Author: Katie Sweetman

Astro Daily: December 13, 2023

Astro Daily: December 13, 2023

Mercury turns retrograde at 8 degrees Capricorn. You know the drill. The coming three weeks invite us to reevaluate, reflect, and search for new perspectives. It’s a rewind on events from late November and early December. It’s a second look at our choices.

Sagittarius New Moon: Big Questions

Sagittarius New Moon: Big Questions

Welcome to the Sagittarius New Moon, the time in the lunar calendar we turn our attention to matters of faith, truth, and conviction. As the ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius opens up our eyes to the world. It’s the fire of inspiration, revelation, the fire of the stars.

Astro Daily: December 11, 2023

Astro Daily: December 11, 2023

We’re in the dark of the moon as we start the week, the last day and last hours of the lunar month and a time of quiet reflection. We’re closing out a chapter that began on November 13. We’re also getting ready to jet off in search of new horizons.

Astro Daily: December 8, 2023

Astro Daily: December 8, 2023

We go into the dark of the moon as we circle back to the degree of the October 14 solar eclipse. Look for a common thread. The dark of the moon is a time to go inward, to reflect, and to prepare for the coming Sagittarius New Moon on December 12.

Astro Daily: December 7, 2023

Astro Daily: December 7, 2023

Mercury in Capricorn picks up support from Jupiter in Taurus, an energy that is with us throughout December. This is the energy of practical and grounded leaps of faith, a need to discover and learn, to share our point of view.

Astro Daily: December 6, 2023

Astro Daily: December 6, 2023

Neptune turns direct at 24 Pisces, a wave of energy that pulls as like an emotional tide. Emotions may be running high. Influenced by Neptune’s evolutionary nature, these are emotions that come from deep within. Use this energy to release, transcend.

Astro Daily: December 5, 2023

Astro Daily: December 5, 2023

Venus, now in Scorpio, picks up support from Saturn in Pisces, a trine that helps us to find deeper connection, to feel safe and supported, to also open up our intuition and spirituality. It’s a day to build and strengthen our relationships.

Astro Daily: December 4, 2023

Astro Daily: December 4, 2023

Venus trades Libra for Scorpio, the familiar for the unfamiliar. If Venus is the planet of relationship, then its time in Scorpio takes us into intimate and sometimes uncomfortable spaces. It reveals the importance of trust and the alchemy of emotional vulnerability.

Astro Daily: December 1, 2023

Astro Daily: December 1, 2023

Mercury arrives in Capricorn, a sign that gives the planet of voice and communication a sharp eye and a need to speak clearly and precisely. With Mercury getting ready to turn retrograde in two weeks time, Capricorn is a sign that we’ll have to do some work.

Astro Daily: November 30, 2023

Astro Daily: November 30, 2023

The Moon’s in Cancer, a reach into our deepest emotions. For all of Sagittarius Season’s confidence and bravado, we still have inner work to do. It’s a day to explore themes of intimacy and vulnerability, trust and power, the past and memory.