Welcome to the Capricorn Full Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on duty, responsibility, and the life we are building. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of maturity and growth. Time to make a commitment or serious decision. The full moon is exact on June 21, 2024 at 9:07 pm ET, 1 degree Capricorn-Cancer. That’s 6:07 pm Los Angeles, 2:07 am London on June 22, 3:07 am Johannesburg, 6:37 am New Delhi, 11:07 am Sydney, 1:07 pm Auckland.

Full moons can be provocative. We see something in the light of the full moon. They can mark events or bring a turning point. The seeds we planted during the new moon two weeks before have come to fruition.

What is Capricorn? All zodiac signs play an important role in our lives, but Capricorn holds a special distinction. It’s a cardinal sign, which is to say it lines up with the four directions and four seasons. Cardinal signs, in my mind, “hold up the sky”. They correspond with the pillars of our lives — family, relationships, individuality. Capricorn is the need as well as the push to make something of ourselves, to build our lives, to grow and mature.

We are all in the midst of becoming something. If we strip away cultural and even familial expectations, there is something that, with time, effort, and hopefully a lot of love, we grow up to become something. Of course, in the modern world, we assign a career title to this — a doctor, a carpenter, a parent. But the art of becoming is different from person to person.

What are you becoming? Yes, the Capricorn Full Moon is a good time to survey the landscape of the duties and responsibilities that we carry, the career goals that we are actively working towards. It’s also a good time to take a step back and observe what time has shaped you into and wonder what the end result could be.

This Capricorn Full Moon plays off the Lunar Nodes in Aries Libra, a reminder that we’re coming up on three months after the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse in Aries as well as three months before the Libra solar eclipse to come on October 2, 2024. We may be at a crossroads as a result. Events from March-April may be coming to a head.

When we look to Saturn, the ruler of the Capricorn Full Moon, we find it in Pisces at 19 degrees. Which is to say, the energy of the full moon points to Pisces. This gives this full moon an existential quality. What is the meaning and purpose of my life? What am I building? Who am I becoming? Capricorn may be one of the signs of matter, but Pisces invites us to align the material with the spiritual, to fill the structures of our lives with the emotions and experiences that fulfill the heart and the soul.

Finally, this will not be the last Capricorn Full Moon this year. On July 21, 2024 we’ll have a second Capricorn Full Moon at 29 degrees, a bookend or continuation of any themes or stories we are navigating at this time. Perhaps a decision is still playing out into July.

Nevertheless, it is a full moon to honor our commitments and responsibilities and make changes if something is not aligned with our heart.

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