Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces, a chapter heading to a story that began in March 2023. The elements of something larger are beginning to come together. It’s a weekend to make commitments, set goals, mark an ending, or step into greater responsibilities.

When I was learning astrology, there were these two prevailing ideas that I encountered that I initially assumed were true: retrogrades are “bad” and Saturn is the “villain” in astrology. It began to become evident, the more I observed, that neither were the case.

First, what’s a retrograde? It’s a time when a planet appears to go backwards in the sky, retracing its steps, hence the name “retrograde”. These periods can last for 3-4 weeks in the case of Mercury, which turns retrograde the most frequently. Or, in the cast of Jupiter and the planets beyond, 4-5 months. All planets, except for the Sun and Moon, turn retrograde.

Of course the planet isn’t actually going backwards; it’s an optical illusion created by different orbital speeds. And it’s important to understand because astrology is astronomy first.

Somehow in the last ten plus years it got into the collective consciousness that retrogrades are a bogeyman-like period to be avoided at all cost. But this means that we are missing what retrogrades are really about — a change in a state of energy, a time when the energy of the planet turns from active to receptive, from yang to yin.

Then there’s Saturn.

Despite being typecast as the bête noire of the planets, it’s a planet that we need. It helps us to grow and mature, to build and construct our lives, to make things solid and real. Yes, it’s the planet of lessons and karma and can reveal times where we have overstepped or missed the proverbial mark. But without its influence, nothing would become tangible in our lives.

Every three years Saturn enters a new sign in the zodiac and that sign acts as a lens for what we are learning and constructing during that period. Since March 7, 2023, Saturn has been in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, the sign of endings and conclusions, spirituality and the search for deeper answers and meaning. It’s peace and compassion as equally as it is grief and feeling loss. There’s duality in everything, including spirituality. (Read Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within.)

That’s the broader story, but Pisces may also mean something different for us. It could be a sign that speaks to home and family or health and wellness. It could be a career sign. It just depends on what your Sun and rising sign are. (Read Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign.)

So, here we are. Saturn is about to turn retrograde on June 29. It’s a change in the energy. Something wants to build, take shape and take form, or mark a turning point. It could be an ending or a time for commitment. It’s all part of a greater story.

Then we spend the next four and a half months reflecting and integrating.

Saturn will be in Pisces until February 14, 2026 except for a preview of Saturn in Aries from May 24 to September 1, 2025. Saturn turns direct at 12 Pisces on November 15, 2024.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for June 29-July 1, 2024.

Read More:

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Newsletter — The Astrology of June 24-30, 2024

Video — The Astrology of June 24-30, 2024

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Photo by Pedro Miranda on Unsplash