Welcome to Scorpio Season, the time in the zodiac calendar when we metaphorically descend into the underworld. In the cycle of life there’s a point in the journey where we have to doubt, struggle, and search ourselves so that we can be transformed.

Scorpio isn’t an easy sign, but that’s the point. If we never faced our fears or tested our boundaries, then how would we grow? How would we gain the wisdom that brings us to Sagittarius, the sign that follows Scorpio?

Because Scorpio is a water sign, it deals in the realm of emotions. It takes us from the relationship and social connection of Libra and into vulnerability and intimacy. Scorpio is depth and echoes our cultural myths and archetypes of having to descend in order to rise up and be reborn. It’s the emotional and spiritual alchemy that happens when we take this passage into the unknown.

Note that we enter Scorpio Season with a bit of a jolt. The Sun faces off with Uranus in Taurus today as well as tomorrow’s Taurus Full Moon. Venus is still in Scorpio, too. We’re caught in a back and forth of competing interests. We’re dealing with issues of value, trust, security, and vulnerability. Any time Uranus is strong in the astrology, we’re meant to take awareness of something, even if it shakes our consciousness, our faith, our trust. Uranus awakens us to something new and, depending on what sign you are, a certain part of your life is demanding new awareness, new choice, new realization, new value. You can check out my Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign guide.

Read More:

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

The Week Ahead: The Astrology of October 22-28

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