From Aries to Taurus, fire to earth, the Moon changes signs and takes us into the weekend with an emphasis on taking it slow and easy. A Taurus Moon loves to graze and take pleasure in the physical world. With Venus in Libra, we’re feeling social, too.

The Moon also brings support to the Virgo Sun, so it’s an earthy weekend. And what does element earth favor? Getting back in touch with our bodies. Feeling like our feet are on the ground. Tasting and smelling things. Having the resources we need to feel comfortable.  So it’s a weekend to get back in touch with sensuality, to socialize and make connections to others, and to feel the sweetness of life.

The only caveat is that the Moon in Taurus is a check in with our Uranus in Taurus journey that began back in May. Some part of our life is getting a total overhaul. Not sure where? Check out my Uranus in Taurus sign-by-sign guide below.

Here’s some real life astrology for you astrology nerds. Seeing how I’m a Sag rising, Uranus has been in my whole sign 6th House. I’ve started … jogging. Talk about a unexpected change in how I organize my day and take care of my body! Maybe you are seeing something drastically change in a particular part of your life. After all, Uranus in Taurus is an overhaul of how we interact with element earth — how we connect to our bodies, how we eat, and even what we value and spend our money on.

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Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

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