Welcome to the Aries New Moon, the time in our zodiac calendar when we move forward. As the sign of action and initiative, Aries gives us the courage to move forward. We’re in challenging times and we need Aries’s bravery and decisiveness. That said, the new moon is exact on March 24, 2020 at 5:29 am EDT, 4 degrees Aries. That’s 2:29 am Los Angeles, 9:29 am London, 8:29 pm Sydney, 10:29 pm Auckland.

New moons are new beginnings. They flip the page to a new chapter. We live life through a different lens and rhythm. And when we reach the Aries New Moon, we’re at the start of the zodiac as well as the astrological lunar year. It’s a new moon infused with the energy of Mars. It’s a return to life. It’s green shoots coming out of the soil after winter.

Aries also requires action. We can no longer sit still after the rest and retreat of Pisces. We need to walk, move, and get the blood moving. We need to lead and make things go, otherwise we feel impatient and short tempered. Over the coming four weeks, this is the sort of energy that’s running through our experiences and interactions.

Here’s the thing. If you’re like me, we’re doing anything but getting out and moving right now as we stay isolated because of rapid global spread of COVID-19, aka Coronavirus. So, how is this energy going to manifest instead? Perhaps this is a lunar month where we’re putting this Aries energy to work in the home. We’re doing exercise.

Aries is a sign that can also sound an alarm and we may see a world that is now more engaged in the fight against the spread of COVID-19. After the haze of Pisces Season, we’re taking measured action. If there are projects that we have been thinking (or dreaming) of starting, we’re using this time to set them in motion.

Do keep in mind that this is an intense new moon and thus events and our experiences over the coming weeks may be intense or even confrontational. The ruler of the new moon, Mars, is over in Capricorn conjunct Pluto and Jupiter. We have to tend to the structures of our lives. We need to be responsible. We need to lead, but we also need to be wise and grounded. Who’s stepping up to be a leader in your life? Are you being called to be a leader? To organize? To point people in the right direction?

It’s important to plant seeds right now. Maybe we’re not able to get out, but we’re taking advantage of this new energy. Keep in mind that Mars will spend six months in Aries starting June 27 instead of its usual six weeks. The second half of 2020 is about seeing what springs forth from these seeds.

Can’t talk about this Aries New Moon without talking about its conjunction to Chiron. If Chiron is a pain point, a knot, or scar tissue that runs through the astrology, then this new moon presses on something much deeper than our current crisis. Maybe we’re experiencing feelings or emotions that are older, that have their roots in earlier parts of our lives (or even in other lives). This new moon is a call to work on these deeper pains and sufferings.

When did we first not feel safe? What moments in our lives required that we have courage? Chiron in Aries teaches us that when we find the courage to stand up and take action, overcoming a deep rooted fear, we inspire others to do so. Let the bravery and leadership of others inspire you and, in turn, helps you to heal something very deep. (Want to learn more about Chiron? Watch the intro to Chiron: Healing the Soul.)

So, we’re feeling a lot of things in coming weeks and days, but we have an opportunity to get to the root of something that is deeper than this time in order to transform and transcend it. We’re also tapping into a deep well of strength with Mars conjunct Pluto. If feeling restless, how will you plant the seeds for something new? How will you lead at this time? How will you find courage?

Join me for a daily 30-minute guided meditation at 5:30 pm EDT for calm and grounding. Click here to register to get the details on your time zone and the Zoom link.

Read More:

Global Guided Meditation Sign Up

Video — The Astrology of March 23-29, 2020

Webinar — Chiron: Healing the Soul

On Chiron, Suffering, and Knots

Chiron in Aries: The Wounds of War

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

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