As we finish our week and go into the weekend, the Moon trades a task-oriented, serious Virgo for a social and playful Libra, lifting some of the heaviness that has been with us. Use the weekend to be in the beauty of life, to make art, and be creative.

Libra, like Gemini, is an air sign. Air needs to move. It allows for communication and exchange. It makes us curious. It builds systems and networks. With the Moon in Libra, we’ll have five planets in element air. As a result, we’re on the move, just like air.

This weekend, on June 16, Venus in Gemini makes a square to Neptune in Pisces, an aspect that has a reputation for glamor, allure, and magnetic charm. It’s also a point of friction, but one that helps us to open to unconditional love, to forgive and to let go.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for June 15-17, 2024.

Read More:

Jupiter in Gemini: Sign by Sign

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