you round out a year that may have been stressful at points, it’s good to curl up at home with family and loved ones or make sure your home is cozy and supportive. It’s possible that you made a move in 2019 and if you did, what does your home need in order for you to feel more stable and grounded? As you tend to your nest this month, note that there are some big astrological changes afoot. After all, December not only kicks off eclipse season, that time every six months that changes the narrative in a particular part of your chart, but it also sees Jupiter’s arrival in Capricorn on December 2, a major shift for you. Jupiter is both your relationship sign and your sign of home and family, so December may reveal a change in those parts of your life. Maybe it’s the arrival of a new family member or the preparation for a move. Maybe it’s a change in your partnership or the need for new romance in your life. Jupiter joins Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, which means that there’s a lot going on in the part of your chart that speaks to creativity, talent, identity, and even children. In fact, with Saturn starting to come to the end of its time in Capricorn, you’ve been working hard since 2018 to take yourself and your talents more seriously and define who you are. Virgo, you have a tendency to put others first and there’s a deeper story to this year where you need to make yourself more of a priority. Jupiter’s arrival in Capricorn cements that need. The Capricorn solar eclipse on December 26 makes it a demand. That said, Mercury, your ruling planet, has been in Scorpio for quite some time — since the beginning of October to be exact. Since then you’ve had to focus on how you communicate and the choices that you’re making in life. When Mercury finally changes signs on December 9, it arrives in Sagittarius for the rest of the month and slows down some of the tempo in your life. As a result, you may find yourself spending more time at home in the last few weeks of the year, resting and recharging. A full moon on December 12 puts career in the spotlight. You may need to make a decision about your professional life or the direction that you are taking your life in. It may also be a natural time in your personal calendar to make a career move or get a new job or get recognized for your hard work. But the main event this month is the Capricorn solar eclipse on December 26. It says that 2020 will continue to push you to make personal changes, especially changes where you’re letting go of an old version of self or an identity that is no longer — or never was — your own. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, living situation, foundation, roots, emotional needs, emotional core, emotional stability, a move, change in the home, communication, writing, speaking, listening, learning, classes, education, choices, career, direction, professional life, responsibilities, identity, self expression, talents, children, pregnancy, romance.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

It’s all about home, Libra. In fact, you could say that home, family, and your roots in the world have been a major focus since the start of 2018. But there’s something about December and January that brings this chapter of your life into a new phase. Let’s put some things into perspective. Quite simply, you are in a time in your life where you have to put down roots, settle down, and be very intentional about where you live. Maybe you’ve made a major move this year or you’re looking to make a move in the coming months. Either way, a move or any changes you’ve been making in the home are symbolic of something deeper, that you’ve reached a time of personal milestones and crossroads and that your home needs to reflect this more mature time in your life. Similarly, family may have demanded your attention this year, something that will continue into 2020. When Jupiter arrives in Capricorn on December 2, it joins Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and reminds you that a lot has had to shift in this part of your life over the last decade. Jupiter may do one of two things. It either cements all the emotional and familial changes you’ve been making, bringing this part of your life together, or it pushes you to make bigger changes — this may include a major move, a change in your home, or a need to nurture your life with the people and connections that really matter. Jupiter may even welcome a new family member to your life in 2020. That said, it’s Sagittarius Season, a time that tends to be busy for you, one marked by places to go, trips, adventures, and a need to connect. It also makes education and information a focus for most of December. You may be taking classes or needing to get new information or new ideas. With the Gemini Full Moon on December 12, you may even be looking to make a major trip or fly out to another country. The astrology around that time may be a bit bumpy for you as Venus, your ruling planet, meets up with Saturn on December 11 and Pluto on December 13. If you’re feeling some intense emotions or if something from the past or an issue with family comes up, don’t be surprised. You’re making space for all the new things that need to come into your life and that are not feeding and supporting you anymore. Then on December 20, Venus arrives in Aquarius, giving you a break from some of the emotional intensity that marks much of your astrology this month. Through Aquarius, Venus gives you freedom. It wants to get out and explore. It also is a time for you to focus on fun, talents, creativity, and self expression. But the real story this month, in addition to Jupiter’s big change, is the Capricorn solar eclipse on December 26. Again, it marks a powerful new beginning in your home life, one that will play out in the next six months, one that builds on the changes you made in home and family in 2019. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, living situation, a move, change in the home, emotional needs, emotional core, roots, foundation, ancestry, the past, parents, travel, trips, movement, cars, planes, writing, speaking, thinking, learning, classes, education, ideas, information, serious choices, foreign travel, long distance journeys, faith, truth, meaning, belief, the self, creativity, self expression, identity, fun, leisure, romance.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

Life’s about to get a lot busier, Scorpio. With Jupiter arriving in Capricorn on December 2, you’re entering a year long chapter of having places to go, making trips, and exploring. This is a Jupiter that wants to move. Education will also be a focus in the coming year as well. But Jupiter joins two planets in Capricorn, Saturn and Pluto, that have already in this part of your chart for quite some time and it brings into focus a story that has been playing out over the last decade — opening up your voice and transforming how you think. It’s possible, if you think all the way back to 2008, that you once had a vastly different way of talking, sharing your ideas, or being heard. Yes, Scorpio, you have a tendency to keep your cards close, so to speak, but you’re in a phase of life where it’s important to be heard. I mention this because voice is something that winds its way through the astrology of December and January — are you taking your voice seriously? So, even in the coming months, you’ll have many opportunities to say something, whether it’s in front of an audience, in a classroom, within your local community, or something important to a family member. That said, it’s Sagittarius Season and this is the season where money and material matters are a priority. You may be looking to gather up resources or spend money on the things you need. It’s also a time when you’re thinking about what you need in order to feel rooted, grounded, and stable. The full moon on December 12 also puts money in the spotlight and speaks to needing to make a financial decision about wealth and assets, especially anything you potentially share or co-own with a partner. It’s also a time when the full moon highlights the psyche and takes you into the deeper parts of yourself to face your fears and examine your hidden motivations. Use the energy of the full moon to look at your financial blocks or anything getting in the way of creating material stability in your life. That said, around the same time of the full moon, Venus makes a few bumpy aspects to Saturn and Pluto and since Venus is your relationship planet, you may need to make some serious decisions about what you want in a connection or whether an existing relationship needs to change and transform. Even when Venus moves to Aquarius on December 20, it wants to settle down and have a partnership that has a real emotional connection. Keep in mind that relationships is a part of your life that’s in a major state of flux right now. All your relationships, in fact, need to be reinvented and December’s astrology and Venus’s square to Uranus on December 22 is a reminder. That said, you close out the year with a solar eclipse on December 26, one that continues to make voice a major priority over the next six months. Be heard, Scorpio. Stop holding back. You have something powerful to say and share. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Voice, speaking, communication, writing, thinking, learning, education, classes, choices, trips, travel, movement, exploration, transportation, take action, initiative, money, income, material needs, resources, what you own, stability, finance, assets, wealth, debt, taxes, insurance, the psyche, facing fears, inner work, transformation, deep emotions, shadow work, relationships, emotional connection, family connection.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

Happy birthday, Sag! You made it through 2019 and all its ups and downs with hopefully your humor still in tact. As you arrive in December, you’re about to embark on a major new chapter. Jupiter, your ruling planet, changes signs on December 2, moving from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Think of it like this. When Jupiter arrived in Sagittarius back in November 2018, you began a new twelve year chapter and it’s possible that you made some big changes in 2019 or at least dreamed up what you want your next adventure to look like. Now that Jupiter’s in Capricorn, an earth sign, these dreams, these initiatives, this new beginnings have to become real. Capricorn also happens to be one of your money signs and, over the coming twelve months, while Jupiter is in Capricorn, you’re going to be more focused than usual on material stability and making more money. Here’s the thing to keep in mind. Jupiter joins Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, two planets that have been pushing you to completely transform, reform, tear down, and rebuild your relationship with money and what you value. This even includes how you value yourself and how that can negatively impact your relationship with money and resources. Sound familiar? So, here comes Jupiter into the mix and it’s possible that you’ll have to go deeper into this process over the coming months. But it also means that this is great potential for a breakthrough and a transformation once you do the emotional work, if you aren’t already. Additionally you’ll be working hard over the coming months to reach your goals and ambitions, especially your financial goals. Again, whatever you’ve been envisioning over the last year, time to make it real and push through anything within yourself that’s getting in the way of that vision. In fact, December is eclipse season and the Capricorn solar eclipse on December 26 will give you a powerful new beginning with your personal finances over the coming six months. That said, not to get ahead of ourselves, it’s still your birthday season, a time of new beginnings and celebration. When Mercury finally arrives in Sagittarius on December 9, you’re going to feel a lot more motivated to move, take action, and get things done. Then on December 12 a Gemini Full Moon lights up your relationship sign. As a result, you may be quite busy around the middle of the month, busy with social engagements and meetings. It’s also a time when a new partnership can come into your life or you have to make a decision about an existing partnership. You may be needing a lot of space and freedom in December if you are in a relationship. Don’t be afraid to innovate or do things your own way this month as Jupiter trines with Uranus in Taurus on December 15. This may also mean having to innovate or open up to new ideas of how to earn a living or get the resources you need. As I mentioned earlier, it’s eclipse season and the eclipse on December 26 continues a story around money and income that began in the beginning of 2019. Now it’s time for a new chapter in this ongoing story, one that will wrap up in the middle of 2020. And the astrology of this eclipse is asking you to change your values and shift your relationship with money and the material. You can do it! Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Money, income, material needs, earning a living, material stability, value, worth, self worth, resources, wealth, finance, debt, taxes, emotional connection to money, emotional values, hard work, ambition, setting new goals, new beginnings, manifestation, relationships, other people, connection, socialization, negotiation, compromise, interaction, partnership.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

Does it feel like your life (or yourself) is in the middle of a demolition and gut renovation? It’s hard to feel relaxed and at peace when there’s so much going on around you and so much pressure to transform. As you go into Sagittarius Season and get ready to say goodbye to another personal year, you may be in a reflective mood. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself body, mind, and soul over the coming weeks. You need to recharge your batteries because there’s some major astrology on the horizon for you in the form of two eclipses, a Capricorn solar eclipse on December 26 and a Cancer lunar eclipse on January 10. So if you’re feeling tired, rest. You may also need extra sleep or need to pull away from the world. But December is also bringing some big shifts, particularly Jupiter’s arrival in Capricorn on December 2. For all the demolition and renovation going on in your life, Jupiter’s arrival may feel like a saving grace or a silver lining. It brings a year of new growth and new beginnings for Capricorn for the coming twelve months. But it’s also a reminder that you’ve been working through some intense astrology since 2008 when Pluto first arrived in Capricorn. So hopefully Jupiter brings new opportunities or potential to build upon all the work you’ve been doing on a personal level. Venus is also in Capricorn for the first half of December, giving you a charm and style in the midst of change. Since Venus is also your career planet, you’ve got your sights set this month on your goals and ambitions. When Venus meets up with Saturn and Pluto from December 11-13, however, you may need to recalibrate and recommit to a goal or take a professional opportunity seriously. Then on December 12 a full moon lights up your sign of health, wellness, and work. You may need to focus on how you take care of your body as a result, from making new initiatives to get more exercise or eat differently. It’s also a full moon to let go of old addictions and patterns. It’s also a time to make a decision about a job or a project that you’ve been involved in. By December 21 the Sun arrives in Capricorn and you kick off your season. Just a few days later, a solar eclipse on December 26 ensures that the coming six months — especially those born on or near December 26 — will be a time of major new beginnings. I know it’s been a hard time for you, Capricorn. Big hugs and make sure you have all the care and support that you need. The first couple of months of the new year may be a bit stressful for you. Thankfully there’s the potential of new people coming into your life to help guide you through. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Endings, letting go, shedding the past, rest, retreat, dreams, mediation, spirituality, recuperation, old patterns, addictions, doctor visits, taking care of the body, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, projects, organization, cleaning up, personal rituals, schedule, the self, rebirth, powerful new beginnings, transformation, expansion, crossroads.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

If you had to look back on 2019, what kind of year was it for you? Was a busy mixture networking as well as spending time amongst friends and community? Did you also feel like you’ve been working hard behind the scenes, too? Were you also planning a big move or dealing with the effects of a big move? As you step into December, you may be in a reflective mood. After a year of expanding and growing your social network, Jupiter arrives in Capricorn on December 2 and begins to pull you behind the scenes to meditate, rest, and search deep within for answers. Then again, you’ve already been doing some soul searching in 2019 and even in 2018 as well. What have you discovered about yourself? Perhaps a lot has shifted internally and you’re not quite sure how. However Jupiter may help to bring all this internal work together in the coming months. In fact, Saturn, your ruling planet, dips into Aquarius from March to July 2020, so you’re on the cusp of a rebirth and new beginning. That said, the deep internal work continues in the meantime. And when Venus meets up with Saturn and Pluto from December 11-13, it may be a time when you’re having to let something go from the past. December is a month where work and career are also a big focus. You have Mars in the highest reaches of your chart motivating and encouraging you to take the next big step up in your professional life. You may also feel like you’re having to take on a lot of responsibility now, especially as you navigate a month in your life that’s both pulling you inward and pushing you out into the world. Then on December 12 a full moon lights up your chart’s sign of creativity, play, talent, and passion. How do you make yourself a priority in the midst of everything that’s going on? Do you have supportive friends and community around you? Venus’s arrival in Aquarius on December 20 gives you a boost and helping you to express your charm and beauty into February. The next day, on December 21, the Sun’s arrival in Capricorn starts a month long period of pulling within to reflect on the past twelve months and vision what you want to create in the new year. But it’s the solar eclipse on December 26 that ends the year on a serious note, pushing you to go into 2020 by letting go of the past and working hard to develop a stronger sense of intuition and spiritual connection. Pay attention to your dreams. Your most hidden parts of yourself are trying to reveal something to you. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Community, friendships, social connection, social networks, groups, allies, alliances, social issues, politics, community issues, career, ambitions, responsibilities, public life, reputation, status, rest, reflection, recuperation, retreat, internal work, the unconscious, dreams, spirituality, intuition, spiritual health, soul searching, soul work, addictions, illusions, the self, creativity, talent, self expression, passion, fun, children.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

Heads up, Pisces! Jupiter, your ruling planet, arrives in Capricorn on December 2. It’s like the big hand on your clock changing hours and pointing to a very different time in your life. Throughout 2019, Jupiter was in Sagittarius, the highest sign in your chart and, as a result, you had to work hard this year, taking on new responsibilities, making changes in your career, and feeling the hustle of needing to make your professional life a priority. With Jupiter now in Capricorn, your life starts to point towards friends and community over the coming months. You’ll be more motivated to make new friends, forge alliances, and spend time out in your community. Do keep in mind that you’ve already been focusing on friends and community since the start of 2018 and it’s quite possible that you don’t have some of the same friends that you had two years ago. You may be involved in a very different social circle, too. If you’ve been feeling a dearth of community and social connection, Jupiter will help you grow or, in some cases regrow, your place in the world. If you’ve been having a hard time connecting with people, Jupiter may be an ally, helping you to shine a light and see what’s blocking you. Remember, both Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn and whatever good graces Jupiter may bring can only come when you do the work to transform how you connect and socialize with people. And if you have been doing the work, keep an eye out for new opportunities to find new friendship in the coming months. That said, it’s Sagittarius Season and while you may be turning your attention away from your professional life this month, it’s still a time to be out there in the world, get recognized for your hard work, and to network to help further your career. But your worldly life needs a solid base of support and the full moon on December 12 puts home, family, roots, and foundation in the spotlight. You may be a decision to make about your living situation and December, as a result, may bring a natural time for you to move or make a change in the home. But with so much going on in career and community this month, you may find that you’re spending a lot of time away from the home. You may even be traveling a lot in December; Mars, after all, is still heating up your sign of long distance and foreign travel into the end of the month. If that’s the case, how will you get what you need while you’re on the road? By December 21 the Sun arrives in Capricorn and you begin to get ready for a solar eclipse on December 26. Again, big changes are afoot in friends and community. It’s time for you to find connection and be ready to push through any blocks that have been keeping you separate. Want a deeper look at how December will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, responsibilities, public life, professional life, ambition, status, recognition, networking, social circle, friendships, community, society, humanity, big picture issues, social connection, social causes, belonging, groups, politics, the future, looking ahead, home, family, living situation, foundation, roots, the past, memories.

Photo by Taneli Lahtinen on Unsplash