Author: Katie Sweetman

Astrologer Stephanie Gailing of

Holistic Health and Astrology

I recently had a chance to record a podcast with Seattle based astrologer, Stephanie Gailing, author of Planetary Apothecary. Stephanie blends holistic health with astrology to create an unique approach, dispensing wellness tools for hard transits. What flower essence works well Neptune? Answer: Pink Yarrow. Stephanie and I also look […]

Data for Chart above is 11/28/2012, 9:46 am EST, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini: So Here We Are

Happy Full Moon in Gemini! And happy Lunar Eclipse! First, the full moon is a time when the lunar energy is at its peak and its most visible. The Moon is the feminine half to the Sun’s masculine. And the full moon brings heightened emotions, resolutions, illuminations, and blossomings. But […]

Data for chart above is 10/29/2012; 3:49 pm EDT; New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Taurus: The Coming Storm

Today we have a Full Moon in Taurus. This is the time of the astrological year when we release our intentions for security, solid ground, and abundance of resources. The Full Moon is occurring at 6’48 degrees Taurus/Scorpio. It’s interesting that one of the keywords for Taurus is security. As I write […]

Data for chart above is for 10/15/2012; 8:02 am EDT; New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Libra: A Change in Narrative

Happy Libra New Moon! New moons are beginnings — the end of one emotional cycle and the start of another. This is the time of the year when we set new intentions and plant seeds regarding all that Libra rules — relationships, beauty, attraction, equity, balance, peace, and harmony. This […]

Photo by Samuel Zeller. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Saturn in Scorpio 101

When Saturn entered Scorpio on October 5, 2012, we shifted into a two and a half year period, until September 17, 2015, of learning Scorpio themes. In short, death and rebirth, power, intimacy, and shadow.

Photo by Christopher Campbell. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Saturn in Scorpio: Hard Truths

The process of transformation is never easy. It’s usually through the catalyst of loss and disappointment that we discover the potent alchemical mix that pushes us towards personal mastery. How do we know what we’re made of if we’re never tested?

Full Moon in Aries: Make Love Not War

Full Moon in Aries: Make Love Not War

You may have heard something about this Aries Full Moon we’re having (September 29, 2012; 11:18 pm EDT; New York, NY) and how it’s a “monster moon,” which is not a very helpful description. So why all the fuss? Why does this full moon pack a bigger punch than usual? […]

Photo by Jeremy Thomas. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Co-Creating with the Uranus/Pluto Square

In honor of today’s exact Uranus/Pluto square, we’re going to do an exercise that uses this energy proactively. Get out a piece of paper. On that piece of paper write: I am using the Uranus/Pluto square to _____________. Choose one thing that you want to channel this revolutionary energy towards […]

Checking in on 2012: An Interview with Dena DeCastro

Checking in on 2012: An Interview with Dena DeCastro

In the latest edition of my Empowering Astrology podcast, I was joined again by evolutionary astrologer Dena DeCastro to review the astrology of 2012. In a previous podcast, we demystified the hype surrounding this mythic year and looked to the upcoming transits. Now that we’re nine months in, what are […]

New Moon in Virgo: Beyond the Veil

New Moon in Virgo: Beyond the Veil

  Happy New Moon in Virgo! New moons are about new beginnings and the moment each month when we find a place of renewal and a time to plant new seeds. Through our intentions we can use the energy, as represented in the chart above, to begin a powerful new […]