Welcome to the Cancer New Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when we return home. Cancer reminds us what’s truly important in life. It also helps us to prioritize connection, whether to loved ones or to the past. The Cancer New Moon is exact on June 28, 2022 at 10:53 pm EDT. That’s 7:53 pm Los Angeles, 3:53 am London, 4:53 am Johannesburg, 12:53 pm Sydney, and 2:53 pm Auckland.

New moons are new beginnings. They open a four week chapter, one lived through the archetypes contained within its sign. And what is Cancer? It’s home and family, roots and foundation. It’s our primal needs such as to be loved and cared for, to feel a sense of connection, whether with family or with loved ones. Cancer is the substance that holds everything together.

We all need a home. We need to feel like we belong somewhere. Our memories anchor us in time. Taste and smell can bring us back.

In the zodiac wheel, Cancer is the base, a reminder that without home and emotional connection and emotional bonds, life would have no support. So this is a season to return to what’s really important as Cancer is a sign that favors the heart above all.

The coming four weeks may be especially emotional or sentimental. Falling just after a Neptune station, the Cancer New Moon pulls at deeper existential feelings, instincts, and questions. Where is home? What do I need to feel safe and secure? Can I forgive and release the past?

With a square to Jupiter, the Cancer New Moon pushes us to find answers, to seek and explore and travel. There may be a sense of needing to commit to something or get serious about what we believe in.

But it’s the Sun and Moon’s square to Chiron in Aries that’s important to highlight because it hints at a lunar month that touches on deeper pain points or scars from the past. Chiron in Aries asks us … Do I have the courage to stand on my own? Do I have the bravery to move forward? Can I stand up for myself or for what’s right?

We’ll be working through our feelings and instincts over the next four weeks. And with Mars square Pluto, it’s a month to reform and transform as well.

I’m also teaching a live and recorded 90-minute webinar on Saturn, my favorite planet on July 7. In Facing Saturn: Learn to Master Your Life, you’ll not only learn all about Saturn, but learn about its powerful energies to shape and form and build your life. You’ll also discover about how Saturn reveals the contract of life as well as what you have “promised” to work on to achieve. Learn more and register. REPLAY AVAILABLE.

Read More:

Webinar — Facing Saturn: Learn to Master Your Life

Chart of the Cancer New Moon, June 28, 2022

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

Neptune in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Newsletter — The Astrology of June 27-July 3, 2022

Video — The Astrology of June 27-July 3, 2022

Learn Astrology Online — Module 1: The Fundamentals of Astrology

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