We start the weekend in the dark of the moon, a time when we may be feeling a need to pull inward, reflect, and prepare for the next lunar month. What do we need to let go of? What stories are we wrapping up that began on or after January 24?

There are a few Uranus aspects in the sky right now and, coupled with Mercury Retrograde, things may not be going according to plan or we’re seeing things from a different perspective. Uranus likes to shake things up and awaken to new ideas.

By Sunday the Moon moves into Pisces and we kick off a new lunar month with a Pisces New Moon. As we begin to finish out the astrological year, we’re stepping into a time that’s more spiritual, reflective, and meant for us to rest and recharge before Aries Season at the end of March.

More on the Pisces New Moon this weekend.

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