The Moon’s in Virgo today, a Moon that’s setting rules and boundaries, putting our focus on home and family, pushing us to clean up and get organized. It’s also the first-quarter moon. Our recent Gemini New Moon comes into sharp focus.

The lunar cycle is one of the major drivers of our experiences. Each month a new moon sets the stage, an opening act in a story that plays out over four weeks. The zodiac sign that the new moon falls in acts as a lens. The first-quarter moon, one week after the new moon, is when the plot of this new (or not so new) story gets interesting.

Here we are, one week after the Gemini New Moon of June 6, 2024. What plot points do you see taking shape and form around you? Is there a demand to take action? To navigate a situation?

A week from now, a Capricorn Full Moon on June 21 acts as the high point in the story and we close out this dramatic arc a week after with a last-quarter moon. The cycle begins all over with the Cancer New Moon on July 4, a moon that will turn our attention to home and family.

The Moon is always the witness and record keeper of our lives.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for June 14, 2024.

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Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash