Today’s Cancer Moon not only reminds us to take care of ourselves and to make sure we’re having heart-to-heart connection, but it’s also a reminder that we’re on the cusp of eclipse season and Cancer is a sign that’s powerfully leading us forward this year.

If you recall, the North Node of the Moon has been in Cancer since late last year, which means that not only are we having eclipses in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn, but we’re getting pulled towards new situations that help us to open up to the energies of Cancer. And what is Cancer? It’s emotional connection and tender care. It’s home and family. It’s the archetypical energy of the mother. It’s putting your heart and soul into something.

The polarity of all of this is Capricorn and as the North Node moves through Cancer, the South Node moves through Capricorn in tandem. This year has been a struggle to move beyond the crush of duty and responsibility as well as the limitations that we put upon ourselves or that are put upon us. To tear down old structures in our lives in favor of ones that are more in alignment with our heart and soul.

As we get closer to July — and as we get closer to this month’s serious oppositions between Mars and Saturn/Pluto — we’re going to feel that pull between two polarities even more. How do we find the balance between Capricorn’s duty, responsibility, and need for rules and structure versus Cancer’s need to priorities emotional connection and heart? How do we pull down old walls and let people in?

I talked a lot more about this in yesterday’s Instagram Live video. Did you miss it? It’s only up for another 10 more hours. You can find on @empoweringastro.

I’m also doing a webinar on July’s big deal eclipses on Tuesday, June 25 at 7:30 pm EDT. You can still register even if you can’t join the call live. You will receive a replay video as well as the MP3 audio. Cost is $20 USD. Click here to learn more and to register.

Read More:

Mars in Cancer: Sign by Sign

Gemini New Moon: Wild Card

June 2019 Horoscopes

Webinar: The Eclipses of July 2019

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