Let’s talk Jupiter and Saturn.

In astrology these two planets help regulate our causal reality — aka cause and effect, aka karma. Jupiter is law, Saturn is order. Yes, we’re talking about abstract stuff here; we’ve gone way beyond the personal level, which is the dominion of the Sun and Moon.

Jupiter and Saturn speak to life’s major milestones — graduation, marriage, buying a house, birth of children, career advancement. They are the dance between wanting something bigger and the hard work needed to achieve it.

I mention all this because Jupiter and Saturn are making something called a square today. It’s subtle because unless we’re paying attention to them, we probably haven’t directly noticed their influence over the past few months. Let me put it to you this way. Have you felt a push to make something more of yourself? To get clear about what you want? To take the next big step in your life? That’s Jupiter and Saturn. (If you’re a Sagittarius or Pisces, you may have been feeling push even more.)

Another reason I mention this is because if there’s a defining theme for June it’s this push — whether internally or externally — to achieve more. Our relationship with this push will depend on other factors lined out in our chart, but I’m feeling like June is the month that we’ll all have to get super real.

Have you been talking about how you’re going to make something of an idea for, like, ever? Is there a personal goal or ambition you’ve been putting off? Make June your month. Then, when Mars turns direct on June 29, we’ll be ready to launch.

Jupiter square Saturn Dates:

August 3, 2015 — 28 Leo/Scorpio
March 23, 2016 — 16 Virgo/Sagittarius
May 26, 2016 — 13 Virgo/Sagittarius