Astro Daily

Photo by Isi Parente on Unsplash

Astro Daily: January 17, 2020

The Scorpio Moon takes us into the weekend, one that speaks to intimacy, power, and delving into the hidden side of life. The Moon also points us to Mars in Sagittarius. It’s a weekend to explore and travel as well as meditate and retreat from the world.

Astro Daily: January 16, 2020

Astro Daily: January 16, 2020

After a tense few weeks in Capricorn, Mercury moves in to Aquarius, a sign that gives it room for movement and connection. Mercury is also quite intellectual in Aquarius. It’s able to grasp abstract concepts and big ideas, especially math and science.

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Astro Daily: January 15, 2020

Moon arrives in Libra and we enter the last quarter of a lunar month that began with a solar eclipse. There may be a few more twists and turns today in our eclipse story, the one that ushered in a new time and rang in a new chapter as we started 2020.

Photo by Andrei Slobtsov on Unsplash

Astro Daily: January 14, 2020

The Moon’s in Virgo and it’s a good day to tidy up and tend to practical affairs, especially after all the ups and downs and bustle of the last four weeks. What needs our attention? What’s been neglected? Tend to your physical health as well.

Photo by T R A V E L E R G E E K on Unsplash

Astro Daily: January 13, 2020

We’ve still got five planets in Capricorn this week, which means we’re feeling the pressure (perhaps even a crush) of time and responsibility. Add to that the Capricorn Sun and its meetup with Saturn and Pluto. It’s a day of power and transformation.

Photo by Ingmar Hoogerhoud on Unsplash

Astro Daily: January 9, 2020

The Moon moves into Cancer and we’re on the verge of a full moon lunar eclipse. As the Moon opposes five planets in Capricorn, including Saturn and Pluto, emotional energies may be running high. We may be on the verge of a break down … or break through.

Photo by Ishan @seefromthesky on Unsplash

Astro Daily: January 8, 2020

Another Gemini Moon day, which means we need to explore, seek out new information, and weight our options. Travel and education continue to be a focus. While Gemini tends to be a light and breezy sign, all eyes are on serious Capricorn.

Photo by Pavel Nekoranec on Unsplash

Astro Daily: January 7, 2020

The Moon’s in Gemini today. We’re on the move. It’s all about information, ideas, and new perspectives. It’s also a day to focus on projects and work. With Mercury joining Saturn and Pluto, it’s also a day to make healthy choices and break old patterns.

Photo by Benn McGuinness on Unsplash

Astro Daily: January 6, 2020

We kick off the week with a Moon in Taurus, one that craves stability and comfort as well as the simple pleasures of living. It’s a day to focus on our financial lives, too. Keep in mind that we’re a few days away from a lunar eclipse. Life’s about to get loud.

Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

Astro Daily: January 3, 2020

Mars arrives in Sagittarius! Over the coming six weeks we’re searching the world for new adventures. We also have a desire to learn and explore the philosophical side of life. That said, we’ll need to steer clear of Mars in Sagittarius’s opinionated streak.