The Sun and the Moon continue to active the lunar nodes today and life continues to twist and turn. The lunar nodes speak to the eclipses and the events or experiences that feel fated or mark the story of our lives. Doors continue to close and open.

The lunar nodes are an electric current of energy in the sky. They mark where the Moon intersects with the ecliptic, the path that the planets take as they rotate around the Sun. In astronomy, the nodes are used to predict eclipses. In astrology, the nodes are used to predict when our lives change or events push in a new direction so that we can grow and evolve.

Right now, with both the Sun, Saturn, and Pluto on the lunar nodes, events may feel charged right now. It’s life with a capital L. We’re turning in new directions. New opportunities are coming in, but we may feel as though things are ending or changing as well.

Keep this in mind today as well as the weekend. This doesn’t make for calm astrology. But with the Cancer Moon on the North Node today, it’s a reminder that we’re moving away from the oppression and overburden of the South Node in Capricorn conjunct Saturn and Pluto and moving towards what really nourishes our heart as well as our soul.

That said, the Moon’s in Leo this weekend. We’re enjoying life. We’re getting creative. We’re having fun. Get out and explore and make sure you play.

Also, I have a couple of upcoming 90-minute webinars. The first is Astrology for Beginners, which, as you can imagine, is for those who know their Sun sign or a little about astrology, and want a place to start. This webinar is on Saturday, May 4 at 4:30 pm EDT.

The second webinar is The Lunar Nodes: Finding True North, which will teach you about the nodes and how the placement of the nodes when you were born not only talks about what your own true north is on your soul’s compass, but also past lives and the journey you’re making in this life. I don’t yet have the registration page ready, but it will be Saturday, May 18 at 4:30 pm EDT.

As always, you can also still register to watch the replay of my recent Uranus in Taurus webinar. Details here.

Read More:

Webinar — Astrology for Beginners

Webinar — Uranus in Taurus: Leaving Our Comfort Zone

April 2019 Horoscopes

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