The Moon slips into Aquarius, moving our attention away dutiful, responsible Capricorn and towards community. As an air sign, Aquarius is social connection. It teaches us about belonging, whether its our friends, our national identity, or even our identity as human beings.

Aquarius is also information and big ideas — specifically the shape of ideas. Ruled by Saturn, Aquarius connects us with geometric figures of consciousness that we create and nourish with our thoughts. These geometric figures can either imprison us in negative thought or open us up to new and even revolutionary ideas. That’s why our thoughts can either hold us back, nourishing a negative form, or propel us into a bigger vision of life.

As a result, we may be thinking in broad strokes today, connecting both with the big picture of our lives as well as connecting with friends and community. Be conscious of the shape of your thoughts, the beliefs and patterns that you nourish. Note that yesterday’s Capricorn new moon, with its hard aspect to Uranus, gives us the opportunity to break through old, outworn patterns this month.

Lastly, to quote philosopher Alan Watts, in honor of the Aquarius Moon:

There is another self, more really “us” than “I”. And if you become aware of that unknown self — the more you become aware of it — the more you realize that it is inseparably connected with everything there is. That you are a function of this total galaxy, bounded by the Milky Way, and that furthermore this galaxy is a function of all other galaxies. And that vast thing that you see far off, far off, far off with telescopes, you look, and look, and look. One day you’ll go and wake up and say, “Why, that’s me!” And in knowing that know, you see that you’ll never die.

Read More:

Capricorn New Moon: Manifest

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