Author: Katie Sweetman

Photo by Steady Hand Co. on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 3, 2020

The Moon wraps up its stay in Gemini, a sign that has things to do and likes to rush around. With Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, however, we’re encouraged to take it more slowly and revisit past choices and decisions, especially events from early February.

Photo by Anders Nord on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 2, 2020

We start the week with a Gemini Moon, one that highlights conversations, information, ideas, and movement. Always curious, a Gemini Moon needs something to read and learn. Since it’s the first quarter moon, too, we’re weighing options and making choices.

Photo by Ilyuza Mingazova on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 28, 2020

The Moon arrives in Taurus, picking up on a square between Venus and Pluto, two planets that can be a little obsessive, magnetic, and seductive. Pluto also speaks to the shadow and we may be navigating hidden motives and power dynamics.

Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 27, 2020

The Moon continues to run its way through Aries today. Paired with Mars in Capricorn, we’re working towards our goals to build a better future. That said, it’s still Pisces Season, a sign that still wants us to take it slow, relax, and release.

Photo by Ruslan Bardash on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 26, 2020

Aries Moon day, one that wants us to take action and get out and move. An Aries Moon needs exercise, too. So, make sure you’re getting the blood flowing. We may be short tempered as well, especially with Mars still on the South Node of the Moon.

Photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 25, 2020

Mars meets up with the South Node in Capricorn. We may be dealing with forces or events that challenge us. Planets on the Nodes have an air of eclipse energy to them and, as a result, there’s a deeper story brewing about how we take action and use our Mars.

Photo by Ava Mitton on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 24, 2020

We enter the week with a Pisces Moon, one that builds on yesterday’s new moon. We’re paradoxically in a time of new beginnings, but Pisces also speaks of endings as well as letting go. How can we stop resisting and go with the flow?

Pisces New Moon: Float

Pisces New Moon: Float

Happy Pisces New Moon! This is the time in the lunar calendar when we reach the end of the zodiac. Pisces is the world beyond this world — our dreams, intuition, and spirituality. Over the coming weeks, we’re prioritizing emotional connection and our humanity.

Photo by Carlos de Toro on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 21, 2020

We start the weekend in the dark of the moon, a time when we may be feeling a need to pull inward, reflect, and prepare for the next lunar month. What do we need to let go of? What stories are we wrapping up that began on or after January 24?

Photo by Matheo JBT on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 20, 2020

The Moon slips past Saturn and it’s time to wrap up loose ends, tend to projects, and get work done. When the Moon arrives in Aquarius, we’re not only entering a time to socialize and connect, but round out a lunar month that began on January 24.

Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Astro Daily: February 19, 2020

Welcome to Pisces Season! We’ve arrived in last sign of the zodiac, one that takes us out of reality and into the liminal. Pisces is intuition, empathy, and compassion. It’s also art, music, and dance. Time to reconnect to our spiritual lives and inner truth.