
The Saturn Return

The Saturn Return

The Saturn Return, a period that runs from age 28-30 and again from age 57-59 is a critical moment in everyone’s lifetime. It not only marks the time when Saturn returns to the place in the sky at the moment of birth, but a symbolic transition and test of life.

Photo by Mona Magnussen. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Your Self Care Toolbox

Now that we’ve arrived at the end of a three year cosmic intervention/reinvention, we may be limping a little. High powered change exacts a heavy toll on the body as well as the spirit. If you’re feeling tired and in need of a little TLC (and maybe a hug, too), here’s a reminder of what’s in your self care toolbox.

Saturn represents the boundary between the visible and invisible.

In Defense of Saturn

Look, I didn’t set out to be a disciple of Saturn. And, let’s be honest, as planets go, Saturn has never been astrology’s favorite son. He is the planet of old age, maturity, limitations, restriction and other fun things like lead, bones, and dentistry.

Photo by Julia Caesar. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Opening Your Intuition

Is there such a thing as a psychic chart? How do you open up your intuitive gifts and abilities? Yes, there are certain signatures that speak to strong psychic abilities. And, just like a muscle, it takes exercise as well as practice to open these up.

Photo by Aaron Barnaby. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Self Care for Empaths

In the spirit of Mercury Retrograde, I’m returning to an article idea, Self Care for Empaths, I’ve literally had for years. Not sure why it’s taken me four years to write — probably because there’s a fair bit of confession in this — but no time like the present as […]

Ordering from the Menu of Life

Ordering from the Menu of Life

I want to share a personal story that my guides reminded me of while I was meditating. It highlights a lesson that we could all stand to learn and how unconscious beliefs and programming are the unseen obstacles that prevent us from manifesting what we want. It also highlights how […]