Author: Katie Sweetman

Data for chart above is 3/27/2013, 5:27 am EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Libra: Springing Forth

Happy Full Moon in Libra! This is the time of the month when the seeds planted at the new moon come to fruition. And with the Full Moon in Libra (5:27 am EDT, 6 Libra/Aries), the fruit of our labors center on beauty, grace, diplomacy, manners, and one-on-one relationships. Think […]

Photo by Jeremy Thomas. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Empowerment and the Uranus/Pluto Square

Let’s talk about the energy of the last two weeks of March 2013 because it’s going to be intense. First, Mars makes a conjunction today, March 22, to Uranus and will make a square to Pluto on Tuesday, March 26. If you’ve been paying attention in astrology class you’ll realize that Mars […]

Data for chart above is 3/11/2013, 3:51 pm EDT, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Pisces: A Time Out

Happy New Moon in Pisces! This is the time of year when we plant our seeds for new beginnings regarding compassion, spirit, release, forgiveness, art, and divine inspiration. The new moon is exact on 3/11/2013 at 3:51 pm EDT and 21 degrees Pisces. If you’ve been paying attention to the […]

Data for chart above is 2/25/2013, 3:26 pm EST, New York, NY. Chart by

Full Moon in Virgo: Delivering the Medicine

Happy Full Moon in Virgo! This is the time of the year when we are forced to “make it work.” Virgo is the sign that teaches us service, wellness, purity, organization, and the sort of precision and attention to detail that helps us develop craft. The full moon is exact […]

Podcast: Intro to Predictive Astrology

Podcast: Intro to Predictive Astrology

Whether you’re a beginning astrology student or looking to go deeper with your knowledge, we outline the tools needed to make rock solid predictions. We also touch on the whole nature of fate versus free will, which Kelly astutely replies: “We all have fate and free will . . . […]

Data for chart above is 2/10/2013, 2:20 am EST, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Aquarius: At the Karmic Crossroads

Happy New Moon in Aquarius! This is the time of the year when we plant new seeds regarding our genius, eccentricities, foresight, humanitarian endeavors, and our place in the collective. The new moon is exact at 2:20 am EST and 21’43 degrees. Aquarius is an interesting sign. It’s the last of […]

Waves crashing underwater.

Healing Neptune Problems

In 1986, astrologer Donna Cunningham, drawing on her experience as a social worker, wrote the influential book, Healing Pluto Problems. In it she addressed the darker challenges that arise by having a strongly placed or aspected Pluto. And more importantly, she laid out the tools needed to address these problems. […]

Evolutionary astrologer Dena DeCastro.

Podcast: 2013 Astro Preview

In this edition of the Empowering Astrology podcast, I welcome back evolutionary astrologer Dena DeCastro. Together we map out the major highlights of 2013, month by month, from retrogrades to eclipses. While the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square is still a dominant and challenging player in the astrology of 2013, the year’s main […]

Data for chart above is 1/11/2013, 2:44 pm EST, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Capricorn: Building on the Rubble

Happy New Moon in Capricorn at 21 degrees! It’s the time of the year when we set new intentions regarding career, ambitions, status, structure, and business. With Saturn in Scorpio, this is an especially auspicious time to make new intentions for money, finance, and getting debt under control. First, this […]

Data for chart above is 12/13/2012, 3:41 am EST, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Sagittarius: Head Home

About a month or so ago, during my daily meditation, I curiously began to hear the words “head home.” What? Huh? What does head home mean? Inserted between between thoughts and breaths, I heard them again and again and again. Head home. Okay Spirit, you’re going to have to give […]