Astro Daily

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

Astro Daily: November 21, 2019

We’re in the last day of Scorpio Season, a time in our zodiac journey when we honor life’s many cycles. This is a season that’s meant to challenge us emotionally and get us to think as well as feel more deeply. What wisdom have we gained?

Photo by Katherine Chase on Unsplash

Astro Daily: November 20, 2019

Mercury turns direct in Scorpio, another twist and turn in a week where the story changes. It’s a day of revelation. Secrets may be revealed. Something may be uncovered. After three weeks of reviewing and investigating, we’re ready to take action, move forward.

Photo by Valentin Lacoste on Unsplash

Astro Daily: November 19, 2019

The celestial gears shift as Mars arrives in Scorpio. This is a punch on the gas after a Scorpio Season mostly spent looking behind the scenes and wrapping up old relationship stories. Life moves forward. We’re more aware of our power and the power of others.

Photo by Freddy Do on Unsplash

Astro Daily: November 18, 2019

We kick off the week with a Leo Moon, one that adds a bit of fire and passion to Scorpio’s emotional intensities. It’s a day to not only create and show off our talents, but to focus on achievement. What big goals are we reaching for? Tomorrow brings a big shift.

Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash

Astro Daily: November 15, 2019

As we move from a Gemini Moon to Cancer, we arrive at a weekend that may bring us both closer to home and in search of new horizons. We spent the past few days doing our research and investigating. Now we’re ready to take action and see the truth.

Photo by Adam Kring on Unsplash

Astro Daily: November 8, 2019

An Aries Moon gives us a bit more pep as we go into the weekend. With Mars in Libra, we’re negotiating and navigating relationships dynamics. Plus, it’s a day to tackle projects, our to-do list, and get some exercise. The Aries Moon needs to get the heart pumping.

Photo by Gian D. on Unsplash

Astro Daily: November 7, 2019

Another Pisces Moon day, one that pulls us to meditate, reflect, or quietly search inward for answers. With the Sun coming up to a trine to Neptune into tomorrow, life may feel a little dreamy, a little floaty. Neptune reminds us our spiritual origins.