The Sun squares off with Chiron in Aries. Who are we? Are we afraid to be ourselves? Shine our light? We may be more aware than usual of past pain and suffering that taught us not to be ourselves. Find your courage to take the next steps forward to heal.

Chiron is a subtle influence. We may feel a little uneasy, but not sure why. We may be thinking of certain memories or bumping into an old issue that keeps coming up. Chiron talks about the stuff that we all have to do our work on to heal, both on a personal and a collective level.

Right now, and for the next seven years, Chiron is in Aries. It’s about having the courage to move forward, but also feeling the pain having not moved forward at different times in our lives. Chiron in Aries may be digging into our doubts, having us question our bravery, or whether we can do something. Our pain may even be physical.

Find your courage today. Do your healing work. Push through any fears or uncertainties. We’re overcoming something very old. And, additionally, this is the opening square to the March 22 conjunction of Sun and Chiron.

The Moon is also in Taurus today, touching on themes of value and money, but also turning us towards friendships and social connection. It may be a busy day, but one that’s touching on deep emotional and spiritual themes.

Do keep in mind that Chiron plays a role in the upcoming July 2 Cancer New Moon solar eclipse. So, we’re continuing our emotional healing into next moth. (I talk more about the eclipses in my 90-minute Eclipses of July 2019 webinar, which you can still purchase the replay for $20 USD here.)

Read More:

Replay: The Eclipses of July 2019

Webinar: Pluto, Turning Shadows into Light

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

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