Astro Daily

Photo by Krysten Merriman. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 27, 2016

A few years back I had a bad accident just a day or so shy of Chiron turning retrograde. It was one of those moments as an astrologer that I got a deeper understanding of Chiron, a more recent discovery and addition to the astrological lexicon.

Photo by Anton Repponen. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 24, 2016

We’re in the build up to next week’s station of Mars. It will turn direct at 23 Scorpio on June 29. We’re feeling the ripples and waves of the energy in the collective. Mars rules Volcanos, so, as a result, we may feel like we’re ready to blow.

Photo by Aaron Barnaby. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 23, 2016

Aquarius Moon day creating a bit of a push/pull between needing the comfort of something close like home and wanting to explore the world through ideas, intellect. Aquarius is a very detached sign and about as far away as you can get from the Sun in Cancer.

Photo by Samuel Zeller. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 22, 2016

This week Mercury has been passing through the combined forces of Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn, activating a major story that has been unfolding this year. If Mercury in Gemini places a finger on the pulse of our choices, then what do we put our faith in?

Photo by Ivan Slade. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 21, 2016

Happy birthday Cancer! Happy Solstice! If you’re in the northern hemisphere like me, Cancer ushers in the start of summer. The trees and flowers are full with promise, the days are long and warm, and we enjoy the bounty of the natural world.

Photo by Dmitry Zelinskiy. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 17, 2016

Today our gal Venus says goodbye to Gemini, a sign that she’s known to have a bit of fun in, and checks into Cancer for a four week stay. Cancer is the sign of home, family, roots, emotions, and the mother. It’s the first water sign and in it we discover our primal emotions.

Photo by Pablo Garcia Saldaña. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 16, 2016

Tomorrow, Saturn and Neptune will make an exact square, the second of three contacts. If Saturn is matter, the physical world, structure, and achievement, then Neptune is spirit, the non-physical world, mysticism. We are battling divine needs vs. our own.

Photo by Yuriy Kovalev. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 15, 2016

We’ve been in the run up to today’s square between the Sun and Chiron, an aspects that digs into our deepest pain and suffering. As a result our feelings need our attention today. We heal our emotional knots because they are limiting us from living the life we want.

Photo by Janita Sumeiko. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 14, 2016

We’re wrapping up a Libra Moon day, which will turn our attention to relationships, connection, grace, charm, and beauty. It’s a breezy placement for the Moon, especially with the Sun and Venus in Gemini. The element air is about movement, connection.

Photo by David Straight. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 13, 2016

Here are a couple of things to note as we start the week. Mercury is finally in Gemini after almost twelve weeks in Taurus. The other big thing to keep in mind is that Neptune turns retrograde today. Are you feeling overly sensitive? More emotional than usual?

Photo by Rene Bieder. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 10, 2016

We’re coming off of yesterday’s argumentative face off between Mercury and Mars. Tensions may still be a touch high today, especially now that the Moon is in Virgo. We may feel overly critical, nitpicky, restless, quick to find fault in the details.

Photo by Steven Lewis. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: June 9, 2016

Mercury and Mars clash today. We may feel a little restless or have a need to get something off our chest. Although this placement has a history of arguments and accidents. Mercury is still in Taurus. A lot of the potential conversation today may be around value.