Welcome to the Leo Full Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when the spotlight is on identity and self expression, creativity and passion, fun and play. As much as Aquarius Season is about the collective whole, Leo reminds us to be ourselves. The full moon is exact on February 12, 2025 at 8:54 am ET, 24 degrees Leo. That’s 5:54 am Los Angeles, 1:54 pm London, 3:54 pm Johannesburg, 7:24 pm New Delhi, 12:54 am Sydney on February 13, and 2:54 am Auckland.

Full moons are decision points. They can coincide with events, sometimes dramatically so. They take the seeds planted at the new moon and bring them into fruition. They push us to take action.

With a full moon in Leo, we’re navigating experiences and decisions through the sign of the Sun, Leo’s ruling planet. And Leo puts the spotlight on themes of identity and self expression. The Leo archetype is bold and assertive, creative and artistic, playful and romantic. (That’s why Sun sign astrology is so personality focused. It’s using the energy of the Sun, which is the self.)

As a personal aside, I love the energy of Leo. Like all fire signs, it comes before the earth signs, a reminder that without fire — without the spark of life, the passion to create, and the inspiration to grow our lives — nothing can become real through element earth.

Where’s the fire in our lives? The joy? Of course, it may feel hard to find that fire and joy with everything going on. But we need fire. Without it, we risk giving up.

That said, the full moon makes a tight square to Uranus in Taurus, an energy that can turn things upside down, get us to see ourselves differently, and break out of old patterns. Seeing how Uranus is in Aquarius’s 4th House, these shake ups may come through the home and family, our past memories, and even our sense of home and connection. With Mercury also square Uranus, we may receive news or have a flash of awareness, or an idea that shakes our emotional core.

Let’s not forget that Saturn receives the energy of the Sun while the Sun is in Aquarius. And since Saturn is in Pisces square Jupiter, there may be a shift in our values, our relationship with security and stability, and change in what we believe in.

While there are some hard energies in this full moon, we can use it to our advantage by taking a needed risk and finding the courage to strike out on our own.

Read More:

Chart of the Leo Full Moon, February 12, 2025

Webinar Replay: The Astrology of 2025

Saturn in Pisces: The Look Within

Saturn in Pisces: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Aquarius: Transforming Humanity

Video: The Astrology of February 10-16, 2025

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