Today’s Capricorn Moon brings us back to reality after the optimism of the Sagittarius New Moon and the haziness and magic of Neptune Direct in Pisces. How will we take the vision and inspiration of the new moon and bring it into manifestation?

Sagittarius Season puts us in touch with element Fire, an element that creates, ignites, and inspires. We need the spark of Fire to move into element Earth, the element that follows Fire. So, the next day or so is important in the manifestation process of all this new moon energy. Capricorn is builder of the zodiac. It comes up with a plan and executes it. (It’s a major holiday here in the United States, so this may have to wait until tomorrow.)

In the meantime, Jupiter is now at the last degree of Sagittarius, a sign it won’t return to until 2030. When a planet reaches the last sign, there’s a “what did you learn” process that unfolds. If Jupiter in Sagittarius has been about faith and the courage to take a leap of faith, how did that work out? Do we still have confidence that things will all work out?

We’ll be working our way through these questions until Monday, December 2, when Jupiter arrives in Capricorn for a year long stay. More on that later.

Read More:

Sagittarius New Moon: Expansion

Neptune in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Jupiter in Sagittarius: Sign by Sign

On Neptune

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