Welcome to Scorpio Season. The Sun arrives in the eighth sign of the zodiac and we step into a season when the veil thins between this world and the next. It pulls us into the deep unknown, the hidden parts of ourselves and others that we must discover.

Scorpio Season is also the time when we learn to face ourselves. Ruled by Mars, Scorpio is a sign that driven psychologically instead of physically. Its element is water, an element that connects us to emotions and feelings — powerful emotions and feelings. It wants to know things on a deeper level. It craves intimacy and vulnerability. It’s motivated by power, desire, sex, and possession. It needs to transform.

Scorpio is also a sign that trades in the duality of life and so it understands that with light comes darkness. For this reason, Scorpio must find the balance between the two otherwise it risks being pulled into its underworld. And that’s something we must remember as travel through Scorpio, which is to say, how do we take the lessons of Libra Season and apply them to Scorpio?

Note that for much of Scorpio Season Mars is retrograde, which means that this isn’t an ordinary Scorpio Season. It’s a time when we have to go back to something, rework, or use our will and power differently. Since Mars is in Aries, Scorpio’s sign of work, organization, and health, we’re going back to old projects, we’re getting back to our health, we’re cleaning and clearing out. We’re also looking at negative patterns around overwork, control, and how we take care of our bodies.

Mars turns direct on November 13, 2020 at 15 degrees Aries.

Read More:

Video — The Astrology of October 19-25, 2020

Mars in Aries: Sign by Sign

October 2020 Horoscopes

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