Author: Katie Sweetman

Astro Daily: February 16, 2023

Astro Daily: February 16, 2023

The Sun reaches Saturn, one of our final checkpoints for Saturn in Aquarius. It’s the start of the conclusion of a three-year chapter, one that taught us lessons around friendship and community, society and humanity. We’ve worked and constructed for the future.

Photo by Tiko Giorgadze on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 15, 2023

Venus and Neptune meet up in Pisces for an ethereal rendezvous that invokes magic and romance. Although a day late for Valentine’s Day, it colors our experiences for the week. This is a Venus that believes in beauty and redemptive love.

Photo by Taylor Heery on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 14, 2023

If long distance travel and intelligent conversation are your love language, then today’s astrology makes for an adventurous yet brainy Valentine. Today’s Sagittarius Moon paired with an Aquarius Sun is all big ideas. Jupiter in Aries makes for a busy day, too.

Astro Daily: February 13, 2023

Astro Daily: February 13, 2023

We’re coming off the last-quarter moon, one that pushes us to focus on our duties and responsibilities as we start the week. With aspects to Saturn, we may be getting a reality check … or acknowledgment of a job well done. We have to rise to the occasion.

Photo by Daniel Morris on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 10, 2023

Mercury meets up with Pluto in Capricorn, its last meeting in the sign for another two hundred years. It’s a day for powerful conversations and decisions, especially decisions we’ve been weighing since December when Mercury and Mars were retrograde.

Photo by Léonard Cotte on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 9, 2023

A Libra Moon picks up on the energy of Venus in Pisces, a starry-eyed, romantic placement for the planet of love and beauty. Search for an elevated form of love, one that is all heart and soul. We’re also looking towards adventure and long distance travel.

Photo by Sid Verma on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 8, 2023

Another Virgo Moon day, another day to pay attention to the details. If the Aquarius Sun helps us to see the larger systems of our lives, then Virgo shows us the smaller systems, such as the day-to-day planning and organization needed to make things flow.

Photo by Kyle Williamson on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 7, 2023

The Moon arrives in Virgo, a sign that wants us to take the creative spark of the Leo Full Moon and forge it through the art of practice and craft. Time to make our bold visions real. It’s also a day to organize, clean up, and to focus on emotional and physical health.

Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 6, 2023

We’re coming off a dynamic Leo Full Moon, one that put creativity and individuality in the spotlight. With aspects to Uranus and the Lunar Nodes, the coming days may shift our perspective, wake us up to new realities, and turn us in a new direction.