Happy Solstice! For those of us in the northern hemisphere, we welcome summer and with it the longest day of the year. For our friends in the south, it’s the start of winter as well as the rebirth of the light. Plus, the Sun is now in Cancer!

Cancer Season is the time in the zodiac calendar when the Sun shines on home, family, roots, and emotions. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer is a sign that connects us to the archetype of the mother. It’s a time to nurture, care, and tend to our nest. It’s a time to nourish and be nourished.

I know that for some of you family is a prickly word. Although we may be separated from our family for various reasons, it’s still a season to cultivate connection with your chosen family — the people that help to anchor you in this world. Use June and July to cook, break bread, and share your home with the people that mean the most to you.

Cancer is also a nostalgic sign. It connects us with the past, with memories and feeling. The Moon, after all, is the witness to our lives. It records, it transmits, it connects us to dreams and archetypes. As a result, we may be thinking more about the past during the coming weeks or have memories trigger by smells and tastes and touch.

As I mentioned yesterday, we’ve got a solar eclipse in Cancer on July 12, so all these Cancer themes of home, family, motherhood, and connection will be very present in the coming weeks. What nourishes us? Who do we want as family? Where do we want to live? How do we better tend to our roots? Something to meditate on.

Lastly, Venus faces off with Mars today. Picking up on the energy of the Libra Moon, your relationships or interactions may be a little prickly or pointed … or passionate. Venus and Mars in opposition can make for some sexy energy. Use wisely.

PS — I’m doing a webinar on June 30 called The Gateway to get you ready for eclipse season, which happens every six months. Eclipses mark the major events of our lives. They send us in new directions. They close one door and open another. I’ll be talking more about what eclipses mean as well as how you can work with the energy for your sign. Details and registration below.

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Webinar: The Gateway – Eclipses and the Astrology of Transformation

June 2018 Horoscopes

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Photo by Andressa Voltolini on Unsplash