Over the last few weeks I’ve been talking a lot about the Pisces archetype, especially its higher expression of compassion and unconditional love. A couple of people pointed that they had a Pisces in their life that was anything but. (I think the word “selfish git” was used. Ah, I love a British English turn of phrase.) So, why are there uncompassionate Pisceans out there? Why does any sign have trouble reaching its highest ideal? The answer? Consciousness.
Each sign has a range of potential, from the highest expression of the ego to the lowest. I’m a Scorpio. Trust me, despite our reputation, we’re not all homicidal maniacs. On our worst day or lowest moment, Scorpio is jealous, manipulative, and unscrupulous. Because I want to be my best self, I reach for Scorpio’s highest expression of alchemy, transformation, and a fearless ability to transition people from one state to another — whether life or death or one state of consciousness to the other. Because I’m a human being, I do have moments of jealously and I have days where fantasize about destroying things. But I remember there are better ways to use my Scorpio energy. This is free will and consciousness in action.
Additionally, each sign has a core expression that unites them with people who also have that sun sign. The core expression of Pisces is the return to unity. (This would be the energy of the ascent, not descent.) Pisces a mystical sign that can have a wide impact because it’s tapped into the universal. Steve Jobs was Pisces for example. The products that he and Apple, his company, created were visionary and ubiquitous. But Steve Jobs was also infamous for his temper and vindictiveness.
There are all reasons why we hold onto negative consciousness — consciousness that seeks to separate instead of unify. Maybe it’s trauma, rejection, or abandonment. We can’t change what happened to us, but we can change our consciousness around it. Right now Chiron is on the South Node. We’re being called, especially over the coming months, to take a serious look at our wounds, our knots, and the things that keep us from being in unity. It’s a call for healing and compassion. Will you answer it?
Want to learn more about the higher and lower expression of your Sun sign? Check out my quick guide to the 12 signs.