Welcome to Capricorn Season! We step into a sign known for its ambition, drive, and maturity. Capricorn helps us to be better versions of ourselves. It’s no coincidence that this is the time when we write out our resolutions to make positive, lasting changes.

What do you want to create in the new year? Capricorn is a very practical sign and can help us, step by step, make plans to manifest something new. It also helps us to set a plan for ourselves and make necessary commitments. It shows us what’s not working, which can be sobering, forcing new decisions and new paths.

Here in the northern hemisphere the Sun’s arrival in Capricorn also means that we’re entering the winter solstice. After increasingly darker nights and shorter days we welcome the return of the light. It’s a time to celebrate and indeed our ancestors did.

Note that Saturn is in Capricorn and the coming days, especially after the New Year, will be a check in with the planet of karma and lessons. Saturn makes us feel the passage the time and indeed time is very short. If there are things you’ve been putting off, Saturn wants you to make a serious commitment — commitment to yourself and your path. If there is something that is not working, we need to leave. Saturn says, everything must be in balance. We must honor our responsibilities and hold ourselves accountable.

Tomorrow we have a Cancer Full Moon, one that will put home, family, and emotional connection in the spotlight. We’re also two weeks out from a solar eclipse. The great wheel of life is turning again. Doors are closing and opening. Get ready for a new year. More on the full moon tomorrow.

Read More:

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

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