Astro Daily

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Astro Daily: March 10, 2021

The Sun makes its annual conjunction to Neptune in Pisces. It’s a day to connect to our highest self, our universal self, the self that lives beyond this world. It’s also a surrender to the divine, but a day when we may be feeling overly sensitive or even overly tired.

Photo by Maria Lupan on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 9, 2021

Venus in Pisces crosses the Lunar Nodes. It’s turning point for a relationship. Can a difficult situation be redeemed? Can we gain a new perspective? With Saturn still in an ongoing square with Uranus, something has to completely shift in order to move forward.

Photo by Juli Kosolapova on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 8, 2021

We’re winding down the lunar month, preparing for a Pisces New Moon that not only punctuates the end of this week, but takes us into the end of the astrological year. With so much Neptune in the astrology, it’s a time to surrender, transcend, and redeem.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 4, 2021

Mercury joins up with Jupiter in Aquarius, the last of three connections that spanned the last couple of months. Mercury and Jupiter together in Aquarius are visionary. We have big things to communicate.

Photo by Francesca Zama on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 3, 2021

Mars, the planet of motivation and drive, arrives in Gemini. For the next six weeks we’re inspired to get curious about everything. We’re restless for new ideas and new information. We want to move and connect.

Photo by Henry Ravenscroft on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 1, 2021

We’re coming off a Virgo Full Moon as start the week, one that wants us to organize, plan, and put the best foot forward. That said, with the Moon now in Libra, there’s a focus on partnership and connection, too.

Photo by Trent Haaland on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 25, 2021

Venus arrives in Pisces, the sign of its exaltation. Here, the planet of love finds commonality with the planet of spirituality, compassion, and redemption. In its highest expression, Venus in Pisces is unconditional love.

Photo by Penguinuhh on Unsplash.

Astro Daily: February 24, 2021

Mars in Taurus picks up on a trine to Pluto in Capricorn. We have power, drive, and stamina, but it needs an outlet. Channel this into physical activities as well as anything that builds stability and material success.