Feel like venting? With Mercury making a square to Uranus today and approaching Pluto later this week, we can’t keep it in. Something has to be said, revealed. Additionally we may receive shocking or unexpected news as well as something ignites and inspires. I went into this more in depth yesterday in case you missed it.
Also, last but not least, happy birthday Aquarius! You’re the sign of the genius, the futurist, the oddball, and the intellectual. You’re job is to vision the future, using the powers of your ruling planet, Saturn, to bring it into the physical world. Aquarius is a progressive sign, able to anticipate trends as well as the needs of the collective and humanity over the individual.
Right now, with Saturn in Sagittarius until the end of 2017, our time with Aquarius is very much through the prism of faith and meaning. Get ready to go on a quest. The future is ours to discover.