We start the week on the midst of some big deal astrology. While some of it’s subtle, tugging on emotions and questions of faith and meaning, some of it’s confrontational. There’s a face off brewing between Mars, Mercury, and Saturn and it’s a major reality check.

There are times throughout the year where the astrology puts the heat on us and here we are. We need that external pressure to get us to work harder. It holds us accountable, pushes us to make changes, and inspires us to transform what we need to transform … otherwise nothing happens. We don’t grow.

There are two stories woven into the astrology of this week. One is around faith. Now faith can mean a lot of things. Yes, there’s a religious and spiritual connotation to faith, but faith can also mean a faith in ourselves, a faith in the process, a faith that if we work hard or put best efforts into something that it will all work out.

It’s likely that we’re struggling with our own doubts this week or trying to find faith in ourselves or the process. Not only has the Sun been squaring Neptune, a planet that can pull us down into our own abyss where a lot of our deepest emotions lie, but it’s been opposing Jupiter in Sagittarius and picking up on a year long square between Jupiter and Neptune. We’re searching for meaning right now. We’re trying to resolve our truth versus other truths. We’re struggling with faith.

Then there’s Saturn.

Both Mercury and Mars in Cancer oppose Saturn in Capricorn this week and Pluto in Capricorn next week. This is the kind of pressure and accountability that creates change. Plus, it’s happening on the lunar nodes in advance of next month’s eclipses. Whatever we’re dealing with right now is part of a bigger story this year. (I’m teaching a webinar June 25 to get you ready for July’s transformational eclipses. Details here and to register.)

So, there’s a lot going on. Here’s your strategy. Sit down and figure out where you can do better. The astrology, as tough as it is, is really trying to push you towards self mastery and excellence. Honor your word. Get organized. Be respectful of time and commitment. Be aware that there there are consequences to actions. Also, make sure you’re tending to your spiritual health. With such strong Neptune energies, we have to make sure we’re nourishing the subtle.

Lastly, if you need to uncover more specifically what this energy is asking of you, I’m always available for one-on-one consultations.

Read More:

In Defense of Saturn

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Neptune in Pisces: Sign by Sign

June 2019 Horoscopes

Webinar: The Eclipses of July 2019

The Week Ahead: The Astrology of June 10-16, 2019

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