The Sun reaches the end of the zodiac. And the end of Pisces is the finality of all the signs, symbols, and archetypes of our lived experiences. Pisces transmits this history to the great beyond, a record of our lives. We prepare to begin again tomorrow.

The zodiac is the wheel of life. We begin with Aries, we end with Pisces. Each step along the way is a greater step in our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Ruled by the planet Jupiter, Pisces represents the wisdom gained through these experiences. It nourishes our spirit as well as something deep inside of us.

If Sagittarius, also ruled by Jupiter, represents the wisdom on this side, in physical form, as well as the libraries of information that exist in the world, Pisces is the etheric library that exists in subtle spaces.

Tomorrow, when the Sun arrives in Aries at 5:01 am EDT, we start over. An exhalation becomes a inhalation. A dream becomes a reality.

Use today to be conscientious about what you want to bring with you into this new astrological year and what you want to leave behind. With the Sun conjunct Neptune, also on the verge of entering Aries, things may feel otherworldly today. Neptune is an evolutionary planet. Feel into what wants to grow and evolve within.

We’re also still in eclipse season and particularly we are in the space between two eclipses, a space where things come in and out of our lives. You can get my webinar on The Eclipses of March 2025 and learn why eclipses are part of the needle and thread that sews together the tapestry of our lives. Includes sign-by-sign guide. Learn more and register in the link below.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for March 20, 2025.

Read More:

New Webinar: The Eclipses of March 2025

Virgo New Moon: Real Actions

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Neptune in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Video: The Astrology of March 17-23, 2025

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Photo by Chase Baker on Unsplash